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Match Infos
Distance traveled:37,96km
Map Time:00:37:45
Playdate:2011-10-21 04:41:52
Team Awards:
Crayola45544 1 0 0 00:37:45 4,82km
Ninja_Pirate57606 1 0 0 00:37:45 5,81km
newplayer1154144 0 0 0 00:37:45 8,27km
Demona21098 10 6 0 00:37:45 3,95km
ThorX31197 9 0 0 00:35:58 8,48km
Reggor8396 1 0 0 00:14:37 2,99km
fish20854 0 0 0 00:11:42 3,27km
nOs*-={NightMare}=3905 0 0 0 00:01:58 0,38km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Crayola 1 0 0 15 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 21
Ninja_Pirate 12 8 0 16 17 15 2 25 0 2 1 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 116
newplayer1 27 0 0 40 0 14 11 16 0 10 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 131
Demona 4 0 0 11 0 0 3/2 1 0 3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/7 22
ThorX 7 0 0 14/2 0 6 4/4 6/1 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 42
Reggor 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
fish 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
nOs*-={NightMare}= 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2011-10-21 04:07.05 <((_Crayola_)): i kind f like this map i remember now :D
2011-10-21 04:07.49 Demona: i took the meat projectiles of the retarded queen from here
2011-10-21 04:08.00 <((_Crayola_)): this is ur map :O ?
2011-10-21 04:08.04 Demona: this?
2011-10-21 04:08.06 Demona: no way lol
2011-10-21 04:08.08 <((_Crayola_)): lol
2011-10-21 04:08.25 <((_Crayola_)): ok i eat u guys do the work for now :D
2011-10-21 04:08.34 Demona: preventive suicide!
2011-10-21 04:08.34 Demona: preventive suicide!
2011-10-21 04:08.46 Demona: preventive suicide!
2011-10-21 04:08.57 <((_Crayola_)): I believe in you D
2011-10-21 04:09.09 Ninja_Pirate: im glad someone does
2011-10-21 04:09.15 Demona: it´s not like there was anything useful there
2011-10-21 04:09.15 <((_Crayola_)): hahaha
2011-10-21 04:09.23 Ninja_Pirate: *dig at my girlfriend*
2011-10-21 04:09.31 Demona: preventive suicide!
2011-10-21 04:09.47 Demona: preventive suicide!
2011-10-21 04:10.08 Demona: preventive suicide!
2011-10-21 04:10.59 Demona: yay i got an enhanced rocklet launcher
2011-10-21 04:11.11 <((_Crayola_)): YAY
2011-10-21 04:11.14 <((_Crayola_)): cookie for you
2011-10-21 04:12.03 Demona: i forgot to add stupid looping sounds in retarded
2011-10-21 04:12.13 Demona: kinda glad i didn´t though
2011-10-21 04:12.25 Demona: just spec aquafeel
2011-10-21 04:12.28 Demona: jesus
2011-10-21 04:12.52 Ninja_Pirate: IT DOES NOT SWITCH OFF!
2011-10-21 04:13.05 Demona: i like the room you´re in
2011-10-21 04:13.12 <((_Crayola_)): mhm
2011-10-21 04:13.14 <((_Crayola_)): lol
2011-10-21 04:13.22 Demona: my mind isn´t fucked up enough to be able to make this
2011-10-21 04:13.25 <((_Crayola_)): the jumping merc room is fun XDDD
2011-10-21 04:13.31 Ninja_Pirate: you´re both watching me?! D:
2011-10-21 04:13.31 Demona: i´m kinda amazed at the mapper
2011-10-21 04:13.32 <((_Crayola_)): o.O
2011-10-21 04:13.53 <((_Crayola_)): yes we are i was watching D buit hes just standing stil now lol
2011-10-21 04:14.09 Demona: i´m still floating above the main room
2011-10-21 04:14.24 <((_Crayola_)): its magic
2011-10-21 04:14.36 Demona: i didn´t manage to copy the mindset of this guy
2011-10-21 04:14.44 Demona: his rooms are so unique
2011-10-21 04:15.21 Demona: i think i understand now
2011-10-21 04:15.35 Demona: he tried to represent what happens when ued gets infested by zombies
2011-10-21 04:15.47 <((_Crayola_)): haha makes sense
2011-10-21 04:15.48 Demona: that would explain why he´s using so many editor textures
2011-10-21 04:16.13 Demona: because the room themselves don´t represent anything
2011-10-21 04:16.27 Demona: scrolling pulse texture
2011-10-21 04:16.43 Demona: like the bars of a jail cell
2011-10-21 04:16.47 Demona: cell?
2011-10-21 04:16.54 Demona: beautiful still
2011-10-21 04:16.55 <((_Crayola_)): mhm
2011-10-21 04:17.08 Demona: this is art
2011-10-21 04:17.34 Demona: zombies in the spwn room
2011-10-21 04:17.36 <((_Crayola_)): lol i hated trying ot get on that stupid lift haha
2011-10-21 04:18.31 <((_Crayola_)): jumping marcs so much fun :D
2011-10-21 04:18.41 Demona: NINJA I´LL HELP Y
2011-10-21 04:18.50 <((_Crayola_)): hahaha
2011-10-21 04:19.03 <((_Crayola_)): i se bits of ur flesh :P
2011-10-21 04:20.47 Demona: this could be a bt challenge
2011-10-21 04:21.41 Demona: lmao
2011-10-21 04:21.59 Demona: this place makes so little sence it makes me laugh irl
2011-10-21 04:22.03 Demona: sense*
2011-10-21 04:22.11 <((_Crayola_)): maybe its not suppose ot makes sense :O
2011-10-21 04:22.30 Demona: maybe
2011-10-21 04:22.37 Demona: but it´s one thing to try
2011-10-21 04:22.47 Demona: and another to manage to make people laugh with it
2011-10-21 04:22.55 Demona: good job!
2011-10-21 04:24.21 Demona: mh is the only gametype where i have met cones
2011-10-21 04:24.26 Demona: bsp cones
2011-10-21 04:24.39 Demona: every queen room seems to have cones
2011-10-21 04:24.48 <((_Crayola_)): d get deemer D:
2011-10-21 04:24.52 Demona: door 1 crayola 0
2011-10-21 04:24.58 <((_Crayola_)): haha
2011-10-21 04:25.53 Demona: i have dispersion pistol
2011-10-21 04:26.36 Demona: skaarj must have dispersion pistol too
2011-10-21 04:26.54 Demona: how could he have killed me otherwise
2011-10-21 04:27.01 Ninja_Pirate: exactly
2011-10-21 04:27.35 Demona: i´m afraid dispersion pistol was lost in the battle
2011-10-21 04:27.42 Ninja_Pirate: D:
2011-10-21 04:30.01 Reggor: ur a natural in the water aquafeel
2011-10-21 04:30.04 Demona: i wasn´t sure
2011-10-21 04:30.05 Reggor: have a real ´feel´ for it
2011-10-21 04:30.15 Demona: no disp pistol
2011-10-21 04:30.18 Demona: might be a fake
2011-10-21 04:31.37 Demona: wow
2011-10-21 04:31.44 Demona: i somehow came back by the upper floor
2011-10-21 04:33.14 Demona: i have no idea what´s missing
2011-10-21 04:33.19 Demona: queen door still not open
2011-10-21 04:33.44 Demona: chubby pupae kawaii
2011-10-21 04:34.04 <((_Crayola_)): really kawaii ..... lol
2011-10-21 04:34.57 Demona: it´s over soon reggor hold on
2011-10-21 04:36.13 Demona: okay
2011-10-21 04:36.15 Aquafeel: sorry
2011-10-21 04:36.55 Demona: raped raped raped raped
2011-10-21 04:37.04 <((_Crayola_)): you knwo u liked it ;)
2011-10-21 04:37.21 Reggor: i saw some ropes in his room :)
2011-10-21 04:37.26 <((_Crayola_)): hahaha
2011-10-21 04:37.49 <((_Crayola_)): makes me wonder though why you were in this room in the 1st place
2011-10-21 04:38.01 Reggor: to get the ropes, of cos :)
2011-10-21 04:38.04 <((_Crayola_)): haha
2011-10-21 04:38.06 Demona: party hard
2011-10-21 04:38.12 <((_Crayola_)): good ocver good cover
2011-10-21 04:38.38 Reggor: some reason u remind of melted waxs
2011-10-21 04:38.47 <((_Crayola_)): o.O ?
2011-10-21 04:38.53 Demona: i´m going to drown before the slith is dead
2011-10-21 04:39.07 <((_Crayola_)): wait ur still there lololol
2011-10-21 04:39.17 Demona: actually i´m fine nvm
2011-10-21 04:39.29 Demona: i killed the DEMON
2011-10-21 04:39.29 Ninja_Pirate: wait, how is my score 85,000? i´ve only been half playing
2011-10-21 04:39.30 <((_Crayola_)): ok D come lead us to victory :D
2011-10-21 04:39.47 Demona: there´s no way out of this shit you know
2011-10-21 04:39.49 <((_Crayola_)): cuz you havent died
2011-10-21 04:39.53 Demona: kill the DEMON
2011-10-21 04:39.55 <((_Crayola_)): oh i know why
2011-10-21 04:40.00 Demona: die in corpse water
2011-10-21 04:40.00 <((_Crayola_)): i didnt jump in xD
2011-10-21 04:40.09 <((_Crayola_)): we will rez you
2011-10-21 04:40.22 Demona: preventive suicide!
2011-10-21 04:40.49 Demona: cones
2011-10-21 04:40.54 Aquafeel: boom
2011-10-21 04:40.58 Demona: 4 sided cones
2011-10-21 04:41.00 Demona: unusual
2011-10-21 04:41.35 Reggor: nice moves
2011-10-21 04:41.39 <((_Crayola_)): i know right
2011-10-21 04:41.47 wolverine..´Q~: LOL!
2011-10-21 04:41.49 <((_Crayola_)): hahah
2011-10-21 04:42.11 Demona: not playing this again before 2013
2011-10-21 04:42.15 Aquafeel: jet wb
2011-10-21 04:42.20 <((_Crayola_)): t hahaha
2011-10-21 04:42.23 Reggor: we won´t live that long, it´s after 2012 :)
2011-10-21 04:42.31 Demona: old joke
2011-10-21 04:42.33 <((_Crayola_)): lols
2011-10-21 04:42.43 Ninja_Pirate: anyone who believes in that needs their head examined
2011-10-21 04:42.45 <((_Crayola_)): just like Y2K right ?
2011-10-21 04:42.49 {CoF}annabella: hi
2011-10-21 04:42.57 Aquafeel: hi
2011-10-21 04:43.02 Reggor: I got the tshirt says I survived y2k
2011-10-21 04:43.10 <((_Crayola_)): roflmao omg
2011-10-21 04:43.19 Ninja_Pirate: be a bit odd if you had it and you didn´t survive
2011-10-21 04:43.23 Ninja_Pirate: put a shirt on a corpse
2011-10-21 04:43.30 Reggor: bury me that way

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