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Match Infos
Distance traveled:27,12km
Map Time:00:24:26
Playdate:2012-06-13 23:17:17
Team Awards:
dU.Commander_ITA53386 5 0 0 00:24:25 4,20km
Queen52179 5 1 0 00:24:25 2,58km
karkass163850 0 0 0 00:24:25 3,82km
|BLS|Skye68581 1 0 0 00:24:21 4,82km
amanot38117 5 0 0 00:24:16 6,02km
DOOM_Stone32521 0 0 0 00:13:53 2,94km
F0X|Ruless56887 2 0 0 00:08:24 0,87km
whatever16663 2 0 0 00:04:32 1,14km
ThorX2740 1 0 0 00:02:34 0,73km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
dU.Commander_ITA 2/1 3 0 1 0 9 2 1 0 0 0 3 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 1/6 26
Queen 0/1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 12
karkass 6 10 0 10 0 5 1 6 0 0 0 9 16 2 1 0 0 0 0 66
|BLS|Skye 8 5 0 0 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 37/1 65
amanot 0 0 0 2 0 0 0/1 0 0 8 1 4 3 0 0 4 0 0 0/6 22
DOOM_Stone 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 18
F0X|Ruless 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/2 0 0 0 0 1 0 12
whatever 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 2
ThorX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-06-13 22:54.41 dU.Commander_ITA: Nasty map :)
2012-06-13 22:54.45 [BLS]Skye: this is
2012-06-13 22:54.46 DOOM_Stone: this is wher da blood god lives
2012-06-13 22:54.53 dU.Commander_ITA: -.-´
2012-06-13 22:55.03 [BLS]Skye: sacrifice
2012-06-13 22:55.09 DOOM_Stone: blood for da blood god! =D
2012-06-13 22:55.22 DOOM_Stone: skulls for da skull throne! :D
2012-06-13 22:55.33 DOOM_Stone: and beer for doom_stone ;D
2012-06-13 22:55.42 dU.Commander_ITA: mmm choose one
2012-06-13 22:56.45 [BLS]Skye: nice hp :D
2012-06-13 22:56.52 dU.Commander_ITA: come out from Lava
2012-06-13 22:56.55 dU.Commander_ITA: i´m a Lava man
2012-06-13 22:57.23 Queen: ufffff i hate this map
2012-06-13 22:57.34 dU.Commander_ITA: why?
2012-06-13 23:01.53 Queen: mmh
2012-06-13 23:01.58 Queen: wich is the sequence?
2012-06-13 23:02.03 dU.Commander_ITA: the sequence is
2012-06-13 23:02.10 dU.Commander_ITA: green purple, blue
2012-06-13 23:02.11 karkass: green pruple blue
2012-06-13 23:04.00 DOOM_Stone: wtf
2012-06-13 23:04.13 DOOM_Stone: oh o0
2012-06-13 23:04.15 Queen: ups
2012-06-13 23:04.20 Queen: shit the deemer
2012-06-13 23:06.34 [BLS]Skye: !r
2012-06-13 23:06.37 [BLS]Skye: !p
2012-06-13 23:07.10 [BLS]Skye: !p
2012-06-13 23:07.34 DOOM_Stone: bah.. g2go
2012-06-13 23:07.38 DOOM_Stone: bye all hf..
2012-06-13 23:07.39 [BLS]Skye: bye
2012-06-13 23:07.42 DOOM_Stone: !exit
2012-06-13 23:08.11 dU.Commander_ITA: ops
2012-06-13 23:09.54 Queen: hey foxxxx
2012-06-13 23:09.59 F0X|Ruless: heyhey
2012-06-13 23:10.02 [BLS]Skye: heya
2012-06-13 23:10.06 dU.Commander_ITA: heya
2012-06-13 23:12.49 Queen: head shot!
2012-06-13 23:14.13 dU.Commander_ITA: i knew it -.-´
2012-06-13 23:17.27 [BLS]Skye: gg
2012-06-13 23:17.32 dU.Commander_ITA: gg
2012-06-13 23:17.32 Queen: cya guys
2012-06-13 23:17.38 [BLS]Skye: bye
2012-06-13 23:17.42 dU.Commander_ITA: are you going to feed snakes?
2012-06-13 23:17.54 dU.Commander_ITA: she gone
2012-06-13 23:18.16 [BLS]Skye: mm, hotfoo
2012-06-13 23:18.27 dU.Commander_ITA: remember it

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