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Match Infos
Distance traveled:34,39km
Map Time:00:23:56
Playdate:2011-11-22 20:27:06
Team Awards:
!DEAD_RUS4402 2 0 1 00:23:56 2,63km
UdderZillA17678 4 0 2 00:23:56 3,84km
Hunter9893 5 0 0 00:23:56 4,02km
GOLFIK_PL15720 5 1 1 00:23:56 4,15km
[NL]_Hardstyle_Chick13272 3 0 0 00:23:56 1,70km
Poop_Robot37937 2 1 0 00:23:56 3,93km
Lady_M3769 2 0 0 00:23:56 2,07km
Zenda28262 6 4 1 00:23:56 4,00km
iDeFiX500 2 2 0 00:20:55 2,04km
Wildos9948 3 0 0 00:08:42 1,82km
kura_bezdomowa21020 2 2 0 00:08:08 1,06km
<[MHA]>CRO-natalie21980 1 0 0 00:06:31 1,02km
butterz3009 0 0 0 00:06:20 0,98km
TheDave2842 2 0 0 00:05:12 0,62km
dawda1752 1 0 0 00:03:46 0,52km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
!DEAD_RUS 1/1 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
UdderZillA 3/1 0 0 10 0 0 0/1 192 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 206
Hunter 3/1 0 0 5 0 0 2/1 29/1 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 39
GOLFIK_PL 1 0 0 9 0 0 0/1 117 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 128
[NL]_Hardstyle_Chick 2/2 0 0 0 0 0 2 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 30
Poop_Robot 6/1 0 0 11 0 0 2 157 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 179
Lady_M 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 4
Zenda 2/1 0 0 9 0 0 11 75 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 100
iDeFiX 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 2
Wildos 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 1 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 57
kura_bezdomowa 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 185
<[MHA]>CRO-natalie 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130
butterz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
TheDave 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 6
dawda 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2011-11-22 20:04.49 BEEF_JERKY: ahh crap
2011-11-22 20:04.51 Unai: glasscoop with too much noobs, hard.
2011-11-22 20:05.06 Unai: we need at least 4 players with some brain.
2011-11-22 20:05.07 Lady_M: ooo, you are some kind of pro????
2011-11-22 20:05.11 Lady_M: are you???
2011-11-22 20:05.15 Unai: no, but noobs here got stuck.
2011-11-22 20:05.16 Lady_M: asshole
2011-11-22 20:05.43 !DEAD_RUS: BBEF LADY GO TO ME OK???
2011-11-22 20:05.59 !DEAD_RUS: die unai!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:06.37 Unai: hold on
2011-11-22 20:06.47 Unai: BUTTONS HAVE TO GET HOLD, FFS.
2011-11-22 20:06.49 !DEAD_RUS: shut up
2011-11-22 20:07.04 Unai: n1
2011-11-22 20:07.06 !DEAD_RUS: omg
2011-11-22 20:07.06 Lady_M: tnx
2011-11-22 20:07.11 Unai: i said, noobs.
2011-11-22 20:07.12 Lady_M: now you killed me
2011-11-22 20:07.14 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: unai your a noob when you talking about a lot -.-
2011-11-22 20:07.15 Lady_M: hahahaha
2011-11-22 20:07.17 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:07.18 !DEAD_RUS: sorry
2011-11-22 20:07.21 !DEAD_RUS: ((
2011-11-22 20:07.21 Lady_M: hahahahahaha
2011-11-22 20:07.30 Unai: thats has not sense hardstyle_noob.
2011-11-22 20:07.40 Lady_M: ooo, you asshole!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:07.40 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: fuck off
2011-11-22 20:07.52 Lady_M: G A Y!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:07.55 Unai: go listen ur extremely "hard" music.
2011-11-22 20:08.07 BEEF_JERKY: cow stuck :|
2011-11-22 20:08.08 !DEAD_RUS: golf
2011-11-22 20:08.11 !DEAD_RUS: heelp
2011-11-22 20:08.22 !DEAD_RUS: idefiix!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:08.26 Unai: button
2011-11-22 20:08.27 iDeFiX: hey :)
2011-11-22 20:08.32 Lady_M: unai asshole
2011-11-22 20:08.36 iDeFiX: oO
2011-11-22 20:08.37 !DEAD_RUS: oohhh hello
2011-11-22 20:08.38 Lady_M: hi idefix
2011-11-22 20:08.40 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: you think your the best hu but your not ther other peopel who much better then you 0.o
2011-11-22 20:08.42 iDeFiX: bok natali :)
2011-11-22 20:08.49 Unai: lol hardstyle
2011-11-22 20:08.50 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:08.59 Unai: i play for fun
2011-11-22 20:09.00 iDeFiX: bok lady :)
2011-11-22 20:09.00 Lady_M: NATALI??????
2011-11-22 20:09.03 Unai: not for being the best.
2011-11-22 20:09.04 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:09.04 Lady_M: hahahahaha
2011-11-22 20:09.06 iDeFiX: just left
2011-11-22 20:09.07 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: we all do
2011-11-22 20:09.08 iDeFiX: haha
2011-11-22 20:09.09 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:09.14 iDeFiX: :f
2011-11-22 20:09.18 iDeFiX: ok bad typo :(
2011-11-22 20:09.19 !DEAD_RUS: shut up uni
2011-11-22 20:09.21 Unai: beef, dont forget to switch.
2011-11-22 20:09.30 Daniel: lolool
2011-11-22 20:09.32 iDeFiX: sorry
2011-11-22 20:09.32 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: ever if your a noob or goog -.-
2011-11-22 20:09.33 Daniel: lolool
2011-11-22 20:09.34 !DEAD_RUS: beeeeff
2011-11-22 20:09.35 Lady_M: yeah, beef kill him with switch
2011-11-22 20:09.39 !DEAD_RUS: fuck
2011-11-22 20:09.46 Lady_M: lol
2011-11-22 20:09.47 iDeFiX: chickie, ruzie a/h maken? :)
2011-11-22 20:09.59 Unai: beef, touch that
2011-11-22 20:10.00 Lady_M: :(
2011-11-22 20:10.01 Unai: well :)
2011-11-22 20:10.09 Lady_M: omg you are gay
2011-11-22 20:10.09 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: zij begon :P
2011-11-22 20:10.12 iDeFiX: hij
2011-11-22 20:10.24 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: hahah serieus 0.0
2011-11-22 20:10.24 Unai: idefix.
2011-11-22 20:10.35 Lady_M: my moo
2011-11-22 20:10.40 iDeFiX: Mooooooooooooo
2011-11-22 20:10.42 !DEAD_RUS: ppffffffffff
2011-11-22 20:10.45 Lady_M: mooo
2011-11-22 20:11.03 iDeFiX: moe
2011-11-22 20:11.07 !DEAD_RUS: !r
2011-11-22 20:11.22 !DEAD_RUS: !recon
2011-11-22 20:11.28 !DEAD_RUS: reconnect
2011-11-22 20:12.27 iDeFiX: lol
2011-11-22 20:12.45 BEEF_JERKY: O.o
2011-11-22 20:13.07 !DEAD_RUS: beef go to blue!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:13.14 Lady_M: hahahaha
2011-11-22 20:13.15 !DEAD_RUS: !blue
2011-11-22 20:13.19 !DEAD_RUS: hahahaha
2011-11-22 20:13.27 Lady_M: moo
2011-11-22 20:13.38 Lady_M: lol
2011-11-22 20:13.39 !DEAD_RUS: oohh
2011-11-22 20:13.51 !DEAD_RUS: hhahahah
2011-11-22 20:13.55 Unai: now comes the part where we need 4 normal players, or we wont finish the map ever..
2011-11-22 20:13.57 !DEAD_RUS: bandits
2011-11-22 20:14.06 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: -.-
2011-11-22 20:14.15 iDeFiX: !google normal players
2011-11-22 20:14.16 Lady_M: then you are out... you are not normal :P
2011-11-22 20:14.18 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:14.36 Unai: normal, less than good, and more than nablet.
2011-11-22 20:14.42 !DEAD_RUS: tstay here beef
2011-11-22 20:14.43 Lady_M: lol
2011-11-22 20:14.45 iDeFiX: oO there is hope
2011-11-22 20:14.57 iDeFiX: lal
2011-11-22 20:15.02 BEEF_JERKY: ...
2011-11-22 20:15.05 !DEAD_RUS: idi )))))))))))))
2011-11-22 20:15.05 Lady_M: lol
2011-11-22 20:15.08 iDeFiX: haha
2011-11-22 20:15.14 !DEAD_RUS: beef go here
2011-11-22 20:15.17 !DEAD_RUS: now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:15.28 !DEAD_RUS: go go gog
2011-11-22 20:15.44 !DEAD_RUS: beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffff
2011-11-22 20:15.44 iDeFiX: magic ^^
2011-11-22 20:15.58 iDeFiX: lol
2011-11-22 20:15.59 !DEAD_RUS: ))))))))))))
2011-11-22 20:16.16 Lady_M: moo
2011-11-22 20:16.21 Secret2: not enough on red
2011-11-22 20:16.29 !DEAD_RUS: idefix go to blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:16.31 Unai: secret2 sorry but we wont never end this map.
2011-11-22 20:16.37 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:16.47 Lady_M: so?
2011-11-22 20:16.59 !DEAD_RUS: map cool and shut up unai!!!!!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:17.03 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:17.09 Unai: english lessons and i will shut up.
2011-11-22 20:17.10 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:17.10 Lady_M: no, i dont like map :(
2011-11-22 20:17.21 !DEAD_RUS: me like)))
2011-11-22 20:17.23 Lady_M: hahaha, you are really asshole
2011-11-22 20:17.35 iDeFiX: it´s not my button ;)
2011-11-22 20:17.39 !DEAD_RUS: idefix you help we??????????????
2011-11-22 20:17.54 iDeFiX: lol
2011-11-22 20:17.54 Lady_M: mooooo
2011-11-22 20:18.04 Lady_M: mooooo
2011-11-22 20:18.12 Lady_M: i can see you
2011-11-22 20:18.21 Unai: thx secret.
2011-11-22 20:18.25 !DEAD_RUS: i9defix ppffffffff go to blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:18.26 Lady_M: moo
2011-11-22 20:18.34 iDeFiX: i already am :p
2011-11-22 20:18.50 BEEF_JERKY: O.o
2011-11-22 20:18.51 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:18.53 Lady_M: i am dead
2011-11-22 20:18.59 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:19.03 Lady_M: moo
2011-11-22 20:19.10 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2011-11-22 20:19.27 Wildos: hi all
2011-11-22 20:19.33 Lady_M: heloo
2011-11-22 20:19.58 iDeFiX: ultramoooooooooo
2011-11-22 20:19.58 Lady_M: OMG!!!! Two moos
2011-11-22 20:19.59 !DEAD_RUS: beef and lady go to me
2011-11-22 20:20.00 [OMA]Wimpie: LOL
2011-11-22 20:20.06 iDeFiX: lekker wimpie :p
2011-11-22 20:20.14 Lady_M: kissing moos
2011-11-22 20:20.15 !DEAD_RUS: Oo
2011-11-22 20:20.16 Lady_M: :)
2011-11-22 20:20.48 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: lol
2011-11-22 20:20.53 !DEAD_RUS: you no good beef goood!!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:21.00 iDeFiX: ground beef imo
2011-11-22 20:21.06 Unai: blue side switch now.
2011-11-22 20:21.20 !DEAD_RUS: beef good you no!!!
2011-11-22 20:21.21 CRO-natalie: hi all
2011-11-22 20:21.24 Wildos: hi
2011-11-22 20:21.25 iDeFiX: see? bok natalie :)
2011-11-22 20:21.25 [NL]_Hardstyle_Chick: hi
2011-11-22 20:22.11 supermoo: look at cow
2011-11-22 20:22.12 Unai: blue side secret2
2011-11-22 20:22.16 Wildos: try to keapt it open
2011-11-22 20:22.20 Wildos: try to keapt it open
2011-11-22 20:22.27 Lady_M: cow is dancing
2011-11-22 20:22.38 iDeFiX: :o
2011-11-22 20:22.41 iDeFiX: can´t open lol
2011-11-22 20:22.41 !DEAD_RUS: joker)))
2011-11-22 20:22.43 BEEF_JERKY: fuck
2011-11-22 20:22.57 BEEF_JERKY: O.o
2011-11-22 20:24.01 !DEAD_RUS: ))))
2011-11-22 20:25.21 Lady_M: lol
2011-11-22 20:25.24 !DEAD_RUS: hahahah
2011-11-22 20:25.59 iDeFiX: ...
2011-11-22 20:26.01 !DEAD_RUS: hahahahahahhaahahha
2011-11-22 20:26.42 Lady_M: lol
2011-11-22 20:26.48 !DEAD_RUS: i am dead
2011-11-22 20:27.08 !DEAD_RUS: hahahahah my cat crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-11-22 20:27.13 Lady_M: ?
2011-11-22 20:27.18 Lady_M: cat?
2011-11-22 20:27.27 !DEAD_RUS: my cat crazy!!!
2011-11-22 20:27.34 Lady_M: hahahahaha
2011-11-22 20:27.40 Lady_M: tell me about it
2011-11-22 20:27.54 BEEF_JERKY: its day here
2011-11-22 20:27.56 iDeFiX: cat, cow, it´s a small world
2011-11-22 20:28.05 !DEAD_RUS: hahahahaha
2011-11-22 20:28.12 Wildos: Moo!
2011-11-22 20:28.22 iDeFiX: fazooooooooooo
2011-11-22 20:28.23 !DEAD_RUS: ooh fazi))
2011-11-22 20:28.28 BEEF_JERKY: BBL
2011-11-22 20:28.32 BEEF_JERKY: !exit
2011-11-22 20:28.38 !DEAD_RUS: nooooooooo
2011-11-22 20:28.42 Lady_M: :(
2011-11-22 20:28.43 iDeFiX: burp
2011-11-22 20:28.48 !DEAD_RUS: tshit
2011-11-22 20:28.50 Wildos: Moooep!
2011-11-22 20:28.54 FAZI: hey IDEFIX
2011-11-22 20:29.01 iDeFiX: fazoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
2011-11-22 20:29.06 CRO-natalie: hi fazooo
2011-11-22 20:29.06 !DEAD_RUS: tfazooo
2011-11-22 20:29.09 !DEAD_RUS: )))
2011-11-22 20:29.16 Lady_M: bok, natalie
2011-11-22 20:29.16 !DEAD_RUS: tggg
2011-11-22 20:29.19 CRO-natalie: hi maya
2011-11-22 20:29.20 FAZI: hey Natalia
2011-11-22 20:29.25 Lady_M: :)
2011-11-22 20:29.40 FAZI: hey Lady gaga
2011-11-22 20:29.48 !DEAD_RUS: hHAHAHA

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