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Match Infos
Distance traveled:35,94km
Map Time:00:27:36
Playdate:2012-07-07 06:39:40
Team Awards:
LazyAlbert20380 6 0 0 00:27:36 6,00km
dU.Commander_ITA54570 0 0 0 00:27:36 4,54km
EEE_PC*43059 2 0 0 00:27:36 4,74km
[deleted]22718 1 0 1 00:27:36 4,66km
[-.o]59897 2 0 0 00:27:36 6,87km
jaypeezy30121 0 0 0 00:27:23 6,20km
wh0re595 2 0 0 00:11:00 1,52km
Jetlagg8415 0 0 0 00:08:25 1,43km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
LazyAlbert 8 0 1/2 4 0 0 3 21/1 0 3 0 0 15/2 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 55
dU.Commander_ITA 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 6 0 33 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 63
EEE_PC* 3 0 2 8 0 0 0/1 11 0 32 0 0 27/1 0 7 0 0 0 0 90
[deleted] 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 20 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 44
[-.o] 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 30 0 0 8/1 0 2 0 0 0 0/1 48
jaypeezy 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 23 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 35
wh0re 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 4/1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
Jetlagg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-07-07 06:14.05 dU.Data_Destroyer: demona told that to me
2012-07-07 06:14.05 dU.Commander_ITA: i remember was a looong game
2012-07-07 06:14.18 dU.Data_Destroyer: hmmm
2012-07-07 06:14.22 dU.Commander_ITA: i guess He knows
2012-07-07 06:14.30 dU.Data_Destroyer: i will see if i find TGES05
2012-07-07 06:14.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: its the last one missing here
2012-07-07 06:14.56 dU.Data_Destroyer: 2p5 maboroshi doesnt worth to play and fix
2012-07-07 06:15.03 dU.Data_Destroyer: its the same as this map
2012-07-07 06:15.12 dU.Data_Destroyer: like TGES04
2012-07-07 06:15.23 dU.Data_Destroyer: hey jay
2012-07-07 06:15.26 jaypeezy: hey!
2012-07-07 06:15.31 EEE_PC_901*: hi
2012-07-07 06:15.35 jaypeezy: hey all
2012-07-07 06:15.47 dU.Data_Destroyer: oh commy show me how to bypass that trap
2012-07-07 06:17.40 jaypeezy: today i learned that i can switch out the monsters loaded in Tally Ho! mod
2012-07-07 06:17.54 dU.Commander_ITA: nice
2012-07-07 06:18.00 dU.Data_Destroyer: hmm there is a manual on website about it
2012-07-07 06:18.04 dU.Data_Destroyer: others will come soon
2012-07-07 06:18.06 jaypeezy: its such a friggin blast with EXU monsters.
2012-07-07 06:18.07 jaypeezy: also
2012-07-07 06:18.13 jaypeezy: I didn´t know that. hm.
2012-07-07 06:18.25 jaypeezy: i just went to the editor.
2012-07-07 06:18.33 dU.Data_Destroyer: ued?
2012-07-07 06:18.37 jaypeezy: yep
2012-07-07 06:18.59 dU.Data_Destroyer: i need to make a fix for a map but
2012-07-07 06:19.03 jaypeezy: im not trying to take credit for a "NEW" version of the mod, haha.
2012-07-07 06:19.09 dU.Data_Destroyer: i dont know how to remove some walls :/
2012-07-07 06:19.10 jaypeezy: its just the original monsters dont fight bots
2012-07-07 06:19.27 jaypeezy: data: like in UEd?
2012-07-07 06:19.41 dU.Data_Destroyer: yep
2012-07-07 06:19.48 dU.Data_Destroyer: i am completely newbie on it
2012-07-07 06:19.58 dU.Data_Destroyer: only fixed a map days ago
2012-07-07 06:20.00 dU.Data_Destroyer: bluff
2012-07-07 06:20.09 dU.Data_Destroyer: removed a nali
2012-07-07 06:20.16 jaypeezy: in order to remove walls you have to do wireframe mode, or topdown mode.
2012-07-07 06:20.24 jaypeezy: and click the brush to remove.
2012-07-07 06:20.30 dU.Data_Destroyer: hmmm
2012-07-07 06:20.46 dU.Data_Destroyer: i mean walls and other things like cages for example
2012-07-07 06:20.47 jaypeezy: tricky part is, clicking the right one. some maps have too many brushes so you can end up picking the wrong one :/
2012-07-07 06:21.18 dU.Data_Destroyer: hey wait for me! :(
2012-07-07 06:21.59 dU.Data_Destroyer: i only know about one thing on ued
2012-07-07 06:22.03 jaypeezy:
2012-07-07 06:22.07 dU.Data_Destroyer: putting HP
2012-07-07 06:22.15 dU.Data_Destroyer: setting it
2012-07-07 06:22.31 dU.Data_Destroyer: the trex on jurassic had 10M as HP
2012-07-07 06:22.53 jaypeezy: i know quite a lot of stuff for UEd, and could even help you out with something if need be
2012-07-07 06:23.02 rsu.sym: Enemy incoming HIGH!
2012-07-07 06:23.07 jaypeezy: people have no idea because i always make weird experimental crap i never release.
2012-07-07 06:23.15 dU.Data_Destroyer: hmmm
2012-07-07 06:23.37 dU.Data_Destroyer: i made a tutorial about voice packs months ago
2012-07-07 06:23.42 jaypeezy: i made a dm map with a tube that spits out monsters. in the center, a rotating brush with teleporters attached to it.
2012-07-07 06:23.45 dU.Data_Destroyer: but its only text :/
2012-07-07 06:23.48 jaypeezy: monsters end up portaling in random parts of map
2012-07-07 06:23.49 dU.Data_Destroyer: need some images
2012-07-07 06:23.54 zeba<3:!p
2012-07-07 06:24.17 zeba<3: hey guys :)
2012-07-07 06:24.20 [-.o]: hi
2012-07-07 06:24.21 jaypeezy: hey
2012-07-07 06:24.21 zeba<3: oopsies,
2012-07-07 06:24.24 zeba<3: better change :)
2012-07-07 06:24.28 jaypeezy: LOL
2012-07-07 06:24.30 dU.Data_Destroyer: i made some experimental voice packs to test before
2012-07-07 06:24.33 dU.Data_Destroyer: hey zeba
2012-07-07 06:24.46 EEE_PC_901*: hi zeb
2012-07-07 06:24.53 dU.Commander_ITA: HELLO
2012-07-07 06:24.55 zeba<3: hey cow :)
2012-07-07 06:24.57 dU.Data_Destroyer: and yes zeba i saw zayn malik
2012-07-07 06:25.01 zeba<3: hey commy, hey data, hey face :)
2012-07-07 06:25.03 dU.Data_Destroyer: man
2012-07-07 06:25.10 dU.Data_Destroyer: that guy is ugly as fuck
2012-07-07 06:25.12 zeba<3: on google?
2012-07-07 06:25.15 dU.Data_Destroyer: yep
2012-07-07 06:25.16 zeba<3: WHAT?!
2012-07-07 06:25.24 zeba<3: DON´T SAY THAT BOUT MY BABY! :(
2012-07-07 06:25.30 zeba<3: he is an angel <3
2012-07-07 06:25.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: i dont know who is the ugliest
2012-07-07 06:25.47 dU.Data_Destroyer: justin bieber or zayn malik
2012-07-07 06:25.52 zeba<3: you´re such a meanie ;)
2012-07-07 06:25.58 zeba<3: zayn malik is not ugly :)
2012-07-07 06:26.15 dU.Data_Destroyer: how did you do to bypass the trap here commy?
2012-07-07 06:26.28 dU.Data_Destroyer: meh....
2012-07-07 06:26.46 zeba<3: is this commy´s fave map? :p
2012-07-07 06:26.52 dU.Data_Destroyer: one of
2012-07-07 06:27.17 dU.Data_Destroyer: at least its not terraniux
2012-07-07 06:27.26 dU.Commander_ITA: only left side Guys
2012-07-07 06:27.55 jaypeezy:
2012-07-07 06:28.16 [-.o]: this map is confusing
2012-07-07 06:28.27 [-.o]: too much backtracking
2012-07-07 06:28.34 dU.Data_Destroyer: if you know the way on 1st time you wont get lost again
2012-07-07 06:28.43 dU.Commander_ITA: tentacles on corner
2012-07-07 06:28.43 dU.Data_Destroyer: or less time lost
2012-07-07 06:28.46 rsu.sym: all aboard?
2012-07-07 06:28.47 dU.Commander_ITA: don´t fall down
2012-07-07 06:28.57 [-.o]: thing is, i dont know what activates the passages
2012-07-07 06:29.43 dU.Commander_ITA: nooo, we needed that deemer
2012-07-07 06:29.53 [-.o]: yeah saved for the towers
2012-07-07 06:29.55 dU.Data_Destroyer: smiley keep this redeemer
2012-07-07 06:30.13 dU.Data_Destroyer: target range
2012-07-07 06:30.57 dU.Data_Destroyer: need one more redeemer
2012-07-07 06:31.00 dU.Data_Destroyer: hmmm
2012-07-07 06:31.04 EEE_PC_901*: ebay
2012-07-07 06:32.15 jaypeezy: wish we had biorifle
2012-07-07 06:32.25 dU.Data_Destroyer: smiley dont use the redeemer now
2012-07-07 06:32.47 dU.Commander_ITA: deemer shot in center of roof
2012-07-07 06:34.10 dU.Data_Destroyer: ????
2012-07-07 06:34.12 [-.o]: lol
2012-07-07 06:34.18 dU.Data_Destroyer: sorry smiley
2012-07-07 06:34.19 dU.Data_Destroyer: ????
2012-07-07 06:34.25 [-.o]: lifts are haunted
2012-07-07 06:34.27 jaypeezy: glitch on elevators for some reason
2012-07-07 06:34.32 dU.Data_Destroyer: hmmmm
2012-07-07 06:34.33 jaypeezy: it happens in that stairruins map as well
2012-07-07 06:34.37 jaypeezy: like, ALL THE TIME
2012-07-07 06:34.42 rsu.sym: you got squished under the block as it rose ;)
2012-07-07 06:35.21 dU.Data_Destroyer: boss
2012-07-07 06:35.33 zeba<3: !s
2012-07-07 06:35.37 dU.Data_Destroyer: boss theme
2012-07-07 06:35.41 dU.Data_Destroyer: unreal crypt
2012-07-07 06:35.48 dU.Commander_ITA: back data
2012-07-07 06:36.01 dU.Commander_ITA: too late
2012-07-07 06:36.03 [-.o]: there is a trick to trap the boss right?
2012-07-07 06:36.07 dU.Commander_ITA: no need to push button
2012-07-07 06:36.11 dU.Commander_ITA: to let monster come out
2012-07-07 06:36.12 zeba<3: yay i´m green!
2012-07-07 06:36.27 jaypeezy: oh, this boss
2012-07-07 06:37.02 jaypeezy: dooo eeeet
2012-07-07 06:37.19 [-.o]: green does make u stand out
2012-07-07 06:37.27 zeba<3: thats what i want :)
2012-07-07 06:38.08 jaypeezy: ?
2012-07-07 06:38.12 zeba<3: :/
2012-07-07 06:39.30 EEE_PC_901*: databurger
2012-07-07 06:39.31 [-.o]: where to?
2012-07-07 06:39.42 dU.Data_Destroyer: gg
2012-07-07 06:39.49 zeba<3: good game :)
2012-07-07 06:39.53 EEE_PC_901*: gg
2012-07-07 06:39.55 [-.o]: i won. what a surpirse
2012-07-07 06:39.56 dU.Commander_ITA: ok, i got my TGES4 today
2012-07-07 06:39.58 Jetlagg: gg
2012-07-07 06:39.59 dU.Commander_ITA: i can go sleep
2012-07-07 06:40.04 dU.Commander_ITA: GG
2012-07-07 06:40.06 dU.Data_Destroyer: good night commy
2012-07-07 06:40.10 [-.o]: cya
2012-07-07 06:40.12 dU.Data_Destroyer: see ya commy
2012-07-07 06:40.14 EEE_PC_901*: bye
2012-07-07 06:40.14 dU.Data_Destroyer: ciaoooooooooooooooooooo
2012-07-07 06:40.18 zeba<3: byeee :)
2012-07-07 06:40.43 jaypeezy: !v
2012-07-07 06:40.55 dU.Commander_ITA: shhhhhh
2012-07-07 06:41.03 EEE_PC_901*: time for coffe..
2012-07-07 06:41.09 jaypeezy: the teamDu skins is too damn awesome.

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