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Match Infos
Distance traveled:70,29km
Map Time:01:07:39
Playdate:2012-09-07 18:11:14
Team Awards:
Che_burator84236 8 0 0 01:07:39 10,90km
killer42843 11 0 0 01:07:09 14,79km
Hyperion128523 13 0 0 00:59:34 6,70km
karkass341843 0 0 0 00:45:32 4,55km
Danni66122 15 0 0 00:33:42 5,03km
{MHM}Reiyel_3.065830 8 0 0 00:33:11 4,79km
Ben_)78829 15 0 0 00:30:03 5,35km
MISTER-DANGEROUS30420 4 0 0 00:25:37 4,39km
neorejz59838 1 0 0 00:18:17 3,39km
Sw(iT)zEr-LaNd>](CH)28500 5 0 0 00:17:41 3,71km
BusterBold82160 1 0 0 00:15:39 1,73km
BassGirl_d[-_-]b27708 3 0 0 00:15:38 2,89km
MalevolentiA2170 1 0 0 00:02:34 0,74km
ZOMBiE893 2 0 0 00:02:25 0,34km
debonair1194 3 0 0 00:01:48 0,47km
katastrofa-_-5635 1 0 0 00:01:44 0,54km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Che_burator 53/3 0 1 7 0 14 139/3 0 1 3 19/1 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0/1 248
killer 35/1 0 3/1 9/1 0 28 145/3 0 3/2 1 26/2 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0/2 268
Hyperion 20 0 7/4 17 0 17 136/3 0 4/1 0 37 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0/5 253
karkass 48 0 7 11 0 29 208 0 1 14 26 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 374
Danni 0 0 3/4 0 0 0 162/10 0 0 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 176
{MHM}Reiyel_3.0 10 0 3/4 8 0 13 51 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 87
Ben_) 14 0 2 7 0 7 39/10 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 70
MISTER-DANGEROUS 64/1 0 0 0 0 0 115/2 0 0 15 27 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0/1 240
neorejz 7 0 0 4 0 15 5 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
Sw(iT)zEr-LaNd>](CH) 27 0 0 6 0 20 22/1 0 1/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76
BusterBold 23 0 0 9 0 17 13/1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64
BassGirl_d[-_-]b 44/1 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0/2 91
MalevolentiA 2 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
ZOMBiE 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0
debonair 7 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 8
katastrofa-_- 19 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-09-07 17:15.53 Hyperion:!p
2012-09-07 17:31.13 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: hey hyp
2012-09-07 17:32.25 Hyperion: heya Rei
2012-09-07 17:34.18 Hyperion: why me..
2012-09-07 17:34.32 {CoF}annabella: Oo bbl
2012-09-07 17:34.59 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: dfaddffasfasf
2012-09-07 17:35.04 Hyperion: xD
2012-09-07 17:35.57 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: ............
2012-09-07 17:35.57 Hyperion: LOL
2012-09-07 17:36.09 Hyperion: brb
2012-09-07 17:37.42 Hyperion: omg
2012-09-07 17:37.43 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: xD
2012-09-07 17:37.49 Hyperion: your fault!
2012-09-07 17:37.52 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: xD
2012-09-07 17:43.30 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: lol
2012-09-07 17:43.37 karkass: that was expected tbh
2012-09-07 17:43.46 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: ye, probably
2012-09-07 17:46.05 Ben_): jo
2012-09-07 17:46.30 karkass: when u respawn don´t fight and just run to the other side$
2012-09-07 17:46.35 karkass: when u respawn don´t fight and just run to the other side
2012-09-07 17:46.43 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: let them be heroes
2012-09-07 17:46.54 karkass: cemeteries are full of heroes
2012-09-07 17:47.32 Ben_): wi
2012-09-07 17:47.35 Ben_): yei
2012-09-07 17:47.38 Ben_): hey
2012-09-07 17:47.48 Ben_): jajaja bad fingers
2012-09-07 17:47.57 karkass: when u respawn don´t fight and just run to the other side
2012-09-07 17:48.03 Ben_): ok
2012-09-07 17:48.25 Hyperion: it turns out that plan has flaws..
2012-09-07 17:48.51 karkass: yep but that´s ur only chance
2012-09-07 17:49.01 karkass: the more u shoot the more u got shot back in return
2012-09-07 17:49.02 Ben_): hhey
2012-09-07 17:49.11 Ben_): u left me right side
2012-09-07 17:49.14 Ben_): same time
2012-09-07 17:49.28 Hyperion: well, I don´t shoot at them and I still get killed in seconds, lol
2012-09-07 17:49.30 Hyperion: ok Ben
2012-09-07 17:49.49 Ben_): mmm
2012-09-07 17:49.49 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: ben is an hero
2012-09-07 17:49.57 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: AN HERO
2012-09-07 17:50.02 Ben_): jajaja na
2012-09-07 17:50.09 Ben_): i fail
2012-09-07 17:50.25 Hyperion: you saved me though, I´ve made it to the other side
2012-09-07 17:50.32 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: awww
2012-09-07 17:50.34 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: how cute
2012-09-07 17:50.39 Hyperion: so thanks for your sacrifice xD
2012-09-07 17:50.44 Ben_): jajaja
2012-09-07 17:50.52 Ben_): tha´s
2012-09-07 17:50.55 Ben_): jeje
2012-09-07 17:53.57 Ben_): woo
2012-09-07 17:57.05 BangBang: OOHOOHOHOHOOHHOOHO
2012-09-07 17:59.59 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: brb!!!
2012-09-07 18:00.02 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: !s
2012-09-07 18:06.33 Che_burator: ben use redee
2012-09-07 18:09.04 Ben_): !A
2012-09-07 18:09.09 Ben_): !S
2012-09-07 18:11.25 Che_burator: )))
2012-09-07 18:11.30 Sniper_Wolf: hi
2012-09-07 18:11.33 karkass: pfff 1 left and we were about to kill it
2012-09-07 18:11.33 Hyperion: hi
2012-09-07 18:11.48 Sniper_Wolf: !v
2012-09-07 18:12.01 karkass: no no cregor is for 3 players max
2012-09-07 18:12.10 Hyperion: hmm :/
2012-09-07 18:12.11 Sniper_Wolf: !v
2012-09-07 18:12.17 karkass: small map
2012-09-07 18:12.24 Hyperion: but players die in it xD
2012-09-07 18:12.29 killer: cregor funny map
2012-09-07 18:12.41 karkass: yes it´s a nice map but too small for 7 players

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