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Chatlog |
2019-06-28 19:25.41 ice: i cannot play this map, my pc is to fast 2019-06-28 19:25.41 ice: LoL 2019-06-28 19:25.54 Dr.StrangeHONK: me too 2019-06-28 19:26.18 ::JINITY`: how come too fast ? 2019-06-28 19:26.20 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:26.56 ice: the old 07 pc cant handle the graphics 2019-06-28 19:27.24 ice: if i look 2 sky everythings fine 2019-06-28 19:28.28 ::JINITY`: ice , ever changed your frame rate limit ? 2019-06-28 19:29.50 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:32.39 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:32.41 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:32.51 ::JINITY`: ice 2019-06-28 19:32.55 ice: yeh 2019-06-28 19:32.57 ::JINITY`: want your ultimate ? 2019-06-28 19:33.01 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:33.07 ice: ne keep going m8 2019-06-28 19:33.15 ::JINITY`: driving 2 relics here lol 2019-06-28 19:33.21 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:36.32 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:36.51 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:39.39 GoNNeR: what now? 2019-06-28 19:39.52 GoNNeR: stupit map 2019-06-28 19:39.54 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:40.00 DocZenith: church 2019-06-28 19:41.11 ice: ik vind niet veel aan deze map joh 2019-06-28 19:41.25 GoNNeR: nee niet echt 2019-06-28 19:41.35 ice: da bedoel ik 2019-06-28 19:42.22 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:42.43 ::JINITY`: Die!! 2019-06-28 19:42.43 ::JINITY`: Just Die Already!!! 2019-06-28 19:42.45 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:42.47 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ 2019-06-28 19:43.13 ::JINITY`: ye me 2 , i notice frame drop 2019-06-28 19:43.35 ice: it is actualy unplayeble 4 me 2019-06-28 19:43.50 ::JINITY`: i expect you play every map fine , ice 2019-06-28 19:44.09 ::JINITY`: this map has the same deal for all players 2019-06-28 19:44.27 ::JINITY`: graphics card here is 6gb 2019-06-28 19:44.41 ::JINITY`: its about bad video rendering from the mapper 2019-06-28 19:45.05 ::JINITY`: lava 2019-06-28 19:45.06 DocZenith: gg 2019-06-28 19:45.06 ::JINITY`: }i{ ::LooL:: }i{ |
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