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Match Infos
Distance traveled:43,31km
Map Time:00:36:02
Playdate:2011-11-02 08:26:04
Team Awards:
999HADES6661474 8 1 0 00:36:01 7,33km
Alfred9127 10 0 0 00:36:01 9,66km
Jetlagg-8 3 1 0 00:36:01 6,34km
Drew25306 6 0 0 00:36:01 6,40km
Alfred15995 6 0 0 00:35:43 6,76km
[deleted]-6 3 2 0 00:25:58 2,37km
Irmus79051 0 0 0 00:17:48 2,96km
hardcoregamer938 3 0 0 00:08:11 1,48km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
999HADES666 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 1
Alfred 16 9 1 0 0 4 4/2 0 0 10/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/12 44
Jetlagg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 0
Drew 9 2/1 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 11/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 31
Alfred 10 9/1 0 4 0 0 5/1 0 0 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 32
[deleted] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 0
Irmus 0 0 0 13 0 13 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
hardcoregamer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2011-11-02 07:52.37 Data_Destroyer: short bts
2011-11-02 07:52.45 Jetlagg: this is so much better than godz, just because its not as long as godz
2011-11-02 07:52.53 Data_Destroyer: for beginners is good
2011-11-02 07:53.02 Data_Destroyer: godz reloaded is a shit
2011-11-02 07:53.16 Data_Destroyer: needs to do the sequence to unlock weapons
2011-11-02 07:53.25 Jetlagg: yh the krall, brute, and gasbags part is shit
2011-11-02 07:53.29 Data_Destroyer: more harder than return
2011-11-02 07:54.18 Data_Destroyer: 4 left
2011-11-02 07:55.02 Data_Destroyer: 1 left
2011-11-02 07:55.09 Data_Destroyer: lol
2011-11-02 07:55.43 Data_Destroyer: you took the toxics bts and i took the lava bts lol
2011-11-02 07:56.02 Jetlagg: never seen bt done so fast
2011-11-02 07:56.13 Data_Destroyer: 2 castles spirit
2011-11-02 07:56.29 Data_Destroyer: !ragequitroelmap
2011-11-02 07:56.54 Jetlagg: data, I need ur help teaching jmp how to dodge.. he doesnt understand ,e
2011-11-02 07:56.56 Jetlagg: me^
2011-11-02 07:57.23 Data_Destroyer: jmp is NOT online now
2011-11-02 07:57.33 Jetlagg: lol I know that
2011-11-02 07:57.52 Jetlagg: I spent a hr with him earlier on bt, and he never dodge one time
2011-11-02 07:58.03 Data_Destroyer: i want impossibleV3 again on main :-(
2011-11-02 07:58.14 Alfred:
2011-11-02 07:58.26 Jetlagg: I want 2muchhp on main.. just to see the nabs die
2011-11-02 07:58.44 Data_Destroyer: i played that on crazy yesterday
2011-11-02 07:58.55 Data_Destroyer: only to earn points
2011-11-02 07:59.10 Data_Destroyer: the only point of that map
2011-11-02 07:59.11 Jetlagg: best point farming map
2011-11-02 07:59.27 Data_Destroyer: #7
2011-11-02 07:59.44 Jetlagg: u know u can control the blade on this razor jack?
2011-11-02 08:00.00 Data_Destroyer: 5X boom boom bridge = 1/2X ATAA0
2011-11-02 08:00.04 Data_Destroyer: no
2011-11-02 08:00.05 Drew: alt fire
2011-11-02 08:00.12 Jetlagg: alt fire razor,
2011-11-02 08:00.19 Drew: yes
2011-11-02 08:00.40 Jetlagg: alt fire and then move your mouse
2011-11-02 08:00.47 Drew: yes
2011-11-02 08:01.27 Data_Destroyer: sesame open
2011-11-02 08:01.57 Data_Destroyer: weapons free for all
2011-11-02 08:02.23 Data_Destroyer: old weapons are shity
2011-11-02 08:05.05 Data_Destroyer: beef created an account at forums
2011-11-02 08:05.13 Jetlagg: yh I seen him
2011-11-02 08:05.21 Data_Destroyer: COW!!
2011-11-02 08:05.39 Jetlagg: I havent seen moo in a few days
2011-11-02 08:05.50 Data_Destroyer: moomaker?
2011-11-02 08:06.42 Data_Destroyer: man...... they created the bad santa v2 voice pack
2011-11-02 08:07.02 Data_Destroyer: and that on their servers
2011-11-02 08:07.13 Jetlagg: who´s server?
2011-11-02 08:07.31 Data_Destroyer: HoF built a new version of your voice pack
2011-11-02 08:07.37 Jetlagg: bastards
2011-11-02 08:07.54 Data_Destroyer: by paul morell
2011-11-02 08:07.56 Jetlagg: lol I never liked hof servers
2011-11-02 08:08.18 Data_Destroyer: players like machines
2011-11-02 08:08.46 Jetlagg: dU is friendly... not like hof
2011-11-02 08:09.09 Data_Destroyer: wolfi have an account at unreal admin O.o
2011-11-02 08:09.27 Jetlagg: how did u know my name?
2011-11-02 08:09.46 Data_Destroyer: you said to me other day..... at this map
2011-11-02 08:09.59 Jetlagg: lol even my last name?
2011-11-02 08:09.59 Data_Destroyer: hey irmus
2011-11-02 08:10.04 Irmus: hellou
2011-11-02 08:10.17 Data_Destroyer: on your voice pack ^^
2011-11-02 08:10.36 Data_Destroyer: there is an error that.....
2011-11-02 08:10.58 Data_Destroyer: took me some hours and tests to figure it
2011-11-02 08:11.06 Jetlagg: O.o
2011-11-02 08:11.14 Data_Destroyer: on defaultproperties
2011-11-02 08:11.28 Data_Destroyer: other parameter
2011-11-02 08:11.52 Data_Destroyer: like othersound, otherabbrev and otherstring
2011-11-02 08:12.22 Data_Destroyer: ignore the parameter that have a index value = 9
2011-11-02 08:12.40 Data_Destroyer: i explained that on my tut
2011-11-02 08:12.48 Data_Destroyer: coz
2011-11-02 08:13.12 Player11: senki sem magyar ? :(
2011-11-02 08:13.28 Data_Destroyer: its corresponding to: [Team name], Im in position
2011-11-02 08:13.38 Data_Destroyer: and....
2011-11-02 08:13.50 Data_Destroyer: im position always fails
2011-11-02 08:14.01 Jetlagg: I need to finish the two vps Ive been making for some time now.. just too lazy
2011-11-02 08:14.35 Data_Destroyer: i will transform my tutorial into html format
2011-11-02 08:14.49 Data_Destroyer: its will be better to see it
2011-11-02 08:14.58 Jetlagg: u hear about terra starting his own ut community?
2011-11-02 08:15.15 Data_Destroyer: terraniux? no
2011-11-02 08:15.28 Alfred: ?
2011-11-02 08:15.29 Data_Destroyer: i never seen terraniux playing :-(
2011-11-02 08:15.29 Jetlagg: he said it in one of his posts..
2011-11-02 08:15.53 Data_Destroyer: O.o
2011-11-02 08:16.00 Data_Destroyer: impressive
2011-11-02 08:16.54 Data_Destroyer: !s
2011-11-02 08:17.23 Data_Destroyer:fazi stop downloading porn
2011-11-02 08:18.10 Jetlagg: u see the video I posted in funny videos?
2011-11-02 08:18.31 Data_Destroyer:i will check for it later ^^
2011-11-02 08:18.35 Data_Destroyer:O/
2011-11-02 08:18.55 Data_Destroyer:i see the bt you not
2011-11-02 08:18.59 Data_Destroyer:hahahah
2011-11-02 08:19.20 Jetlagg: its not really consider a "funny vid" but its worth listening too.
2011-11-02 08:19.36 Data_Destroyer:like badger badger
2011-11-02 08:19.39 Data_Destroyer:O/
2011-11-02 08:19.56 Jetlagg: its a black man´s rant on the government here
2011-11-02 08:20.19 Data_Destroyer:ninja is bored with me
2011-11-02 08:20.33 Jetlagg: ninja?? ninja_pirate?
2011-11-02 08:20.34 Data_Destroyer:about the vids coz
2011-11-02 08:20.37 Data_Destroyer:ye
2011-11-02 08:20.46 Data_Destroyer:i said...
2011-11-02 08:21.04 Data_Destroyer:(quotes) some annoying vids here below (/quotes)
2011-11-02 08:21.41 Data_Destroyer:but i dont knew that he is a fan of weebl vids O.o
2011-11-02 08:22.07 Data_Destroyer:about badger and xmas badger
2011-11-02 08:22.08 Jetlagg: I had a long conversation with him earlier
2011-11-02 08:22.43 Data_Destroyer:try to search on google
2011-11-02 08:22.52 Data_Destroyer:lol limewire
2011-11-02 08:22.53 Data_Destroyer:O/
2011-11-02 08:23.15 Jetlagg: thought limewire was shut down?? O.o
2011-11-02 08:23.34 Data_Destroyer:this was the 3rd vid that i posted on forum
2011-11-02 08:23.43 Data_Destroyer:lol limewire
2011-11-02 08:23.45 Data_Destroyer:O/
2011-11-02 08:23.54 Jetlagg: I will check it out..
2011-11-02 08:23.59 Jetlagg: I use frostwire now
2011-11-02 08:24.06 Data_Destroyer:very annoying ^^ have a good mood or.......
2011-11-02 08:24.47 Jetlagg: only vids I hate on forums, are the ones nec posted
2011-11-02 08:24.52 Data_Destroyer:O/
2011-11-02 08:25.02 Data_Destroyer:stupid serbian nyan cat
2011-11-02 08:25.08 Jetlagg: the nyan cat, the sick one, etc etc
2011-11-02 08:25.18 Data_Destroyer:lmao
2011-11-02 08:25.19 Data_Destroyer:O/
2011-11-02 08:26.36 Data_Destroyer:!p
2011-11-02 08:26.41 Data_Destroyer: !v

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