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Match Infos
Distance traveled:26,35km
Map Time:00:29:39
Playdate:2011-08-28 01:51:44
Team Awards:
dU.Villagemeeting45174 4 0 0 00:29:39 6,10km
{MHM}NaliWithGamepad37144 3 1 0 00:29:39 2,97km
h_teix21062 8 0 0 00:29:34 4,56km
Dudator162025 2 0 0 00:26:25 4,48km
{MHM}Reb3lz`-1 1 1 0 00:18:15 2,16km
Nehtar_Jump20595 1 0 0 00:11:26 2,31km
MISTER-DANGEROUS68487 0 0 0 00:11:16 2,20km
F0X|Ruless63647 0 0 0 00:09:06 1,59km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
dU.Villagemeeting 2 0 1/1 4 0 0 14/2 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 30
{MHM}NaliWithGamepad 4 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 6
h_teix 4/1 0 1 6/2 0 0 12/5 0 0 1 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35
Dudator 29 0 2 22 0 0 38/2 0 0 19 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118
{MHM}Reb3lz` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0
Nehtar_Jump 0 0 0 11 0 0 3/1 0 0 19 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56
MISTER-DANGEROUS 21 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
F0X|Ruless 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2011-08-28 01:24.13 {MHM}HellFire`: dont know if u know demona
2011-08-28 01:24.39 {MHM}HellFire`: he asked me if he could edit the bt so naabs dont die, and after each boss some spawning to kill before tele opens
2011-08-28 01:24.54 {MHM}HellFire`: everyone votes the normal version tho
2011-08-28 01:25.02 {MHM}SuPreMe-: wtf
2011-08-28 01:25.09 {MHM}HellFire`: insta doesnt exist in this server
2011-08-28 01:25.14 {MHM}SuPreMe-: naabed
2011-08-28 01:25.17 {MHM}HellFire`: teamkills
2011-08-28 01:25.19 {MHM}HellFire`: would be fun
2011-08-28 01:26.02 {MHM}SuPreMe-: tele?
2011-08-28 01:26.04 {MHM}SuPreMe-: in lava?
2011-08-28 01:26.12 {MHM}HellFire`: for the not MHM´s
2011-08-28 01:26.15 {MHM}SuPreMe-: lol
2011-08-28 01:26.32 {MHM}SuPreMe-: im probably too rusty for that BT
2011-08-28 01:26.36 {MHM}SuPreMe-: even tho i made it....
2011-08-28 01:26.42 {MHM}HellFire`: im bored of it so cant do it
2011-08-28 01:26.47 {MHM}HellFire`: no fun
2011-08-28 01:27.14 NYA-Mike: whats up with the messages?
2011-08-28 01:27.36 {MHM}HellFire`: even invis not here
2011-08-28 01:27.46 Villagemeeting: its a nice map, congrats!i know now, you are the editors:D
2011-08-28 01:27.54 {MHM}HellFire`: oh u didnt know
2011-08-28 01:27.58 NYA-Mike: this is a nice map?
2011-08-28 01:28.09 Villagemeeting: i didnt know:D some days ago when i played this map
2011-08-28 01:28.13 Villagemeeting: i saw the mappers...
2011-08-28 01:28.15 Villagemeeting: :DD:
2011-08-28 01:28.18 {MHM}HellFire`: they must be god
2011-08-28 01:28.22 Villagemeeting:
2011-08-28 01:28.33 Villagemeeting: it was much hours?
2011-08-28 01:28.34 {MHM}SuPreMe-: death in acid
2011-08-28 01:28.36 Villagemeeting: the making
2011-08-28 01:28.42 Villagemeeting: about how many?
2011-08-28 01:28.46 {MHM}HellFire`: 2 years
2011-08-28 01:28.49 Villagemeeting: lol?
2011-08-28 01:28.52 {MHM}HellFire`: ye
2011-08-28 01:28.55 Villagemeeting: :ASDD:AS:ASD:ASD
2011-08-28 01:28.57 {MHM}SuPreMe-: what was question?
2011-08-28 01:29.01 Dudator:
2011-08-28 01:29.02 {MHM}HellFire`: hw many it took to make
2011-08-28 01:29.08 {MHM}SuPreMe-: 2 weeks....
2011-08-28 01:29.13 Villagemeeting: ...
2011-08-28 01:29.14 {MHM}SuPreMe-: 1 week of bug fixing
2011-08-28 01:29.15 NYA-Mike: hellfire u got a few bsp holes dude
2011-08-28 01:29.22 Villagemeeting: lol Hellfy
2011-08-28 01:29.24 Villagemeeting: 2years..
2011-08-28 01:29.31 {MHM}HellFire`: there are bsps in ur monitor
2011-08-28 01:29.36 NYA-Mike: nop
2011-08-28 01:29.37 Villagemeeting: bsps?
2011-08-28 01:29.39 NYA-Mike: in the map
2011-08-28 01:29.42 {MHM}HellFire`: no
2011-08-28 01:29.48 {MHM}SuPreMe-: binary space partitioning holes
2011-08-28 01:29.52 Villagemeeting: okay
2011-08-28 01:29.55 Villagemeeting: ty
2011-08-28 01:30.07 {MHM}HellFire`: bull shit porn
2011-08-28 01:30.07 NYA-Mike: can u F5 me?
2011-08-28 01:30.11 {MHM}HellFire`: i am
2011-08-28 01:30.19 NYA-Mike: see those oranges things?
2011-08-28 01:30.23 {MHM}HellFire`: thats no bsp lol
2011-08-28 01:30.28 NYA-Mike: realy?
2011-08-28 01:30.31 {MHM}HellFire`: thats bugged spinner projectiles
2011-08-28 01:30.37 {MHM}HellFire`: or du MOD
2011-08-28 01:30.40 NYA-Mike: ic
2011-08-28 01:30.49 {MHM}SuPreMe-: + that area is complte
2011-08-28 01:32.00 {MHM}SuPreMe-: gonna watch em and smoke
2011-08-28 01:32.30 NYA-Mike: u got anything done in DM or just monster hunt?
2011-08-28 01:32.41 {MHM}HellFire`: mh
2011-08-28 01:32.55 NYA-Mike: u got maps made for anyother mod?
2011-08-28 01:33.00 {MHM}HellFire`: mh
2011-08-28 01:33.01 {MHM}HellFire`: mh
2011-08-28 01:33.03 {MHM}HellFire`: mh
2011-08-28 01:33.09 {MHM}SuPreMe-: BT collab
2011-08-28 01:33.13 NYA-Mike: just monster hunt?
2011-08-28 01:33.17 {MHM}SuPreMe-: i did a BT one
2011-08-28 01:33.17 {MHM}HellFire`: ye
2011-08-28 01:33.22 {MHM}SuPreMe-: and some invasion
2011-08-28 01:33.22 {MHM}HellFire`: well me too, exotic
2011-08-28 01:33.33 NYA-Mike: got ya. sorry about english. not so good here
2011-08-28 01:34.23 NYA-Mike: i would twik a lilte on lighting in this map
2011-08-28 01:34.29 NYA-Mike: but good work still
2011-08-28 01:34.56 {MHM}HellFire`: this was one of our early maps
2011-08-28 01:35.05 {MHM}SuPreMe-: well one of your erly ones
2011-08-28 01:35.05 NYA-Mike: u got more?
2011-08-28 01:35.08 {MHM}HellFire`: ye
2011-08-28 01:35.11 {MHM}HellFire`: mine early
2011-08-28 01:35.16 {MHM}SuPreMe-: i made none really after this
2011-08-28 01:35.20 NYA-Mike: any url to check them?
2011-08-28 01:35.28 {MHM}HellFire`: they´re on here
2011-08-28 01:35.52 {MHM}SuPreMe-: bah no NaliPrisonV2 on here lol
2011-08-28 01:36.03 {MHM}HellFire`: would be cool with 12 people
2011-08-28 01:36.12 {MHM}HellFire`: brute part
2011-08-28 01:36.14 {MHM}SuPreMe-: no screwed up monsters either
2011-08-28 01:36.17 {MHM}HellFire`: lol
2011-08-28 01:36.19 {MHM}HellFire`: the name only
2011-08-28 01:36.22 {MHM}HellFire`: is fun
2011-08-28 01:36.30 NYA-Mike: nice work on the intro room
2011-08-28 01:36.33 {MHM}SuPreMe-: MH-ScrewedUpMonsters
2011-08-28 01:36.34 {MHM}HellFire`: i remember first playing that
2011-08-28 01:36.43 {MHM}HellFire`: i asked, how to map
2011-08-28 01:36.52 {MHM}SuPreMe-: i said add monsters
2011-08-28 01:36.53 {MHM}HellFire`: that map made me want to
2011-08-28 01:36.55 {MHM}SuPreMe-: change names
2011-08-28 01:37.00 {MHM}SuPreMe-: to obsense ones
2011-08-28 01:37.06 {MHM}SuPreMe-: obcene*
2011-08-28 01:37.06 {MHM}HellFire`: use shitty textures
2011-08-28 01:37.18 {MHM}HellFire`: i followed your advice
2011-08-28 01:37.20 {MHM}HellFire`: made nalicaves
2011-08-28 01:37.22 NYA-Mike: am having trouble adding monsters
2011-08-28 01:37.24 {MHM}HellFire`: different colors
2011-08-28 01:37.44 {MHM}HellFire`: u should open monsterhunt.u before u can add monsters
2011-08-28 01:37.56 NYA-Mike: i do. but they have some kind of limit
2011-08-28 01:38.13 {MHM}HellFire`: lol
2011-08-28 01:39.03 {MHM}SuPreMe-: hellfire are you the only MHM left?
2011-08-28 01:39.30 {MHM}HellFire`: grim (if we call that MHM) and bio well.. was on lately on 3´s but now neither much anymore
2011-08-28 01:39.47 {MHM}HellFire`: and bigboss
2011-08-28 01:39.52 {MHM}HellFire`: only playing BT
2011-08-28 01:39.52 {MHM}SuPreMe-: POTS dead?
2011-08-28 01:40.01 {MHM}HellFire`: i guess
2011-08-28 01:40.07 {MHM}HellFire`: rei too
2011-08-28 01:40.09 {MHM}SuPreMe-: any UT gossip fillers?
2011-08-28 01:40.23 {MHM}HellFire`: maybe he became paparazzi
2011-08-28 01:40.27 Villagemeeting: :D
2011-08-28 01:40.32 {MHM}SuPreMe-: gopo dead?
2011-08-28 01:40.35 {MHM}HellFire`: luckily
2011-08-28 01:40.40 Villagemeeting: popo:D:D:Dd
2011-08-28 01:40.43 {MHM}HellFire`: lol u knew the dane right
2011-08-28 01:40.47 {MHM}HellFire`: they SAY he died
2011-08-28 01:40.50 Villagemeeting: popo means "ass" in HUN
2011-08-28 01:40.52 Villagemeeting: :D
2011-08-28 01:40.52 {MHM}HellFire`: was on the forum
2011-08-28 01:40.55 {MHM}HellFire`: on a forum
2011-08-28 01:40.56 {MHM}SuPreMe-: really?
2011-08-28 01:40.59 {MHM}SuPreMe-: actually dead?
2011-08-28 01:40.59 {MHM}HellFire`: the dane died
2011-08-28 01:41.01 Villagemeeting:
2011-08-28 01:41.02 {MHM}HellFire`: ye actually
2011-08-28 01:41.03 {MHM}SuPreMe-: oh right
2011-08-28 01:41.14 {MHM}SuPreMe-: yeah heard that
2011-08-28 01:41.19 {MHM}SuPreMe-: thought u meant gopo lol
2011-08-28 01:41.34 Villagemeeting: gopo, ok
2011-08-28 01:43.57 Villagemeeting: goede avond Foxy
2011-08-28 01:44.01 F0X|Ruless: nice
2011-08-28 01:44.03 Villagemeeting: ty:D
2011-08-28 01:44.07 F0X|Ruless: good evening village :)
2011-08-28 01:44.08 Villagemeeting: as you:D
2011-08-28 01:44.15 F0X|Ruless: thanks
2011-08-28 01:44.24 Villagemeeting: you are a nice fox
2011-08-28 01:44.26 Villagemeeting: :DDD
2011-08-28 01:44.30 F0X|Ruless: ahhaha
2011-08-28 01:44.38 F0X|Ruless: you are a nice meeting
2011-08-28 01:44.42 Villagemeeting: :DD::DD
2011-08-28 01:44.43 Villagemeeting: lol
2011-08-28 01:47.14 Villagemeeting: haahh
2011-08-28 01:47.25 {MHM}SuPreMe-: oops
2011-08-28 01:47.27 Villagemeeting: nice shot.
2011-08-28 01:48.48 >)PK(<_Chris: Hi someone here who wants to test my MH server to see if it works properly?
2011-08-28 01:48.55 Villagemeeting: good evening
2011-08-28 01:49.11 Villagemeeting: me?:D
2011-08-28 01:49.18 >)PK(<_Chris: anyone:)
2011-08-28 01:49.18 NYA-Mike: ip?
2011-08-28 01:49.21 >)PK(<_Chris: sec
2011-08-28 01:50.26 >)PK(<_Chris:
2011-08-28 01:50.40 Villagemeeting: ty
2011-08-28 01:50.41 {MHM}SuPreMe-: fs
2011-08-28 01:50.42 >)PK(<_Chris: oops
2011-08-28 01:50.45 Villagemeeting: ?
2011-08-28 01:50.53 >)PK(<_Chris: forfet the ".1."
2011-08-28 01:50.59 >)PK(<_Chris: forget the*
2011-08-28 01:51.10 Villagemeeting: from 30?
2011-08-28 01:51.13 Villagemeeting: 130?
2011-08-28 01:51.18 >)PK(<_Chris:
2011-08-28 01:51.19 NYA-Mike: entering
2011-08-28 01:51.25 >)PK(<_Chris: thts correct IP:)
2011-08-28 01:51.34 >)PK(<_Chris: okey cya there
2011-08-28 01:51.39 Villagemeeting: its same as first ip:D
2011-08-28 01:52.23 F0X|Ruless: gn8
2011-08-28 01:52.30 Villagemeeting: good night
2011-08-28 01:52.39 Villagemeeting: im going to watch that server, cya later

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