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Match Infos
Distance traveled:34,89km
Map Time:00:27:59
Playdate:2011-10-21 05:36:11
Team Awards:
{CoF}annabella53052 2 0 0 00:27:58 5,02km
Reggor33201 4 0 0 00:27:58 6,09km
stiff33013 8 0 0 00:27:58 6,16km
[deleted]42253 2 0 0 00:25:42 4,60km
newplayer181077 4 0 0 00:21:11 4,92km
Jetlagg89176 0 0 0 00:19:35 3,48km
UdderZillA32996 2 0 0 00:19:25 3,46km
-:|:-WickedGirl-:|:-5072 2 2 0 00:04:32 0,88km
Crayola725 0 0 0 00:01:13 0,28km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
{CoF}annabella 13/1 0 0 1 3 0 5 0 0 5 0 10 4/1 32 0 18 0 0 193 284
Reggor 1 0 0 0 63 0 8 0 0/1 0 0 0 9/3 0 0 1 0 0 207 289
stiff 8/1 0 0 0 32/1 0 1/1 0 0 2 0 1 7/2 9 0 19 0 0 78/2 157
[deleted] 10/1 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 4/1 10 0 8 0 0 35 113
newplayer1 13 0 0 0 210/2 0 2 0 0 1 0 8 4/1 88 0 0 0 0 41/1 367
Jetlagg 10 0 0 0 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 26 0 14 0 0 17 140
UdderZillA 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 1/1 35 0 4 0 0 161/1 211
-:|:-WickedGirl-:|:- 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 11
Crayola 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2011-10-21 05:10.12 Aquafeel:jet
2011-10-21 05:10.24 Jetlagg:yes?
2011-10-21 05:10.30 Aquafeel:me give u 1 m to poker?
2011-10-21 05:10.51 Demona: hope you enjoyed your nightwish downloads
2011-10-21 05:10.57 Jetlagg:no, I can get 1m soon
2011-10-21 05:11.10 Aquafeel:haha
2011-10-21 05:11.20 Aquafeel:u goo play mafia
2011-10-21 05:11.21 Demona: i´ll spec till queen
2011-10-21 05:11.22 Demona: !s
2011-10-21 05:11.25 Aquafeel: 2
2011-10-21 05:11.35 Ninja_Pirate: !s
2011-10-21 05:11.43 Demona:more specs
2011-10-21 05:11.51 Jetlagg:i never liked mafia wars.. lol
2011-10-21 05:12.11 Aquafeel:go play des give u 1 M to poker
2011-10-21 05:12.28 Jetlagg:oh.. nice
2011-10-21 05:12.28 Aquafeel:me lost 50 M to poker to dey
2011-10-21 05:12.43 Jetlagg:ouch.
2011-10-21 05:12.47 Aquafeel:me no play to fb to my sister me play to my fb
2011-10-21 05:13.05 Data_Destroyer: jety did u see the news?
2011-10-21 05:13.10 Jetlagg:yep
2011-10-21 05:13.25 Jetlagg:yh
2011-10-21 05:13.27 Jetlagg:lol
2011-10-21 05:13.33 Data_Destroyer: about Khadafi
2011-10-21 05:13.38 Jetlagg:yep
2011-10-21 05:13.48 Reggor: nini bad
2011-10-21 05:14.17 Jetlagg:hoe many yrs was he in control? 40?
2011-10-21 05:14.20 Jetlagg:how^^
2011-10-21 05:14.24 <((_Crayola_)): lols
2011-10-21 05:14.28 Aquafeel:jet
2011-10-21 05:14.29 {CoF}annabella: yes
2011-10-21 05:14.35 Aquafeel:I will send you companies my FB?
2011-10-21 05:14.35 Jetlagg:yes?
2011-10-21 05:14.42 <((_Crayola_)): !open
2011-10-21 05:14.45 {CoF}annabella: 30
2011-10-21 05:14.48 Jetlagg:ok
2011-10-21 05:14.48 Data_Destroyer: dunno
2011-10-21 05:15.08 Aquafeel:ok me and my girl frend play poker ok
2011-10-21 05:15.18 Jetlagg:ok
2011-10-21 05:15.22 Aquafeel:my nama
2011-10-21 05:15.26 Aquafeel:reefer lee
2011-10-21 05:16.32 Demona:why aren´t you playing guys
2011-10-21 05:16.44 Ninja_Pirate:don´t know this map. don´t care much for it
2011-10-21 05:16.50 Aquafeel:!p
2011-10-21 05:17.02 {CoF}annabella: Jet playyyyyyyyyyy
2011-10-21 05:17.15 Jetlagg:but I´m sleepy^^
2011-10-21 05:17.20 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2011-10-21 05:17.26 Reggor: coffee :)
2011-10-21 05:17.36 Data_Destroyer: red bull?
2011-10-21 05:17.42 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2011-10-21 05:17.42 Jetlagg:lol
2011-10-21 05:17.56 Reggor: those flak´s are hard on normal server
2011-10-21 05:18.19 Jetlagg:!p
2011-10-21 05:18.24 Reggor: stop screaming wimps
2011-10-21 05:18.38 Data_Destroyer: come on president
2011-10-21 05:18.45 Demona:heh
2011-10-21 05:18.47 Demona:not a fire queen
2011-10-21 05:18.54 {CoF}annabella: kakka i´m kurwa squad girlfriend
2011-10-21 05:19.01 Data_Destroyer: O/
2011-10-21 05:19.02 {CoF}annabella: hahhaha
2011-10-21 05:19.10 Demona:i spent 30 minutes in that room the first time when playing thi
2011-10-21 05:19.12 Demona:this
2011-10-21 05:19.13 <((_Crayola_)):hot pink queen sexy
2011-10-21 05:19.31 Demona:because it´s impossible when she has fire
2011-10-21 05:19.35 Demona:with the mantas around
2011-10-21 05:19.40 Reggor: naw
2011-10-21 05:20.37 <((_Crayola_)):mooo
2011-10-21 05:20.57 Demona:ninja
2011-10-21 05:21.04 Ninja_Pirate:hmm?
2011-10-21 05:21.06 Demona:did you play htd maps other than the one from yesterday
2011-10-21 05:21.16 Ninja_Pirate:don´t think so
2011-10-21 05:21.44 Demona:they look kinda cool but they´re mostly extremely spammy
2011-10-21 05:21.58 Ninja_Pirate:should have known
2011-10-21 05:22.10 Demona:the server got all 16 or something of them
2011-10-21 05:22.13 Demona:at the same time
2011-10-21 05:22.30 Demona:in both normal columns and new maps columns
2011-10-21 05:22.40 Ninja_Pirate:o.O great
2011-10-21 05:22.46 Demona:as a result the first 2 weeks people were voting 95% htd maps f
2011-10-21 05:22.50 Demona:full time
2011-10-21 05:23.02 Ninja_Pirate:with the occasional ataa0 and boomboom?
2011-10-21 05:23.12 Demona:and indiana jones and skyblue
2011-10-21 05:23.15 Demona:then htd again
2011-10-21 05:23.29 <((_Crayola_)):Indiana Jones OP yo
2011-10-21 05:23.33 <((_Crayola_)):o much fun xD
2011-10-21 05:24.18 Demona:shooting through doors lol
2011-10-21 05:25.26 Demona:4-5 htd maps out of the bunch are possibly among the best maps
2011-10-21 05:25.27 Data_Destroyer: sesame open
2011-10-21 05:25.29 Demona:they´re really good
2011-10-21 05:25.33 {CoF}annabella: lol
2011-10-21 05:25.35 Demona:and handle big teams easily
2011-10-21 05:25.36 Reggor: which ones u like
2011-10-21 05:25.41 {CoF}annabella: hi redy
2011-10-21 05:25.46 Demona:but the rest jeez
2011-10-21 05:27.01 Demona:i´m eagerly waiting the moment you see lost shelter and monster
2011-10-21 05:27.04 Demona:temple
2011-10-21 05:27.12 Ninja_Pirate:don´t give them ideas
2011-10-21 05:27.16 Ninja_Pirate:they´ll vote them now
2011-10-21 05:27.38 <((_Crayola_)):hmm the men have really pointy butt cheeks
2011-10-21 05:27.48 Demona:what do you mean
2011-10-21 05:27.55 Demona:my butt is really like that
2011-10-21 05:27.55 <((_Crayola_)):look at one of the guys
2011-10-21 05:28.01 <((_Crayola_)):LOL you has issues
2011-10-21 05:28.09 Reggor: it´s the ropes that did it :)
2011-10-21 05:28.14 <((_Crayola_)):hahaha
2011-10-21 05:28.25 BEEF_JERKY: !exit
2011-10-21 05:28.31 <((_Crayola_)):actually the woman have it too :o
2011-10-21 05:28.33 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2011-10-21 05:28.49 Reggor: you know what they´ve been doing :)
2011-10-21 05:29.20 Demona:nightwish time yessssssssssss
2011-10-21 05:29.33 Demona:jesus
2011-10-21 05:29.33 Data_Destroyer: wish i had an angel
2011-10-21 05:29.48 <((_Crayola_)):lol change person insta lock on the butts -_-
2011-10-21 05:29.48 Reggor: it´s at the end of egyptian temple too
2011-10-21 05:29.57 Demona:and so many others
2011-10-21 05:32.21 Demona:this room takes forever to complete alone
2011-10-21 05:32.23 Data_Destroyer: hi wickedgirl
2011-10-21 05:32.30 -:|:-WickedGirl-:|:-: hello!
2011-10-21 05:32.35 Jetlagg: hi
2011-10-21 05:32.52 {CoF}annabella: hi
2011-10-21 05:33.19 Reggor: welcome wick
2011-10-21 05:34.06 {CoF}annabella: @}->---
2011-10-21 05:34.11 Jetlagg: :-)
2011-10-21 05:34.32 <((_Crayola_)):Im gonna go for now cya laters guys ^^
2011-10-21 05:34.35 Demona:cu
2011-10-21 05:34.40 Reggor: see ya
2011-10-21 05:34.59 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2011-10-21 05:36.05 {CoF}annabella: :-)
2011-10-21 05:36.18 Jetlagg: gg
2011-10-21 05:36.20 Aquafeel: gg
2011-10-21 05:36.23 Data_Destroyer: gg
2011-10-21 05:36.31 {CoF}annabella: brb
2011-10-21 05:36.35 Aquafeel: nn
2011-10-21 05:36.37 {CoF}annabella: dont go to sleep
2011-10-21 05:36.41 {CoF}annabella: :P
2011-10-21 05:36.45 Reggor: wake him up :)
2011-10-21 05:36.48 Jetlagg: :-)
2011-10-21 05:36.53 Data_Destroyer: drink red bull :)
2011-10-21 05:37.16 Data_Destroyer: and much coffee
2011-10-21 05:37.22 Jetlagg: !v
2011-10-21 05:37.28 Data_Destroyer: !v

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