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Match Infos
Distance traveled:21,34km
Map Time:00:18:26
Playdate:2013-01-03 03:23:25
Team Awards:
Mexican_Curius2583 1 0 0 00:18:26 2,74km
Rachet12125 1 0 0 00:18:26 3,87km
A_Very_Prplgrl7414 5 0 0 00:18:26 3,23km
MORA9167 1 0 0 00:18:26 3,48km
dU.Suz8442 2 0 0 00:18:26 2,69km
jmp38 0 0 0 00:18:26 1,38km
BusterBold8247 0 0 0 00:18:23 3,07km
Gerovit1179 0 0 0 00:03:24 0,88km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Mexican_Curius 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0/1 9
Rachet 3 11 0 4 0 1 1 5 0 8 0 0 5/1 4 0 0 1 0 0 43
A_Very_Prplgrl 1 9/1 0 0 2 7 1 12 0 3 2 0 2/3 4 0 0 0 0 0/2 43
MORA 1 1 0 2 3 12 6 4 0 3 0 0 3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 35
dU.Suz 0 5 0 0 2 12 1 0 0 2 0 0 1/2 4 0 0 0 0 0 27
jmp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BusterBold 0 6 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 17
Gerovit 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2013-01-03 03:06.07 BangBang: You know what?
2013-01-03 03:06.11 BangBang: I like cakes.
2013-01-03 03:06.12 JMP: what :D
2013-01-03 03:06.17 dU.Suz: me too
2013-01-03 03:06.19 JMP: yeah i know :D
2013-01-03 03:06.33 JMP: haha but well im cursed to the dark side :D
2013-01-03 03:06.53 BangBang: Umm.... Nah, dark side has cookies, so you can´t be there xd
2013-01-03 03:07.11 dU.Suz: yeah
2013-01-03 03:07.11 JMP: the dark side has flames and pain and suffering :D
2013-01-03 03:07.14 JMP: no cookies :D
2013-01-03 03:07.39 BangBang: But this year I will try to cut down on cakes and sweets :D
2013-01-03 03:07.45 dU.Suz: lol
2013-01-03 03:07.48 JMP: or well not anyways, hell its not hot and burning :D its more cold and lonely
2013-01-03 03:08.41 BangBang: I need to lose a few kilos xd
2013-01-03 03:08.53 JMP: how much you weigh? and how tall are you? :D
2013-01-03 03:09.13 BangBang: I´m kidding.
2013-01-03 03:09.18 JMP: oh okay :D
2013-01-03 03:09.24 BangBang: Actually I need to gain a few kilos xD
2013-01-03 03:09.25 JMP: was just asking :D
2013-01-03 03:09.35 dU.Suz: that skinny? lol
2013-01-03 03:09.36 JMP: well how tall are you and what do you weigh :D
2013-01-03 03:09.59 BangBang: My metabolism is killer one :C
2013-01-03 03:10.07 JMP: bangbang............
2013-01-03 03:10.44 BangBang: Woot?
2013-01-03 03:10.52 JMP: you have not my name in it
2013-01-03 03:11.04 BangBang: In what?
2013-01-03 03:11.10 JMP: your name
2013-01-03 03:11.21 dU.Suz: the helll
2013-01-03 03:11.25 dU.Suz: o.o
2013-01-03 03:11.29 BangBang: I dunno.
2013-01-03 03:11.36 JMP: fish your name bang ;D
2013-01-03 03:11.50 BangBang: Ummm woot?
2013-01-03 03:12.12 JMP: in your "team name" you deleated my name..
2013-01-03 03:12.13 dU.Suz: he wants to know why you don´t have his name
2013-01-03 03:12.16 dU.Suz: on your team name
2013-01-03 03:12.23 BangBang: Oh, that...
2013-01-03 03:12.30 JMP: yeah go fiz that
2013-01-03 03:12.38 BangBang: Thanks for translation Suz xd
2013-01-03 03:12.41 dU.Suz: lol np
2013-01-03 03:12.51 JMP: you had depression suz?
2013-01-03 03:12.56 BangBang: It´s not here for a while ^^"
2013-01-03 03:13.03 dU.Suz: yes JMP
2013-01-03 03:13.10 JMP: hmm sorry s;
2013-01-03 03:13.11 BangBang: I just got a little bored of that teamname.
2013-01-03 03:13.15 JMP: you fell better now?
2013-01-03 03:13.19 dU.Suz: i do
2013-01-03 03:13.37 dU.Suz: but it´s still hard to deal with some problems
2013-01-03 03:13.40 dU.Suz: very hard...
2013-01-03 03:13.40 JMP: but well to talk about something like that is personal..
2013-01-03 03:13.47 JMP: about how it came and so on
2013-01-03 03:13.55 JMP: but if you want, PM
2013-01-03 03:14.09 BangBang: You know, I can tell you sth too...
2013-01-03 03:14.12 JMP: yeah and the things still to deal with
2013-01-03 03:14.26 BangBang: I remeber that one time my BMI showed that I´m anorexian, lol xD
2013-01-03 03:14.42 dU.Suz: o.o
2013-01-03 03:14.46 JMP: bangbang, you forgot i had eating disorder? :D not funny..
2013-01-03 03:15.21 BangBang: Srsly, I dunno who creates this BMI standars.
2013-01-03 03:15.37 JMP: just shut up with your no funny jokes :D you bastard!
2013-01-03 03:15.38 BangBang: Sb obviously forgot about ppl with metabolism like mine.
2013-01-03 03:16.21 dU.Suz: what...
2013-01-03 03:16.24 JMP: dont ignore me
2013-01-03 03:16.31 dU.Suz: i´m not ignoring you
2013-01-03 03:16.41 JMP: i asked if you have something to talk about im here :)
2013-01-03 03:16.51 BangBang: LOOOOL.
2013-01-03 03:16.51 dU.Suz: thank you
2013-01-03 03:16.59 dU.Suz: and the same goes for you
2013-01-03 03:17.04 BangBang: Ok, JMP, enough of whisky for today.
2013-01-03 03:17.11 JMP: np :)
2013-01-03 03:17.20 JMP: well bang, you cant feel it :)
2013-01-03 03:17.23 dU.Suz: well, i had some shots on new year´s eve xD
2013-01-03 03:17.29 dU.Suz: my sister wanted to get me drunk
2013-01-03 03:17.31 dU.Suz: haha
2013-01-03 03:17.40 JMP: if it was you, you wouldnt be so funny :)
2013-01-03 03:17.44 JMP: well did you get drunk sara?
2013-01-03 03:17.52 dU.Suz: nah
2013-01-03 03:17.53 BangBang: I´ve never had a depression, at least not diagnosed one xD
2013-01-03 03:17.56 dU.Suz: was busy working
2013-01-03 03:17.57 dU.Suz: lol
2013-01-03 03:18.04 JMP: working new years eve?
2013-01-03 03:18.07 dU.Suz: yep
2013-01-03 03:18.11 JMP: as?
2013-01-03 03:18.20 dU.Suz: she works at a bar, and they needed more people to help
2013-01-03 03:18.22 dU.Suz: so i went
2013-01-03 03:18.32 JMP: oh thats nice, hard worker :)
2013-01-03 03:18.48 dU.Suz: it was alright xD
2013-01-03 03:18.54 JMP: i was in berling at hotel
2013-01-03 03:18.58 BangBang: Srsly, what´s strange about working in new year eve? xd
2013-01-03 03:19.00 JMP: trashing everything
2013-01-03 03:19.09 dU.Suz: o.O
2013-01-03 03:19.15 JMP: berlin at hotel :D
2013-01-03 03:19.24 JMP: was drunk and out of control
2013-01-03 03:19.39 BangBang: Then why do you drink so much? lol
2013-01-03 03:19.48 JMP: its fun :D
2013-01-03 03:19.52 dU.Suz: lol
2013-01-03 03:19.56 JMP: but not when i wake up :S
2013-01-03 03:19.58 JMP: ugh
2013-01-03 03:20.00 BangBang: Yeah, being outta control surely is.
2013-01-03 03:20.12 JMP: worst feeling waking up after drinking
2013-01-03 03:20.43 JMP: one of my friends she drank to much, she slept before midningt -.-
2013-01-03 03:20.53 JMP: midnight
2013-01-03 03:20.54 BangBang: What a idiot.
2013-01-03 03:21.04 dU.Suz: xD
2013-01-03 03:21.19 JMP: when its a nice hotel and everything is for free :D
2013-01-03 03:21.28 JMP: it was a 5 star hotel
2013-01-03 03:21.29 BangBang: BAKA!
2013-01-03 03:21.37 JMP: if wolfie was here i could tell him :D
2013-01-03 03:22.16 BangBang: I´m afraid Wolfie after seeing you wouldn´t allow you to play here anymore Xd
2013-01-03 03:22.29 JMP: what?
2013-01-03 03:22.45 BangBang: Your outta control is rather not a nice thing to see xd
2013-01-03 03:23.05 JMP: well wolfie knows me :D the admins do :D and im a sweetheart :D
2013-01-03 03:23.17 dU.Suz: lol
2013-01-03 03:23.32 BangBang: Sure you do, lol.
2013-01-03 03:23.37 JMP: :D
2013-01-03 03:24.09 dU.Suz: brb xD

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