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Chatlog |
2019-11-21 21:29.34 GoNNeR: go 2019-11-21 21:34.17 ice: whats going on jin 2019-11-21 21:34.27 ::UploadS`:timeouts 2019-11-21 21:34.32 ice: i see yo joining and leaving all time 2019-11-21 21:34.43 ::UploadS`:bad connection 2019-11-21 21:34.46 ice: oh 2019-11-21 21:35.07 Lady_Satania: OH HI JIN :p 2019-11-21 21:35.07 ::UploadS`:whats up ? 2019-11-21 21:35.10 ::UploadS`:ahaha 2019-11-21 21:35.12 ::UploadS`:hey sat 2019-11-21 21:36.34 Lady_Satania: we missed 1 2019-11-21 21:36.39 GoNNeR: yes 2019-11-21 21:36.47 ::UploadS`:manta at start 2019-11-21 21:36.54 Lady_Satania: :( 2019-11-21 21:36.59 ::UploadS`:i mean fanta 2019-11-21 21:37.13 Lady_Satania: gg 2019-11-21 21:37.16 GoNNeR: gg 2019-11-21 21:37.29 GoNNeR: im gone sww you later 2019-11-21 21:37.35 Lady_Satania: bye gonner 2019-11-21 21:37.37 ice: i was eatin, now i missed the map dammit 2019-11-21 21:37.38 GoNNeR: tbye 2019-11-21 21:37.42 ice: cya man 2019-11-21 21:37.49 GoNNeR: tlaterrr 2019-11-21 21:37.53 ice: yoww 2019-11-21 21:38.22 ice: or is it no good? 2019-11-21 21:38.29 Lady_Satania: popular |
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