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Match Infos
Distance traveled:36,95km
Map Time:00:25:35
Playdate:2012-10-19 17:32:33
Team Awards:
Speedbeef6867 9 0 1 00:25:35 4,65km
dU.Commander_ITA20616 2 1 0 00:25:35 2,44km
Ranokoh1653 17 0 1 00:25:35 5,09km
%Tabasko%25610 8 2 0 00:25:35 3,53km
THUNDERBOLT17051 9 3 3 00:25:35 3,70km
Hunter15362 2 0 1 00:25:33 3,29km
Wicca27230 3 1 1 00:25:01 2,72km
Gemini_Killer31601 5 0 1 00:20:52 3,35km
[deleted]1433 11 9 1 00:19:34 2,85km
Killerman4425 6 0 0 00:16:44 2,21km
player433454 2 0 0 00:16:03 2,43km
Fabs4549 2 0 1 00:04:29 0,69km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Speedbeef 2 0 0 2 0 0 0/2 100 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 106
dU.Commander_ITA 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 99
Ranokoh 0/2 0 0 3/3 0 0 3/2 21 0 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/8 29
%Tabasko% 2 0 0 11 0 0 2/1 167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/7 182
THUNDERBOLT 3/2 0 0 10 0 0 2/1 42 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 59
Hunter 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 114
Wicca 2 0 0 6 0 0 5 126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 139
Gemini_Killer 3 0 0 5 0 0 0/2 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 192
[deleted] 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/10 10
Killerman 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 2/2 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 22
player4 2 0 0 8 0 0 1 108 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 121
Fabs 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 21
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-10-19 17:08.48 dU.Commander_ITA: Welcome Back Wicca
2012-10-19 17:08.52 dU.Data_Destroyer:welcome back
2012-10-19 17:08.52 Wicca:thank you :)
2012-10-19 17:09.28 Wicca:oh, with thid map they will have a bad time
2012-10-19 17:09.32 Wicca:this*
2012-10-19 17:09.45 Wicca:!p
2012-10-19 17:09.50 dU.Data_Destroyer:requires at least 4 people: 2 left x 2 right
2012-10-19 17:09.58 Wicca: join us :)
2012-10-19 17:10.00 dU.Commander_ITA: let´s help those guys
2012-10-19 17:11.24 Wicca: did u passed?
2012-10-19 17:11.26 dU.Commander_ITA: open me pls
2012-10-19 17:11.37 dU.Commander_ITA: hold it
2012-10-19 17:11.38 Wicca: open?
2012-10-19 17:11.57 dU.Commander_ITA: still closed
2012-10-19 17:12.06 Wicca: lol
2012-10-19 17:12.19 %Tabasko%: lol
2012-10-19 17:12.36 Wicca: come
2012-10-19 17:12.38 THUNDERBOLT: -.-
2012-10-19 17:12.41 dU.Commander_ITA: open me :((
2012-10-19 17:12.49 effe: how ?
2012-10-19 17:13.31 dU.Commander_ITA: LOL, 3 in this side
2012-10-19 17:13.44 dU.Commander_ITA: this open other side
2012-10-19 17:13.48 Wicca: gah
2012-10-19 17:13.59 Wicca: no one there?XD
2012-10-19 17:14.10 dU.Commander_ITA: looks like not
2012-10-19 17:14.15 dU.Data_Destroyer: release
2012-10-19 17:14.17 Wicca: oh god, why
2012-10-19 17:14.19 Wicca: XD
2012-10-19 17:14.19 dU.Data_Destroyer: press
2012-10-19 17:14.27 dU.Commander_ITA: LOL
2012-10-19 17:14.30 Wicca: hahah Data
2012-10-19 17:14.30 dU.Commander_ITA: even data here
2012-10-19 17:15.11 Wicca: press button
2012-10-19 17:15.20 %Tabasko%: hhaha
2012-10-19 17:15.44 Wicca: sigh
2012-10-19 17:16.34 Wicca: data u out?
2012-10-19 17:16.38 dU.Commander_ITA: yeah
2012-10-19 17:16.44 dU.Commander_ITA: i´m the only one in blue side
2012-10-19 17:17.22 %Tabasko%: nooooooooooooo
2012-10-19 17:17.28 dU.Data_Destroyer: go tabasko
2012-10-19 17:17.39 %Tabasko%: nooooooooooooooooooooo
2012-10-19 17:17.40 dU.Data_Destroyer: press button
2012-10-19 17:17.59 dU.Data_Destroyer: release
2012-10-19 17:18.05 dU.Data_Destroyer: press
2012-10-19 17:18.13 dU.Commander_ITA: green side opened
2012-10-19 17:18.19 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-10-19 17:18.20 dU.Commander_ITA: i´m holding
2012-10-19 17:18.29 %Tabasko%: xD
2012-10-19 17:18.46 dU.Commander_ITA: who open me now?
2012-10-19 17:18.48 Beef: is a shit map no ?
2012-10-19 17:18.51 Ranokoh: lemme in
2012-10-19 17:18.58 dU.Data_Destroyer: agree
2012-10-19 17:19.22 %Tabasko%: :D
2012-10-19 17:19.26 dU.Data_Destroyer: release
2012-10-19 17:19.31 dU.Data_Destroyer: press
2012-10-19 17:20.27 dU.Data_Destroyer: down again
2012-10-19 17:21.20 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-10-19 17:21.34 Wicca: go
2012-10-19 17:21.44 dU.Commander_ITA: up Closed
2012-10-19 17:21.49 dU.Commander_ITA: green side
2012-10-19 17:21.49 dU.Data_Destroyer: up red
2012-10-19 17:21.50 dU.Data_Destroyer: go
2012-10-19 17:22.01 Wicca: all passed?
2012-10-19 17:22.04 dU.Commander_ITA: wikka, release
2012-10-19 17:22.08 dU.Data_Destroyer: 3 2 1
2012-10-19 17:22.43 dU.Data_Destroyer: hmm
2012-10-19 17:22.53 dU.Commander_ITA: going to press the button down here
2012-10-19 17:22.56 dU.Data_Destroyer: pass
2012-10-19 17:23.08 dU.Data_Destroyer: up blue
2012-10-19 17:23.13 Wicca: still closed :D
2012-10-19 17:23.22 dU.Commander_ITA: is it a blue job?
2012-10-19 17:23.38 Wicca: open
2012-10-19 17:23.39 THUNDERBOLT: close now
2012-10-19 17:23.53 dU.Commander_ITA: i´m out
2012-10-19 17:23.57 Wicca: lol
2012-10-19 17:23.57 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-10-19 17:23.59 dU.Commander_ITA: thank you Beef
2012-10-19 17:24.10 Wicca: omg
2012-10-19 17:24.28 Maciejewsky: nice Wicca :)
2012-10-19 17:24.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: dont go
2012-10-19 17:24.44 Wicca: ...
2012-10-19 17:25.09 dU.Data_Destroyer: oh sorry :/
2012-10-19 17:25.24 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-10-19 17:25.26 Wicca: lol
2012-10-19 17:25.28 %Tabasko%: ej...
2012-10-19 17:25.30 dU.Commander_ITA: say bye to mommy
2012-10-19 17:25.49 dU.Data_Destroyer: thats why i hate this map
2012-10-19 17:27.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: brb
2012-10-19 17:28.37 Wicca: lol
2012-10-19 17:28.43 dU.Commander_ITA: at elast you killed me
2012-10-19 17:28.49 Ranokoh: i get it now
2012-10-19 17:29.02 Ranokoh: both sides need to coop
2012-10-19 17:29.04 dU.Commander_ITA: i live...again
2012-10-19 17:29.11 Wicca: lol Rano
2012-10-19 17:31.06 Wicca: lol
2012-10-19 17:32.38 Gemini_Killer: gg
2012-10-19 17:32.57 dU.Commander_ITA: nice coop times
2012-10-19 17:33.37 Maciejewsky: bb all

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