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Match Infos
Distance traveled:32,79km
Map Time:00:16:47
Playdate:2013-01-07 00:30:14
Team Awards:
Hyperion13432 0 0 0 00:16:47 1,87km
MILO70970 1 0 0 00:16:47 4,33km
Gurke_HotelWLAN11302 3 0 0 00:16:47 4,09km
7hund3rFX7971 3 0 1 00:16:47 3,58km
Piro65692 1 0 0 00:16:47 3,89km
jmp2530 0 0 0 00:16:38 1,82km
copycat27296 1 0 0 00:16:19 3,77km
Su-Lee2641 3 0 0 00:15:27 3,42km
SERGEY_MOSCOW3250 1 0 0 00:13:56 3,14km
BusterBold13367 0 0 0 00:09:01 2,06km
Cryptus4439 0 0 0 00:04:58 0,83km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Hyperion 0 7 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
MILO 0 4 0 10 5 0 1 15 0 6 0 0 1 11 3 0 0 0 0/1 56
Gurke_HotelWLAN 0 4 0 16/1 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 26
7hund3rFX 0 2 1 9 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0/3 16
Piro 0 8 0 17 22 0 34 2 0 4 0 0 5/1 13 6 8 0 0 0 119
jmp 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
copycat 0 3 0 11 9 0 1/1 2 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
Su-Lee 0 0 0/1 8 7 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 19
SERGEY_MOSCOW 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 3
BusterBold 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11
Cryptus 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2013-01-07 00:15.01 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: !spec
2013-01-07 00:15.42 JMP: well hi guys
2013-01-07 00:15.51 Hyperion: hey JMP
2013-01-07 00:15.56 MILOS: hello mate
2013-01-07 00:15.56 JMP: ey hypzi
2013-01-07 00:16.02 JMP: ey milos mate :)
2013-01-07 00:16.12 JMP: easy lad
2013-01-07 00:16.58 JMP: HEY MOO
2013-01-07 00:17.00 JMP: :)
2013-01-07 00:17.05 moobz:moo
2013-01-07 00:17.16 moobz::)
2013-01-07 00:17.22 JMP: i said hi not moo :(
2013-01-07 00:17.40 MILOS: lol
2013-01-07 00:17.43 JMP: ^^
2013-01-07 00:17.50 moobz:moo JMP
2013-01-07 00:17.56 JMP: i said!
2013-01-07 00:18.01 JMP: i didnt say moo i said hi MOO!
2013-01-07 00:18.03 JMP: :D
2013-01-07 00:18.06 MILOS: moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
2013-01-07 00:18.10 moobz:or hi ^^
2013-01-07 00:18.17 JMP: i dont speak cow :D
2013-01-07 00:18.19 moobz:excuse cow
2013-01-07 00:18.22 moobz:lol
2013-01-07 00:18.28 JMP: well its okay because its you ^^
2013-01-07 00:19.22 JMP: i just love deemer tentacles :D
2013-01-07 00:19.26 Hyperion: me too
2013-01-07 00:19.39 JMP: how are you hypzi ;) ? everything good?
2013-01-07 00:19.40 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:they should be on every map at this point
2013-01-07 00:19.50 JMP: oh hey rei
2013-01-07 00:19.55 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:evening
2013-01-07 00:19.56 Hyperion: could be better, but I won´t complain xd
2013-01-07 00:20.00 Hyperion: you okay too?
2013-01-07 00:20.13 JMP: how come you are not okay? :(
2013-01-07 00:21.27 JMP: whats wrong hypzi?
2013-01-07 00:21.33 Hyperion: it´s the usual thing, JMP, nothing new xD
2013-01-07 00:21.42 dU.Suz:back xD
2013-01-07 00:21.49 JMP: yeah i know that when you say it, but it have to be something? or?
2013-01-07 00:22.05 BangBang: Hiho.
2013-01-07 00:22.15 JMP: or maybe just the same old feeling?
2013-01-07 00:22.17 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:konichiiwa, suzuhara-san
2013-01-07 00:22.22 dU.Suz:lol
2013-01-07 00:22.25 BangBang: NANI?
2013-01-07 00:22.27 Hyperion: mmmaybe
2013-01-07 00:22.30 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:NANI?!
2013-01-07 00:22.34 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:xD
2013-01-07 00:22.41 7hund3rFX: sry
2013-01-07 00:22.44 MILOS: holy moly
2013-01-07 00:22.44 BangBang: KORONASAIDE!
2013-01-07 00:22.46 MILOS: :)
2013-01-07 00:23.43 BangBang: Hmm... I guess I don´t know more of Japanese :D
2013-01-07 00:23.50 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:NANI?!
2013-01-07 00:23.55 dU.Suz:lol
2013-01-07 00:24.37 Piro: lol
2013-01-07 00:24.59 BangBang: NIISAN KORONASAIDE!!!
2013-01-07 00:27.39 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:hai, suzuhara-sama
2013-01-07 00:28.04 BangBang: Tohshiba mitsubishi fujistsu!
2013-01-07 00:28.12 dU.Suz:o.o
2013-01-07 00:28.13 JMP: stop talking bangbang
2013-01-07 00:28.24 dU.Suz:lol
2013-01-07 00:28.28 BangBang: Suzuki!
2013-01-07 00:28.50 JMP: bangbangs mouth is like an A hole, only sh!t comes out of it..
2013-01-07 00:29.01 dU.Suz:o.O
2013-01-07 00:29.03 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:that´s quite graphical
2013-01-07 00:29.11 JMP: depends on your imagination :D
2013-01-07 00:29.37 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0::<
2013-01-07 00:29.49 JMP: but its the truth nothing than less :D
2013-01-07 00:30.21 Piro: lol
2013-01-07 00:30.24 BangBang: Fujitsu suzuki yamaha!
2013-01-07 00:30.35 JMP: uhm mmkaaay
2013-01-07 00:30.38 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0:!p
2013-01-07 00:31.18 JMP: MILOS?
2013-01-07 00:31.22 JMP: you alright lad?
2013-01-07 00:31.30 MILOS: allo mate -not bad - you :)

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