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Match Infos
Distance traveled:7,24km
Map Time:00:28:51
Playdate:2021-01-11 07:05:40
Team Awards:
karkass429665 0 0 0 00:28:51 2,75km
DEXIE88901 4 0 0 00:28:51 4,09km
easylee3079 0 0 0 00:02:23 0,41km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
karkass 0 0 1 0 0 0 39 0 1 13 0 0 6 0 1 8 0 0 16 85
DEXIE 0 0 1 0 0 0 13/3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 3 0 0 9/1 38
easylee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2021-01-11 06:38.59 easylee:its a certain group of patients who "need" those
2021-01-11 06:39.04 DEXIE: elderly
2021-01-11 06:39.05 easylee:as i described
2021-01-11 06:39.11 DEXIE: yes
2021-01-11 06:39.12 easylee:coronar heart disease
2021-01-11 06:39.16 easylee:post op
2021-01-11 06:39.18 easylee:etc
2021-01-11 06:39.32 DEXIE: i would think post op they wouldnt
2021-01-11 06:39.39 DEXIE: they give here too
2021-01-11 06:39.43 DEXIE:
2021-01-11 06:39.46 easylee:they have to take it so the vessel stay open
2021-01-11 06:39.50 DEXIE: ahh
2021-01-11 06:40.02 easylee:but
2021-01-11 06:40.05 easylee:...
2021-01-11 06:40.11 easylee:as i said above
2021-01-11 06:40.21 easylee:as in so many fields of pharmacology
2021-01-11 06:40.32 easylee:i is creating a circulus vitiosus
2021-01-11 06:40.36 easylee:it*
2021-01-11 06:40.43 easylee:if you take the one
2021-01-11 06:40.45 easylee:medic
2021-01-11 06:40.53 easylee:and it deranges
2021-01-11 06:41.01 easylee:you have to take the "antidot"
2021-01-11 06:41.04 easylee:to compensate
2021-01-11 06:41.11 easylee:so
2021-01-11 06:41.14 easylee:in sum
2021-01-11 06:41.25 easylee:there is one instituion winning in the end
2021-01-11 06:41.33 easylee:the health care system and pharma
2021-01-11 06:41.41 DEXIE: the pharmacology
2021-01-11 06:41.47 easylee:by creating those circuli vitiosi
2021-01-11 06:41.54 easylee:the pharma companies
2021-01-11 06:42.09 easylee:but hey
2021-01-11 06:42.15 easylee:how did we get there?
2021-01-11 06:42.16 easylee:lol
2021-01-11 06:42.18 easylee:my fault^^
2021-01-11 06:42.25 DEXIE: rofl
2021-01-11 06:42.27 easylee:.-)
2021-01-11 06:42.35 easylee:it was a chilled night
2021-01-11 06:42.40 easylee:there we started^^^^
2021-01-11 06:42.42 easylee:lol
2021-01-11 06:42.57 easylee:espresso, brb^^
2021-01-11 06:43.05 easylee:gl and hf^^
2021-01-11 06:43.12 DEXIE: :D
2021-01-11 06:47.24 easylee:my f* fridge is empty...^^
2021-01-11 06:47.27 easylee:lol
2021-01-11 06:47.47 DEXIE: mine too other than some seafood i bought sat
2021-01-11 06:48.11 easylee:careful there lol
2021-01-11 06:48.19 DEXIE: ?
2021-01-11 06:48.33 easylee:those thingies those tentacles throw bounce around
2021-01-11 06:51.40 easylee:a propos seafood
2021-01-11 06:51.42 easylee:LOL
2021-01-11 06:51.49 DEXIE: haha
2021-01-11 06:51.51 easylee:^^
2021-01-11 06:53.07 DEXIE: did u have dinner?
2021-01-11 06:53.19 DEXIE: haha or breakfast lol
2021-01-11 06:53.35 easylee:preparing
2021-01-11 06:53.52 easylee:as the fridge is empty i have to wait until the shops open
2021-01-11 06:54.16 easylee:so its the espresso cigarette kind of breakfast^^
2021-01-11 06:54.21 DEXIE: :(
2021-01-11 06:54.24 easylee:no no
2021-01-11 06:54.31 easylee:im comfortable with that^^
2021-01-11 06:55.03 DEXIE: sounds healthy doc
2021-01-11 06:55.15 easylee:haha yes
2021-01-11 06:55.46 easylee:i just keep on with that tradition the pediatrics
2021-01-11 06:56.09 easylee:in my childhood used to show
2021-01-11 06:56.23 easylee:ashtree in the examination room^^
2021-01-11 06:56.35 easylee:lol
2021-01-11 06:56.40 easylee:different times^^
2021-01-11 06:56.43 DEXIE: ?
2021-01-11 06:56.46 DEXIE: what is that ?
2021-01-11 06:56.56 easylee:it was very common the doctors smoked back then
2021-01-11 06:57.02 DEXIE: ahhh
2021-01-11 06:58.17 easylee:those monsters should be in more maps
2021-01-11 06:58.23 DEXIE: yes
2021-01-11 06:59.58 easylee:imagine deadly traitors in terraniux map lol
2021-01-11 07:00.04 DEXIE: lol
2021-01-11 07:00.38 easylee:there still are some on your level
2021-01-11 07:00.53 easylee:lol
2021-01-11 07:01.15 easylee:deadly
2021-01-11 07:01.17 easylee:^^
2021-01-11 07:02.47 easylee:the more years passed the more one realizes
2021-01-11 07:02.55 easylee:how amazing this game is
2021-01-11 07:04.41 easylee: lol
2021-01-11 07:04.43 DEXIE: rofl
2021-01-11 07:05.46 karkass: gg
2021-01-11 07:05.48 easylee: gg
2021-01-11 07:05.51 DEXIE: gg
2021-01-11 07:06.13 easylee: bedtime?
2021-01-11 07:06.20 DEXIE: not quite yet
2021-01-11 07:06.26 easylee: .-)
2021-01-11 07:06.39 DEXIE: just finished cleaning and need to chill a bit
2021-01-11 07:06.50 easylee: cleaning, ay
2021-01-11 07:06.54 easylee: i hear you
2021-01-11 07:07.02 DEXIE: well feels like I was sick forever

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