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Match Infos
Distance traveled:3,59km
Map Time:00:02:05
Playdate:2012-10-28 13:12:21
Team Awards:
[MPC]Pandelirium75 2 0 0 00:02:04 0,30km
Spectator1554 1 0 0 00:02:04 0,34km
Giovannello1311 0 0 0 00:02:04 0,30km
Dhalgren2849 0 0 0 00:02:04 0,50km
Moostafa-2 9 5 0 00:02:04 0,39km
}ElitE{HellFire`11142 1 0 0 00:02:04 0,46km
HangAuchan1016 1 0 0 00:02:04 0,41km
UdderZillA-1 2 1 0 00:02:04 0,17km
skorp2511 0 0 0 00:02:04 0,38km
Baby_on_the_Tank313 2 0 0 00:01:33 0,34km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
[MPC]Pandelirium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 1
Spectator 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
Giovannello 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
Dhalgren 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Moostafa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/13 0
}ElitE{HellFire` 2/1 4 0 5 0 1 5 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
HangAuchan 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 3
UdderZillA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 0
skorp 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Baby_on_the_Tank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-10-28 13:09.47 dU.Supa_Angel: does it rain often?
2012-10-28 13:09.55 Flabberdewapski: what´s rain
2012-10-28 13:09.57 {MHM}BIOMECH:LOL
2012-10-28 13:09.59 {MHM}HellFire`: in winters
2012-10-28 13:10.01 Gozzilla_:D: it´s raining now
2012-10-28 13:10.05 dU.Supa_Angel: and those times, rain deers born
2012-10-28 13:10.09 {MHM}HellFire`: ::}LOL{::
2012-10-28 13:10.12 Flabberdewapski: lol
2012-10-28 13:10.20 {MHM}BIOMECH:Raindeers...Lol
2012-10-28 13:10.32 dU.Supa_Angel: LOL
2012-10-28 13:10.34 dU.Supa_Angel: :d
2012-10-28 13:10.34 {MHM}HellFire`: ::}LOL{::
2012-10-28 13:10.38 dU.Supa_Angel: lets watch the naab :D:p
2012-10-28 13:10.43 dU.Supa_Angel: ha.-ha
2012-10-28 13:10.45 {MHM}HellFire`: :O
2012-10-28 13:10.50 (NOF)_Heinz:lol
2012-10-28 13:10.59 dU.Supa_Angel: no the cow
2012-10-28 13:11.06 Bell_Pepper:cowbell pepper?
2012-10-28 13:11.11 {MHM}HellFire`: ::}LOL{::
2012-10-28 13:11.13 dU.Supa_Angel: hey cowbell you cant die anymore.. you are my cow now
2012-10-28 13:11.19 COWBELL: :D
2012-10-28 13:11.20 dU.Supa_Angel: i need to eat you every morning
2012-10-28 13:11.24 dU.Supa_Angel: so take care
2012-10-28 13:11.24 COWBELL: :D
2012-10-28 13:11.25 {MHM}BIOMECH:Oh god I love this elevator
2012-10-28 13:11.26 (NOF)_Heinz:what are you huys doing
2012-10-28 13:11.27 {MHM}BIOMECH:SO MUCH
2012-10-28 13:11.29 Baby_on_the_Tank: hi all
2012-10-28 13:11.38 dU.Supa_Angel: Hi Baby on the tank
2012-10-28 13:12.00 {MHM}BIOMECH:Best. Elevator. EVER.
2012-10-28 13:12.12 dU.Supa_Angel: aíLLoll
2012-10-28 13:12.13 COWBELL: lol
2012-10-28 13:12.22 {MHM}BIOMECH:PFFFFF
2012-10-28 13:12.24 Flabberdewapski: oh
2012-10-28 13:12.24 COWBELL: lol
2012-10-28 13:12.26 Flabberdewapski: nice map
2012-10-28 13:12.41 {MHM}BIOMECH:I do dislike it when maps say "flawless victory" at the end
2012-10-28 13:12.44 {MHM}BIOMECH:Because it´s never true
2012-10-28 13:12.44 COWBELL: ok bed time
2012-10-28 13:12.47 COWBELL: long night
2012-10-28 13:12.49 Bell_Pepper:?
2012-10-28 13:12.50 {MHM}BIOMECH:Moo!
2012-10-28 13:12.53 dU.Supa_Angel: goodnight cowbell
2012-10-28 13:12.56 Gozzilla_:D: cya
2012-10-28 13:12.59 skorp: gn cow
2012-10-28 13:13.04 Machete: !v
2012-10-28 13:13.06 Flabberdewapski: moodnight
2012-10-28 13:13.07 {MHM}HellFire`: EGYPT
2012-10-28 13:13.08 COWBELL: !exit
2012-10-28 13:13.10 skorp: !v
2012-10-28 13:13.11 {MHM}HellFire`: we dont want tges
2012-10-28 13:13.29 Flabberdewapski: taunt menu found...
2012-10-28 13:13.29 Bell_Pepper:defending mars
2012-10-28 13:13.29 {MHM}BIOMECH:He has to be be up early tomorrow....Important event....:>
2012-10-28 13:13.39 dU.Supa_Angel: :))
2012-10-28 13:13.54 {MHM}HellFire`: fs

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