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Match Infos
Distance traveled:40,64km
Map Time:00:25:20
Playdate:2012-03-17 14:08:39
Team Awards:
MISTER-DANGEROUS157886 0 0 0 00:25:20 2,77km
dU.BlackWolf65169 3 0 1 00:25:20 4,32km
masterkiller17189 9 0 1 00:25:20 5,67km
NEW_Player140820 4 0 0 00:25:20 3,16km
iDeFiX66537 5 0 0 00:25:20 4,31km
[deleted]30679 5 1 0 00:24:20 3,74km
Zeus19203 6 0 0 00:23:38 2,79km
Demona36539 4 0 0 00:19:58 4,73km
Jack33299 2 0 0 00:15:04 2,71km
Hunter5645 10 0 0 00:14:57 3,96km
Alon2444 1 0 0 00:14:14 0,38km
war_dreamer4250 7 0 0 00:10:36 2,10km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
MISTER-DANGEROUS 21 70 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 107
dU.BlackWolf 20/1 38 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 9/1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 74
masterkiller 6/3 24/1 0 2 0 0 2/1 4 0 0 3/1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 43
NEW_Player 30 59 0 3/1 0 2 0/1 0 0 0 22/1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 120
iDeFiX 17 48 0 1 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 19/1 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0/5 91
[deleted] 8/1 3/1 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 12
Zeus 14/3 5/1 0 6/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0/1 32
Demona 37/1 39 0/2 10 0 0 3 0 0 0 7/1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 97
Jack 7 14/1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 30
Hunter 6/2 10/2 0/1 3 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 2/2 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0/3 26
Alon 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
war_dreamer 0/1 0/1 0 0/1 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 1 0 0 0 0 0/4 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-03-17 13:45.14 dU.BlackWolf: more than 4 tounts in a row auto kick ? :D
2012-03-17 13:45.18 dU.iDeFiX: ^^
2012-03-17 13:46.01 dU.BlackWolf: can we skip the beginning and go straight to the end ? :D
2012-03-17 13:46.17 dU.iDeFiX: beginning isn´t so bad imo ;)
2012-03-17 13:46.28 dU.BlackWolf: better then Kill 1h one fish :D
2012-03-17 13:46.33 dU.iDeFiX: hehe
2012-03-17 13:46.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: oh no
2012-03-17 13:46.55 dU.iDeFiX: :[ %P with %H (%A) ]:
2012-03-17 13:47.02 dU.Data_Destroyer: doesnt work here
2012-03-17 13:47.11 dU.Data_Destroyer: try on coop server ^^
2012-03-17 13:47.11 dU.iDeFiX: i know ;(
2012-03-17 13:47.14 dU.BlackWolf: I don´t think its needed ;)
2012-03-17 13:47.29 dU.iDeFiX: ofc it is!
2012-03-17 13:47.31 dU.iDeFiX: :p
2012-03-17 13:47.33 dU.BlackWolf: haha
2012-03-17 13:47.46 dU.iDeFiX: teamsay
2012-03-17 13:47.55 dU.BlackWolf: 4.51 works better than I thought
2012-03-17 13:48.01 dU.Data_Destroyer: O.o
2012-03-17 13:48.04 dU.BlackWolf: extrem less crashes
2012-03-17 13:48.08 dU.iDeFiX: :)
2012-03-17 13:48.18 dU.iDeFiX: until now muhaha
2012-03-17 13:48.23 dU.Data_Destroyer: meh....
2012-03-17 13:48.27 dU.BlackWolf: lol
2012-03-17 13:48.27 dU.iDeFiX: ROFL
2012-03-17 13:48.30 dU.BlackWolf: dreamer
2012-03-17 13:48.53 dU.Data_Destroyer: i saw the server crashing when the map underwater assault was played....
2012-03-17 13:49.05 dU.BlackWolf: Its a crashy mapp
2012-03-17 13:49.11 dU.iDeFiX: mh-crash
2012-03-17 13:49.11 dU.Data_Destroyer: everytime when ppl vote of that map..... the server poof
2012-03-17 13:49.23 dU.iDeFiX: what map? :p
2012-03-17 13:49.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: his
2012-03-17 13:49.40 dU.Data_Destroyer: this*
2012-03-17 13:50.37 dU.Data_Destroyer: welcome back demona
2012-03-17 13:50.39 Demona: ah a nice map
2012-03-17 13:50.43 Demona: hi
2012-03-17 13:50.48 dU.Data_Destroyer: nice?
2012-03-17 13:51.09 dU.iDeFiX: :[ %P with %H (%A) ]:
2012-03-17 13:51.12 dU.iDeFiX: :[ EFC/NMY CENTRE/MIDDLE! ]:
2012-03-17 13:51.15 dU.iDeFiX: argh
2012-03-17 13:51.26 dU.Data_Destroyer: EFC?
2012-03-17 13:52.08 dU.BlackWolf: hups
2012-03-17 13:52.12 dU.BlackWolf: sry
2012-03-17 13:52.22 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-03-17 13:52.26 dU.Data_Destroyer: meh.... too crowded
2012-03-17 13:52.36 dU.iDeFiX: moo... too crowded
2012-03-17 13:52.39 Mr.SnoOpy`: who killd me
2012-03-17 13:52.41 dU.iDeFiX: noooooo
2012-03-17 13:52.54 Demona: sent deemer on left room
2012-03-17 13:53.13 dU.BlackWolf: rent a deemer ?
2012-03-17 13:53.40 dU.Data_Destroyer: *wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
2012-03-17 13:54.08 Demona: lopl
2012-03-17 13:54.25 dU.BlackWolf: the weather is very stoney
2012-03-17 13:54.35 dU.Data_Destroyer: there?
2012-03-17 13:55.09 dU.Data_Destroyer: ah forgot i understood
2012-03-17 13:55.20 dU.iDeFiX: hoa
2012-03-17 13:55.21 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-03-17 13:55.37 dU.Data_Destroyer: yawn
2012-03-17 13:56.07 dU.Data_Destroyer: now the shit begins
2012-03-17 13:56.12 dU.BlackWolf: here fishy fishy fishy.....
2012-03-17 13:56.45 Demona: i defend the button
2012-03-17 13:57.40 dU.Data_Destroyer: Base clear? If not let me know please (HereFishyFishyFishy)
2012-03-17 13:58.21 Demona: someone on the pilar
2012-03-17 13:58.41 dU.Data_Destroyer: on top
2012-03-17 13:59.07 dU.Data_Destroyer: yawn
2012-03-17 13:59.26 dU.iDeFiX: meh
2012-03-17 13:59.48 dU.BlackWolf: cool.. only 116 Monsters left!
2012-03-17 14:00.04 dU.BlackWolf: 1111
2012-03-17 14:00.21 dU.Data_Destroyer: im on top
2012-03-17 14:00.37 Demona: don´t push
2012-03-17 14:02.05 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-03-17 14:04.03 dU.iDeFiX: pff
2012-03-17 14:04.51 dU.Data_Destroyer: meh...... fucking fish
2012-03-17 14:05.25 dU.Data_Destroyer: nooooooooooooooo
2012-03-17 14:05.36 Demona: killer don´t push the button
2012-03-17 14:07.42 Demona: jesus
2012-03-17 14:07.43 Demona: all on me
2012-03-17 14:08.44 Demona: phew
2012-03-17 14:08.44 dU.iDeFiX: meh...
2012-03-17 14:08.49 Demona: quick enough
2012-03-17 14:08.52 dU.BlackWolf: fast end ;)
2012-03-17 14:08.54 dU.iDeFiX: :)
2012-03-17 14:09.00 [rF].anonymous: hey Demona )
2012-03-17 14:09.01 dU.BlackWolf: But no perfect map bonus ^^
2012-03-17 14:09.15 dU.iDeFiX: can we disable the kickvote? :f
2012-03-17 14:09.22 Demona: certainly not
2012-03-17 14:09.35 dU.Data_Destroyer: let me think.... no!
2012-03-17 14:09.47 dU.iDeFiX: useless votes...
2012-03-17 14:09.49 killer: lol dinamic ip
2012-03-17 14:10.08 Demona: it will be useless the day the server has mods 24/7

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