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Match Infos
Distance traveled:12,83km
Map Time:00:43:09
Playdate:2019-08-13 07:50:55
Team Awards:
DEXIE116770 2 0 0 00:43:09 6,99km
br00ze1025 2 0 0 00:25:32 2,99km
Crmg889 1 0 0 00:07:52 2,49km
dU.Commander_ITA12089 0 0 0 00:03:57 0,36km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
DEXIE 7/1 4 6 41 2 0 48 31 2 25 2 0 19 5 0 0 0 0 0/1 192
br00ze 0 0 0 1 0 0 1/1 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Crmg 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
dU.Commander_ITA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2019-08-13 07:28.01 br00ze: epstein found dead in his cell ... such a surprise ............
2019-08-13 07:28.17 DEXIE: yeah isnt it ?
2019-08-13 07:28.23 DEXIE: hi :))
2019-08-13 07:28.27 DEXIE: how are you stranger ?
2019-08-13 07:28.28 br00ze: and hello
2019-08-13 07:28.37 br00ze: yer .. we are complete strangers
2019-08-13 07:28.46 br00ze: i go to bed
2019-08-13 07:28.48 br00ze: Tue 13/8/2019 7:31 AM
2019-08-13 07:28.48 DEXIE: no you just
2019-08-13 07:28.53 DEXIE: never come around
2019-08-13 07:28.59 br00ze: same to you ^^
2019-08-13 07:29.03 DEXIE: yes i do
2019-08-13 07:29.09 DEXIE: how are you ?
2019-08-13 07:29.14 br00ze: you dont come to where i am ^^
2019-08-13 07:29.19 br00ze: as always
2019-08-13 07:29.22 DEXIE: but i dont know where you are
2019-08-13 07:29.33 DEXIE: doc came in a week ago and asked if you came in
2019-08-13 07:29.41 br00ze: try gametracker
2019-08-13 07:29.42 DEXIE: said you told him you were coming to du ...
2019-08-13 07:29.59 DEXIE: how do you use that to see ?
2019-08-13 07:30.08 br00ze: i told him who comes to du ?
2019-08-13 07:30.31 br00ze: you said to him that he told him ?
2019-08-13 07:30.42 DEXIE: he said you were coming to du to talk to me
2019-08-13 07:30.55 br00ze: whatever
2019-08-13 07:31.02 DEXIE: yeah no matter
2019-08-13 07:31.05 DEXIE: good to see you
2019-08-13 07:31.07 br00ze: his godson died in a truck accident
2019-08-13 07:31.14 br00ze: 26
2019-08-13 07:31.14 DEXIE: docs?
2019-08-13 07:31.16 br00ze: yes
2019-08-13 07:31.18 DEXIE: when
2019-08-13 07:31.30 br00ze: 8th of this month
2019-08-13 07:31.34 DEXIE: :(
2019-08-13 07:31.37 br00ze: sigi told me
2019-08-13 07:31.48 br00ze: was a truck on truck head on crash
2019-08-13 07:32.00 DEXIE: thats awful
2019-08-13 07:32.15 br00ze: ask sigi if you see him
2019-08-13 07:32.30 DEXIE: well doc came in to talk to me
2019-08-13 07:32.37 DEXIE: but still same crap
2019-08-13 07:32.49 DEXIE: his wife thinks smth going on between us .. blah blah blah
2019-08-13 07:32.49 br00ze: what s the crap ?
2019-08-13 07:32.59 br00ze: sigh
2019-08-13 07:33.00 DEXIE: i dont want involved in that
2019-08-13 07:33.12 br00ze: i dont want to know anything anymore
2019-08-13 07:33.16 DEXIE: haha
2019-08-13 07:33.22 DEXIE: yeah me either
2019-08-13 07:33.28 br00ze: do you know where golgotha is ?
2019-08-13 07:33.44 DEXIE: who is that ?
2019-08-13 07:33.51 br00ze: whats the name of this map ?
2019-08-13 07:34.00 DEXIE: yeah i understand that
2019-08-13 07:34.04 DEXIE: but who is it ?
2019-08-13 07:34.08 br00ze: its not someone .. its a place
2019-08-13 07:34.08 DEXIE: or what is it ?
2019-08-13 07:34.23 br00ze: its the place where jesus was nailed to a cross
2019-08-13 07:34.42 DEXIE: gotcha
2019-08-13 07:34.43 br00ze: that is why you see crosses here
2019-08-13 07:35.08 br00ze: and this was an assault map
2019-08-13 07:35.13 DEXIE: where do you play ?
2019-08-13 07:35.42 DEXIE: we had 2 tornadoes tonight
2019-08-13 07:35.48 br00ze: rubies , stompers , freddy
2019-08-13 07:35.52 DEXIE: one right behind my house
2019-08-13 07:36.02 DEXIE: you shoud send me those links :))
2019-08-13 07:36.09 DEXIE: on skype or discord
2019-08-13 07:36.25 br00ze: open gametracker yourself ..
2019-08-13 07:36.42 DEXIE: oh
2019-08-13 07:36.43 DEXIE: ok
2019-08-13 07:36.45 br00ze: you do the tax declarations for others
2019-08-13 07:36.51 br00ze: you can do gametracker too
2019-08-13 07:37.18 DEXIE: or you could send them to me :P
2019-08-13 07:37.25 br00ze: so the assault map golgotha .. attackers try to resuurect jesus which is the devil ?
2019-08-13 07:37.42 DEXIE: jesus is ?
2019-08-13 07:37.48 br00ze: you should play the assault version of this map
2019-08-13 07:38.00 DEXIE: is it here ?
2019-08-13 07:38.00 br00ze: if attackers win a giant hand comes out of the earth
2019-08-13 07:38.10 DEXIE: cool
2019-08-13 07:38.44 br00ze: auoth is (^o^)
2019-08-13 07:38.51 br00ze: author
2019-08-13 07:39.19 br00ze: i helped stompers to run his own nali3 mh .. is now already rank 19
2019-08-13 07:39.33 br00ze: and now i am making rubies MH great ^^
2019-08-13 07:39.42 br00ze: already 42
2019-08-13 07:39.43 DEXIE: awesome :))
2019-08-13 07:40.00 br00ze: rubie is a 63 year old computer nerd

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