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Chatlog |
2019-09-16 11:06.09 Crow: squeaky 2019-09-16 11:06.14 Crow: Hello 2019-09-16 11:06.16 mousythemouse: ye at says that 2019-09-16 11:06.21 mousythemouse: yi4445 2019-09-16 11:06.33 Crow: 4445 2019-09-16 11:06.36 mousythemouse: i emmean lol its says squeaky\4 2019-09-16 11:06.50 Crow: dqueaky_V4 2019-09-16 11:06.52 Crow: *s 2019-09-16 11:06.57 mousythemouse: sorty isw meant squeaky4 2019-09-16 11:07.07 mousythemouse: no\ 2019-09-16 11:07.08 mousythemouse: 2019-09-16 11:07.10 Crow: quick typing 2019-09-16 11:07.14 Crow: soryr 2019-09-16 11:07.16 mousythemouse: il\414 2019-09-16 11:07.17 Crow: soyrur 2019-09-16 11:07.21 mousythemouse: oim drunk lol 2019-09-16 11:07.26 Crow: durnjk 2019-09-16 11:07.29 Crow: dnrujmk 2019-09-16 11:07.31 Crow: drunk 2019-09-16 11:07.32 mousythemouse: hahaha 2019-09-16 11:07.33 Crow: dnrunk 2019-09-16 11:07.34 mousythemouse: durnk\dtd\fd 2019-09-16 11:07.37 mousythemouse: dtunklfd4\t\tr 2019-09-16 11:07.39 Crow: DUCK 2019-09-16 11:07.44 mousythemouse: yutrjnn \\\ 2019-09-16 11:07.47 mousythemouse: dtunk 2019-09-16 11:07.49 mousythemouse: xdu k 2019-09-16 11:07.51 Crow: trunk 2019-09-16 11:07.55 mousythemouse: trjnml.4 2019-09-16 11:08.03 mousythemouse: hahahahahaahah funnuy 2019-09-16 11:08.06 Crow: we need a new map 2019-09-16 11:08.12 mousythemouse: yeah 2019-09-16 11:08.19 mousythemouse: !\\ 2019-09-16 11:08.21 mousythemouse: !p 2019-09-16 11:08.54 mousythemouse: !v 2019-09-16 11:09.10 mousythemouse: tok 2019-09-16 11:10.22 mousythemouse: ren benge of the slith\w 2019-09-16 11:10.28 mousythemouse: wwwwww 2019-09-16 11:10.36 mousythemouse: re vengge 2019-09-16 11:10.43 Crow: re vengeeee 2019-09-16 11:10.48 mousythemouse: hahaha i think its star wars ha4 2019-09-16 11:10.50 Crow: veggie 2019-09-16 11:10.58 mousythemouse: rvrengew of the vbeggies loool 2019-09-16 11:11.02 Crow: lool 2019-09-16 11:11.08 Crow: revege! 2019-09-16 11:11.16 mousythemouse: hahaha idk wh 2019-09-16 11:11.21 mousythemouse: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2019-09-16 11:12.05 mousythemouse: !v 2019-09-16 11:12.30 Crow: he is going to end the map prematurely, skipping all the tunnel monsters 2019-09-16 11:12.41 Crow: hence we should eliminate him 2019-09-16 11:12.57 mousythemouse: weh should all kick him because of ^ 2019-09-16 11:13.13 Crow: rememeber what I say and look at how many monsters are left 2019-09-16 11:16.49 mousythemouse: nor tnot feelikng blue lol nah 2019-09-16 11:17.13 mousythemouse: I mean im happy :DDDDD 2019-09-16 11:19.12 mousythemouse: crowwzt was aveneged 2019-09-16 11:19.15 mousythemouse: v\ 2019-09-16 11:19.18 mousythemouse: crowwzy 2019-09-16 11:19.25 mousythemouse: loool\ 2019-09-16 11:19.26 Crow: mouzy 2019-09-16 11:19.33 mousythemouse: heyyya 2019-09-16 11:19.41 Crow: squeakzy 2019-09-16 11:19.47 mousythemouse: squeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaky "D 2019-09-16 11:19.53 mousythemouse: wwwww 2019-09-16 11:20.57 mousythemouse: hahaha dat dude lol\ 2019-09-16 11:21.00 mousythemouse: wh 2019-09-16 11:21.03 Crow: dude dude 2019-09-16 11:21.38 mousythemouse: what 2019-09-16 11:21.57 mousythemouse: "-) 2019-09-16 11:21.59 mousythemouse: no 2019-09-16 11:22.06 mousythemouse: :-( 2019-09-16 11:22.16 mousythemouse: ok idk what to do \ 2019-09-16 11:22.21 mousythemouse: T1p 2019-09-16 11:24.43 mousythemouse: hehe uts funny\4 2019-09-16 11:24.49 Lightning: 4to tut delat 2019-09-16 11:27.43 mousythemouse: sja 2019-09-16 11:27.59 mousythemouse: scar 2019-09-16 11:28.00 Lightning: mda 2019-09-16 11:28.04 Crow: ja 2019-09-16 11:29.16 Crow: spaceshit 2019-09-16 11:29.27 mousythemouse: we on dat shit 2019-09-16 11:29.30 mousythemouse: ship\ 2019-09-16 11:29.38 mousythemouse: thhHh I MEANT ship\ 2019-09-16 11:29.55 Crow: we on dat shit 2019-09-16 11:30.04 mousythemouse: we gt dis shizzzz\ 2019-09-16 11:30.07 mousythemouse: hahaha\ 2019-09-16 11:30.11 Crow: shizzle 2019-09-16 11:30.32 mousythemouse: i sound like a low class citizien or some gangste or hotbo mayb 2019-09-16 11:30.36 mousythemouse: hobo haahaha4 2019-09-16 11:30.45 mousythemouse: SHIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZ 2019-09-16 11:30.47 Crow: yes 2019-09-16 11:30.49 Crow: hotbo 2019-09-16 11:30.53 karkass: gg 2019-09-16 11:30.59 -=]ROFL[=-: gg |
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