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Match Infos
Distance traveled:93,48km
Map Time:01:31:10
Playdate:2012-09-16 02:38:54
Team Awards:
Piro171844 13 0 0 01:31:09 20,21km
KARA10017 23 0 0 01:05:46 18,03km
sLicKsta57700 15 1 1 01:04:58 8,10km
faTed41881 6 0 0 00:54:29 11,44km
HeroRising53909 17 0 0 00:53:17 15,97km
IMoopple259132 4 0 0 00:34:15 4,31km
X-Tech9256 7 0 0 00:33:52 7,42km
{MHM}Reiyel_3.05661 1 0 0 00:20:19 0,77km
Buttercup25583 3 0 0 00:16:37 3,78km
Bell_Pepper26433 9 0 0 00:13:43 3,44km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Piro 81 119 6/1 68/1 70 0 66/1 241 0 109 26/3 0 15 192 33 42 0 0 0/11 1068
KARA 19 44/1 0 39/1 29/2 0 25/1 2 0 70 0 0 13/2 4 4 10 0 0 0/20 259
sLicKsta 1 6/1 8 1 2 0 0 126/1 0/2 103 16/1 0 39 2 44 30 0 0 0/15 378
faTed 61 100/1 0 54 88 0 76/2 0 0 22 1/2 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 424
HeroRising 41 48/4 0 30 15/1 0 23/1 0 0 24/1 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0/19 200
IMoopple 0 0 11 3/1 0 0 13/1 0 3 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 44
X-Tech 0 31/2 0 0 22 0 0 141 0 26 0 0 4 77 0 0 0 0 0/9 301
{MHM}Reiyel_3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0
Buttercup 0 0 2/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
Bell_Pepper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 325/1 0 0 0 0 0 58 2 1/1 0 0 0/11 386
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-09-16 01:18.16 X-Tech: hi im back
2012-09-16 01:18.21 Bell_Pepper: wb
2012-09-16 01:18.24 sLicKsta: hy
2012-09-16 01:20.52 Bell_Pepper: bbq
2012-09-16 01:23.06 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:!p
2012-09-16 01:26.13 Bell_Pepper: forgot scuba
2012-09-16 01:30.14 sLicKsta: where is see monsters
2012-09-16 01:30.47 Bell_Pepper:lol
2012-09-16 01:33.28 X-Tech: i get them with chainsaw
2012-09-16 01:33.49 sLicKsta: a few close shaves
2012-09-16 01:33.54 sLicKsta: but made it
2012-09-16 01:34.46 X-Tech: yeap nice haircut
2012-09-16 01:36.42 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: NAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAB
2012-09-16 01:36.44 {MHM}HellFire`: come mapping!
2012-09-16 01:36.50 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: !mapping
2012-09-16 01:36.51 {MHM}HellFire`: new spawn of map
2012-09-16 01:36.53 {MHM}HellFire`: !mapping
2012-09-16 01:39.24 X-Tech: xd
2012-09-16 01:40.20 X-Tech: never give up
2012-09-16 01:40.57 X-Tech: i coming
2012-09-16 01:41.08 X-Tech: hang on guys
2012-09-16 01:42.28 X-Tech: yeah bigfucktacle
2012-09-16 01:46.53 X-Tech: this is warrr
2012-09-16 01:47.57 X-Tech: i go on combo insta for selection
2012-09-16 01:48.04 X-Tech: ill be back
2012-09-16 01:48.48 sLicKsta: whats up polska
2012-09-16 01:48.56 X-Tech: oh so you are here
2012-09-16 01:49.04 sLicKsta: yes phone brb
2012-09-16 01:49.09 X-Tech: mhm ok
2012-09-16 01:53.52 sLicKsta: selam kara
2012-09-16 02:32.53 RogerMoo: lol
2012-09-16 02:38.18 Sir.H|Fizzle: hello
2012-09-16 02:38.23 RogerMoo: hi
2012-09-16 02:39.05 RogerMoo: gg
2012-09-16 02:39.12 Piro: gg
2012-09-16 02:39.15 Sir.H|Fizzle: wp
2012-09-16 02:39.54 RogerMoo: !spec
2012-09-16 02:40.10 Piro: bye

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