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Match Infos
Distance traveled:30,23km
Map Time:00:26:27
Playdate:2012-07-09 03:51:36
Team Awards:
MEMO111715 5 0 0 00:26:26 5,93km
dU.Commander_ITA222027 3 0 0 00:26:26 3,20km
[deleted]16619 6 0 0 00:26:26 5,80km
Soph<31919 8 0 0 00:26:26 5,62km
dU.Suz47497 4 0 0 00:26:26 3,94km
el_chanfra74913 8 0 0 00:26:25 4,89km
{MHM}Reiyel_3.0326 0 0 0 00:15:33 0,84km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
MEMO 26/1 0 0 5/1 0 0 0 23 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 67
dU.Commander_ITA 29/1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 37
[deleted] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/8 2
Soph<3 2/1 14 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0/8 18
dU.Suz 7/1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 13
el_chanfra 16 28 0 1 0 0 2 10 0 14/1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0/7 76
{MHM}Reiyel_3.0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-07-09 03:27.08 dU.Commander_ITA: coz you are not still famous
2012-07-09 03:27.08 Suz: i summoned you all!
2012-07-09 03:27.11 Suz: xD
2012-07-09 03:27.23 Sophie_Da_Cow: right
2012-07-09 03:27.23 dU.Commander_ITA: you need a promoting campaign
2012-07-09 03:27.27 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:27.27 dU.Data_Destroyer: suz atraiu o povo aqui
2012-07-09 03:27.42 dU.Commander_ITA: necesita a campanha publicidaria
2012-07-09 03:27.58 dU.Data_Destroyer: eleicao para presidente dU?
2012-07-09 03:28.04 Suz: lol nao
2012-07-09 03:28.05 dU.Commander_ITA: ahora te aiudamos
2012-07-09 03:28.13 dU.Commander_ITA: te promovemos en todu u mundu
2012-07-09 03:28.40 dU.Commander_ITA: Datataaaa
2012-07-09 03:28.52 dU.Data_Destroyer: taxi?
2012-07-09 03:28.56 dU.Commander_ITA: you dangerous from back
2012-07-09 03:28.56 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:29.04 dU.Commander_ITA: hey a Kamikaze here
2012-07-09 03:29.18 dU.Data_Destroyer: desabilita a explosao suz
2012-07-09 03:30.27 dU.Commander_ITA: o Chanfraaaa
2012-07-09 03:30.38 dU.Commander_ITA: e fala talvez, que dices que no se muere
2012-07-09 03:30.47 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:31.39 dU.Commander_ITA: who drive?
2012-07-09 03:31.40 Sophie_Da_Cow: :)
2012-07-09 03:31.43 Sophie_Da_Cow: you :)
2012-07-09 03:31.49 dU.Commander_ITA: let´s count
2012-07-09 03:31.54 dU.Commander_ITA: pair or unpair?
2012-07-09 03:32.02 Sophie_Da_Cow: wth?
2012-07-09 03:32.08 dU.Commander_ITA: when you play a game
2012-07-09 03:32.18 dU.Commander_ITA: how you decide who start first?
2012-07-09 03:32.22 dU.Data_Destroyer: take the shield belt to speeeeeeeeeeeeed up the rocketx 3
2012-07-09 03:32.24 dU.Commander_ITA: we use Paiu, Unpair
2012-07-09 03:32.37 dU.Commander_ITA: 2 people show 2 numbers with fingers
2012-07-09 03:32.50 Sophie_Da_Cow: do we have to? :D
2012-07-09 03:32.53 dU.Commander_ITA: if i chosen pair, and the sum of number is pai, i won
2012-07-09 03:33.01 dU.Commander_ITA: no, ok i drive
2012-07-09 03:33.09 Sophie_Da_Cow: :p
2012-07-09 03:33.26 dU.Commander_ITA: -.-´
2012-07-09 03:33.30 dU.Data_Destroyer: ???
2012-07-09 03:34.01 Sophie_Da_Cow: thanks bro :p
2012-07-09 03:34.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: zeba is still sleeping sophie?
2012-07-09 03:34.45 Sophie_Da_Cow: yer
2012-07-09 03:34.54 dU.Data_Destroyer: 11:34!
2012-07-09 03:35.06 Sophie_Da_Cow: it´s school holidays so we sleep in :p
2012-07-09 03:35.33 dU.Data_Destroyer: yep its recommended
2012-07-09 03:35.51 dU.Commander_ITA: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzzz
2012-07-09 03:35.51 dU.Data_Destroyer: to relax a bit from school (homework storms)
2012-07-09 03:36.13 dU.Data_Destroyer: too many homeworks i mean
2012-07-09 03:36.48 dU.Commander_ITA: teacher´s fault
2012-07-09 03:36.50 dU.Commander_ITA: so bad
2012-07-09 03:37.23 dU.Data_Destroyer: i remember that on my school times i had to do 3 tests on some days
2012-07-09 03:37.32 dU.Data_Destroyer: especially on last year.... was a chaos :/
2012-07-09 03:37.37 Sophie_Da_Cow: i hate school :p
2012-07-09 03:37.43 dU.Commander_ITA: me too
2012-07-09 03:37.53 Suz: lol you say that now xD
2012-07-09 03:38.02 Sophie_Da_Cow: i only like hanging with friends :)
2012-07-09 03:38.05 dU.Commander_ITA: me? of course, i hate school
2012-07-09 03:38.08 dU.Data_Destroyer: imagine: 3 tests on a day: portuguese lang, maths and physics
2012-07-09 03:38.24 Suz: lol could be worse xD
2012-07-09 03:38.27 Sophie_Da_Cow: :( that would be hell
2012-07-09 03:38.32 dU.Data_Destroyer: or chemistry and eletronics
2012-07-09 03:38.36 Suz: toughen up gentlemen!
2012-07-09 03:38.38 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:38.43 dU.Commander_ITA: i teach all this
2012-07-09 03:38.45 Sophie_Da_Cow: and grils!!!
2012-07-09 03:38.59 dU.Data_Destroyer: i sucked completely on eletronics test
2012-07-09 03:39.08 dU.Commander_ITA: me too
2012-07-09 03:39.17 Suz: lolz
2012-07-09 03:39.18 dU.Data_Destroyer: too much things about diodes and CLPs and circuits
2012-07-09 03:39.18 dU.Commander_ITA: but now i teach it
2012-07-09 03:39.25 dU.Data_Destroyer: oh O.o
2012-07-09 03:39.26 Suz: xD
2012-07-09 03:39.29 Suz: teacher xD
2012-07-09 03:39.39 dU.Commander_ITA: bad staff, isn´t it?
2012-07-09 03:39.45 dU.Commander_ITA: yep :)
2012-07-09 03:39.49 dU.Commander_ITA: i teach :)
2012-07-09 03:39.52 dU.Data_Destroyer: why bad?
2012-07-09 03:39.54 Suz: aww
2012-07-09 03:40.12 dU.Commander_ITA: it was pretty hard for me
2012-07-09 03:40.22 dU.Commander_ITA: Eletronic I in university
2012-07-09 03:40.25 dU.Data_Destroyer: in other words i liked the IT tests :P
2012-07-09 03:40.42 dU.Commander_ITA: you had ITalian test? O.o
2012-07-09 03:40.43 dU.Data_Destroyer: programming, and especially web programming
2012-07-09 03:40.49 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-07-09 03:41.36 Sophie_Da_Cow: noooooooooooo :(
2012-07-09 03:41.41 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: !s
2012-07-09 03:41.41 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:41.58 dU.Data_Destroyer: fala rei
2012-07-09 03:42.36 Sophie_Da_Cow: soz i jumped off
2012-07-09 03:42.44 Suz: ouch
2012-07-09 03:42.46 Suz: xD
2012-07-09 03:43.16 Sophie_Da_Cow: goodbye points :´(
2012-07-09 03:43.29 dU.Commander_ITA: take a blade
2012-07-09 03:43.34 dU.Commander_ITA: i let you get points
2012-07-09 03:43.40 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:46.19 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:47.04 Sophie_Da_Cow: :´(
2012-07-09 03:49.48 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:50.33 dU.Commander_ITA: Suz plays very carefull
2012-07-09 03:50.40 Suz: lol not really xD
2012-07-09 03:50.47 dU.Data_Destroyer: ela nao gosta de morrer
2012-07-09 03:50.47 dU.Commander_ITA: naa i saw you
2012-07-09 03:50.54 Suz: nao gosto nao lol
2012-07-09 03:50.58 dU.Commander_ITA: don´t play kamikaze
2012-07-09 03:51.06 Suz: sleepy :P
2012-07-09 03:51.12 dU.Commander_ITA: who, you?
2012-07-09 03:51.14 Suz: yes
2012-07-09 03:51.15 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:51.28 dU.Commander_ITA: infact i was asking why people here at this time
2012-07-09 03:51.41 Suz: xD
2012-07-09 03:51.42 dU.Data_Destroyer: gg
2012-07-09 03:51.54 Sophie_Da_Cow: good game :D
2012-07-09 03:51.57 Suz: because we have nothing better to do at this time...
2012-07-09 03:51.58 Suz: lol
2012-07-09 03:52.04 Suz: !s
2012-07-09 03:52.09 dU.Commander_ITA: neither sleep?
2012-07-09 03:52.19 Suz:lol
2012-07-09 03:52.24 Suz:when we´re not sleepy, yeah xD
2012-07-09 03:52.36 dU.Commander_ITA: i suspect you all are vampires
2012-07-09 03:52.41 Sophie_Da_Cow: yeah work it
2012-07-09 03:52.50 dU.Commander_ITA: work?
2012-07-09 03:52.58 Sophie_Da_Cow: your dancing :p

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