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Match Infos
Distance traveled:106,90km
Map Time:00:23:50
Playdate:2012-10-29 22:14:20
Team Awards:
Lola108542 0 0 0 00:23:49 5,46km
Spectator47732 1 0 0 00:23:49 6,49km
HereFishyFishyFishy23103 6 0 0 00:23:49 5,40km
-H1N1-56655 0 0 0 00:23:49 4,81km
MISTER-DANGEROUS97886 1 0 0 00:23:49 7,75km
Rork20987 10 0 0 00:23:49 6,96km
Wicca62132 3 0 0 00:23:49 5,84km
{NOC}Teppy24432 7 0 0 00:23:49 5,49km
[deleted]5908 4 0 0 00:23:49 0,85km
jmp8791 0 0 0 00:23:49 1,27km
MILO90761 0 0 0 00:23:49 4,99km
Fabs19862 9 0 0 00:23:49 6,64km
laser17605 6 0 0 00:23:49 6,74km
Killerman12737 9 0 0 00:23:32 8,19km
boombastic8513 8 0 0 00:23:08 7,17km
Aivis11222 3 0 1 00:17:55 5,38km
skorp10738 9 0 0 00:15:50 4,41km
Franz15930 3 0 0 00:14:34 4,57km
UdderZillA11076 2 0 0 00:11:18 2,31km
Rocco7952 0 0 0 00:09:24 1,56km
Strat011733 4 0 0 00:07:34 2,26km
VoVa11860 4 0 0 00:04:54 1,22km
d4rk14535 2 0 0 00:04:47 1,15km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Lola 17 5 5 0 0 9 16 6 0 8 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 84
Spectator 0 16 0 0 0 38 58/1 36 0 28 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 212
HereFishyFishyFishy 15 4 4/6 0 0 8 38 2 0 23 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 110
-H1N1- 3 5 2 0 0 3 28 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 46
MISTER-DANGEROUS 62 36 1 0 0 19 30/1 24 0 23 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 227
Rork 16 15 7/10 0 0 12 20 11 0 12 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 101
Wicca 10 8 7/3 0 0 9 18 2 0 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 62
{NOC}Teppy 11 23 4/7 0 0 7 29 12 0 18 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 122
[deleted] 0 0 4/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 4
jmp 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 15 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 47
MILO 7 20 2 0 0 6 20 17 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 78
Fabs 14 10 10/8 0 0 2 14 14 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0/1 74
laser 4 13 6/5 0 0 3 20 8 0 14/1 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 78
Killerman 0 1 6/5 0 0 3 5/1 14 0 26 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0/4 75
boombastic 0 5 1/3 0 0 7 4/2 6 0 6/1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0/2 34
Aivis 1 4 0 0 0 4 19 7 0 11 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0/2 57
skorp 8 10 0/9 0 0 2 2 15 0 8 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 55
Franz 0 16 1/1 0 0 9 12/2 8 0 6 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 70
UdderZillA 0 3 0 0 0 4 0/1 54 0 2 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0/1 80
Rocco 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 3 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 51
Strat0 0 0 4/2 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0/4 26
VoVa 0 0 1/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
d4rk 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-10-29 21:52.05 HereFishyFishyFishy: what u wanna do?
2012-10-29 21:52.06 [USS]_Ady: noooooooo
2012-10-29 21:52.10 Rork: !o
2012-10-29 21:52.13 [USS]_Ady:
2012-10-29 21:52.18 dU.Data_Destroyer: oh no, this will empty the server
2012-10-29 21:52.22 [USS]_Ady: OOOOOOO we are 20 people this will be easy
2012-10-29 21:52.26 HereFishyFishyFishy: empty it from monsters
2012-10-29 21:52.28 -H1N1-: OMG no this map
2012-10-29 21:52.32 [USS]_Ady:
2012-10-29 21:52.36 Rork: perfekt map?
2012-10-29 21:52.38 HereFishyFishyFishy: just ALL go in @ titans
2012-10-29 21:52.46 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol perfect
2012-10-29 21:52.47 [USS]_Ady: atack fioewhfouwghfuiwejf
2012-10-29 21:52.52 dU.Data_Destroyer: many farmers
2012-10-29 21:53.17 [USS]_Ady: good bye grandmamam
2012-10-29 21:53.38 [USS]_Ady: JMP
2012-10-29 21:53.43 JMP: sal ady!
2012-10-29 21:53.47 [USS]_Ady: sa l
2012-10-29 21:53.50 [USS]_Ady: new skin ?
2012-10-29 21:53.52 Wicca: parca nu prea jucai aici
2012-10-29 21:53.53 JMP: yeah :P
2012-10-29 21:54.04 [USS]_Ady: mai intru si pe asta
2012-10-29 21:54.07 Wicca: aha
2012-10-29 21:54.44 [USS]_Ady: what we doing here ?
2012-10-29 21:54.53 Wicca: run and kill
2012-10-29 22:00.16 dU.Data_Destroyer: hi skorp ^^
2012-10-29 22:00.22 [USS]_Ady: fu*k
2012-10-29 22:00.24 HereFishyFishyFishy: rip from far
2012-10-29 22:00.35 [USS]_Ady: skarj part suck
2012-10-29 22:01.02 [USS]_Ady: OMFG
2012-10-29 22:02.23 [USS]_Ady: surrender him
2012-10-29 22:02.33 HereFishyFishyFishy: surround?
2012-10-29 22:02.43 [USS]_Ady: nobody cares
2012-10-29 22:02.57 COWBELL: !exit
2012-10-29 22:03.21 HereFishyFishyFishy: [%P %H %A]
2012-10-29 22:03.25 HereFishyFishyFishy: [Loading up for Attack...]
2012-10-29 22:03.34 [USS]_Ady: AAAAAAAAAA
2012-10-29 22:04.45 HereFishyFishyFishy: [Incoming NMY HIGH]
2012-10-29 22:04.45 HereFishyFishyFishy: [Incoming NMY CENTER]
2012-10-29 22:05.29 [USS]_Ady:
2012-10-29 22:05.32 [USS]_Ady:
2012-10-29 22:05.48 [USS]_Ady: why are u shot at wall ? o.O
2012-10-29 22:05.54 HereFishyFishyFishy: do it
2012-10-29 22:06.06 JMP: HEY ROCCO MATE :D
2012-10-29 22:06.10 Rocco: HEY BOY
2012-10-29 22:06.13 [USS]_Ady: is something near the bridge
2012-10-29 22:06.18 Rocco: U OK MATE
2012-10-29 22:06.23 dU.Data_Destroyer: hi Rocco
2012-10-29 22:06.30 Rocco: ciao data :D
2012-10-29 22:06.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: ciaoooooooooooooooo
2012-10-29 22:06.43 Rocco: ciaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
2012-10-29 22:06.59 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-10-29 22:07.16 -H1N1-: gg team
2012-10-29 22:07.27 JMP: brb
2012-10-29 22:07.52 [USS]_Ady: tinans next >
2012-10-29 22:07.56 [USS]_Ady: ?
2012-10-29 22:07.58 HereFishyFishyFishy: so all go in?
2012-10-29 22:08.05 [USS]_Ady: oo shit
2012-10-29 22:08.10 Aivis: for fun :P
2012-10-29 22:08.14 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-10-29 22:08.15 HereFishyFishyFishy: D-Ohh!!!
2012-10-29 22:08.17 dU.Data_Destroyer: :P
2012-10-29 22:08.26 -H1N1-: lol
2012-10-29 22:08.27 [USS]_Ady: 13 people die in 2 seconds
2012-10-29 22:08.34 dU.Data_Destroyer: am i loved too much for people killing me?
2012-10-29 22:08.39 dU.Data_Destroyer: hi hell
2012-10-29 22:08.59 HereFishyFishyFishy: [Loading up for Attack...]
2012-10-29 22:09.04 [USS]_Ady: go atack oweifjiofhw3o4
2012-10-29 22:09.09 [USS]_Ady: lol
2012-10-29 22:09.30 [USS]_Ady: WTYF
2012-10-29 22:09.38 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol sorry :/
2012-10-29 22:09.47 Wicca: lol
2012-10-29 22:09.48 d4rk:hello
2012-10-29 22:09.49 [USS]_Ady: i toch the teleport and i die :O
2012-10-29 22:09.53 HereFishyFishyFishy: u gey wicca?
2012-10-29 22:09.55 dU.Data_Destroyer: hi
2012-10-29 22:09.55 d4rk:!p
2012-10-29 22:09.57 HereFishyFishyFishy: go in and die
2012-10-29 22:10.02 Wicca: lol i died till now
2012-10-29 22:10.09 Wicca: while u are fishing, lol
2012-10-29 22:10.09 HereFishyFishyFishy: ok mister then
2012-10-29 22:10.13 HereFishyFishyFishy: fishin?
2012-10-29 22:10.16 HereFishyFishyFishy: died more then u
2012-10-29 22:12.14 HereFishyFishyFishy: if u didnt die there u are a cheap git
2012-10-29 22:12.54 [USS]_Ady: run
2012-10-29 22:13.46 cacaman: whoa!
2012-10-29 22:13.54 cacaman: how many people today?
2012-10-29 22:13.59 [USS]_Ady: 578256287357285
2012-10-29 22:14.02 dU.Data_Destroyer: server full
2012-10-29 22:14.07 HereFishyFishyFishy: like bird mister and h1ni - didnt die = gey
2012-10-29 22:14.09 [USS]_Ady: realy ?
2012-10-29 22:14.21 HereFishyFishyFishy: yea
2012-10-29 22:14.22 [USS]_Ady: 1st time i complete this map
2012-10-29 22:14.22 d4rk: gg
2012-10-29 22:14.24 TRIPON: lol
2012-10-29 22:14.24 -H1N1-: ???
2012-10-29 22:14.26 TRIPON: gg
2012-10-29 22:14.27 [USS]_Ady: gg
2012-10-29 22:14.27 dU.Data_Destroyer: gg
2012-10-29 22:14.32 HereFishyFishyFishy: for not goin in at titans :)
2012-10-29 22:14.34 skorp: gg
2012-10-29 22:14.49 HereFishyFishyFishy: u did wica - soz bout that
2012-10-29 22:14.49 [USS]_Ady: gg dU for full server happy halloween all
2012-10-29 22:14.54 [USS]_Ady: :)
2012-10-29 22:14.59 JMP: i love halloween!
2012-10-29 22:15.00 dU.Data_Destroyer: lol
2012-10-29 22:15.01 [USS]_Ady: !v
2012-10-29 22:15.04 Wicca: i did, not my fault cuz u died more than me, lol
2012-10-29 22:15.13 MooCow:!p
2012-10-29 22:15.13 dU.Data_Destroyer: 2 days left yet lol
2012-10-29 22:15.19 skorp: lol
2012-10-29 22:15.24 MooCow: lol
2012-10-29 22:15.29 [USS]_Ady: in my class every day is halloween

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