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Match Infos
Distance traveled:37,43km
Map Time:00:34:28
Playdate:2013-01-13 04:48:46
Team Awards:
Wicca48264 4 0 0 00:34:27 7,74km
Nen19639 8 0 0 00:34:27 10,06km
SICKBUBBLE_GUM36446 0 0 0 00:34:22 4,97km
easylee8499 1 0 0 00:33:21 2,39km
BOUH2K30923 2 0 0 00:27:10 6,27km
dU.Commander_ITA25892 0 0 0 00:24:35 2,59km
Emperor_Warrior8526 0 0 0 00:10:56 1,75km
-=]UM[=-futar7634 1 0 0 00:09:48 1,66km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Wicca 25/1 41/1 2/1 49 0 0 8 187 1 0 0 0 7 48 0 0 0 0 0/1 368
Nen 58/2 49/1 1/1 39 0 0 0 172 3/1 3 0 0 6/1 118 0 0 0 0 0/3 449
SICKBUBBLE_GUM 18 18 1 34 0 0 5 26 1 0 0 0 3 69 0 0 0 0 0 175
easylee 2 0 0 0 0 0 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
BOUH2K 13/1 42 1 34 0 0 0 118 0 2 1 0 4 175 0 0 0 0 0/2 390
dU.Commander_ITA 30 0 0 15 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 90 0 0 0 0 0 147
Emperor_Warrior 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
-=]UM[=-futar 0 0 0 24/1 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2013-01-13 04:17.00 tr0y: plictsit, that sounds nasty....
2013-01-13 04:17.22 Wicca: wish i had an angel, too
2013-01-13 04:17.28 tr0y:oho
2013-01-13 04:17.59 tr0y:ive met one once
2013-01-13 04:18.11 tr0y:at least he told me that he was one lol
2013-01-13 04:18.15 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:18.18 Wicca: really?
2013-01-13 04:18.25 Wicca: and were are they hidden?
2013-01-13 04:18.29 tr0y: well
2013-01-13 04:18.32 tr0y: yea
2013-01-13 04:18.52 Wicca: yea what?
2013-01-13 04:19.25 tr0y: he told me that he was, and the situation in which it happened was a bit weird indeed
2013-01-13 04:19.46 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:19.48 tr0y: so it still remains this lil rest of a thought
2013-01-13 04:19.58 tr0y: that
2013-01-13 04:20.08 tr0y: what if it was....
2013-01-13 04:20.12 tr0y: weird
2013-01-13 04:20.13 tr0y: lol
2013-01-13 04:20.29 tr0y: i first thought its just a crazy guy for sure
2013-01-13 04:20.35 tr0y: but the longer he talked
2013-01-13 04:20.46 tr0y: and the more interesting things her said
2013-01-13 04:20.50 tr0y: well
2013-01-13 04:20.55 tr0y: it was jst weird^^
2013-01-13 04:21.06 Wicca: and why he is here now?
2013-01-13 04:21.20 tr0y: he said that he was archangel michael
2013-01-13 04:21.24 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:21.24 tr0y: lol
2013-01-13 04:21.28 tr0y: was spooky
2013-01-13 04:21.28 Wicca: fallen angel
2013-01-13 04:21.31 tr0y: yea
2013-01-13 04:21.45 tr0y: who fought the devil
2013-01-13 04:22.06 I´m_No_Fortunate_Son: i did
2013-01-13 04:22.10 tr0y: ^^
2013-01-13 04:22.16 tr0y: asnother one then^^
2013-01-13 04:22.39 tr0y: but the weird thing was, right in the moment ive met him
2013-01-13 04:22.45 tr0y: the dark sky opened
2013-01-13 04:22.54 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:22.59 tr0y: and the sun broke through a foggy rainy day
2013-01-13 04:23.07 tr0y: so it was a bit weird idd
2013-01-13 04:24.56 tr0y: any chance to survive the skaarjs alone?
2013-01-13 04:25.22 Wicca: dunno
2013-01-13 04:25.34 Wicca: dont even know where they are
2013-01-13 04:25.45 tr0y: the blue skaarjs
2013-01-13 04:25.59 tr0y: they wake up when u are at end of the way
2013-01-13 04:26.30 dU.Commander_ITA: re-rehho
2013-01-13 04:26.34 tr0y: lol
2013-01-13 04:26.37 dU.Commander_ITA: hello, LOL
2013-01-13 04:26.48 dU.Commander_ITA: Drunk version of Hello
2013-01-13 04:26.51 tr0y: it seems as he has fixed gambling times
2013-01-13 04:26.56 Wicca: hey Comm
2013-01-13 04:27.00 tr0y: :-)
2013-01-13 04:27.03 dU.Commander_ITA: Heya Wiccky
2013-01-13 04:27.11 tr0y: hey hey wickie
2013-01-13 04:27.14 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:27.25 dU.Commander_ITA: i drunk a couple of beer as you said before
2013-01-13 04:27.44 Wicca: after i finished mine
2013-01-13 04:27.51 dU.Commander_ITA: yes
2013-01-13 04:27.54 dU.Commander_ITA: more or less
2013-01-13 04:27.54 Wicca: but no grill, as you promised
2013-01-13 04:28.02 dU.Commander_ITA: i did it
2013-01-13 04:28.03 tr0y: dont drive dunken^^
2013-01-13 04:28.09 dU.Commander_ITA: was me, Troy and all Server
2013-01-13 04:28.15 dU.Commander_ITA: you only wasn´t
2013-01-13 04:28.19 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:28.36 Wicca: see, didt made to skaarjs XD
2013-01-13 04:28.57 tr0y: no they killed me after i took 4 down^^
2013-01-13 04:29.28 Wicca: btw, sorry if sometimes i play and dont say anything
2013-01-13 04:29.31 Wicca: it´s not me, lol
2013-01-13 04:29.38 tr0y: oh, really?
2013-01-13 04:29.42 tr0y: yur dad?
2013-01-13 04:29.42 dU.Commander_ITA: a spirit possessed you?
2013-01-13 04:29.45 tr0y: LOL
2013-01-13 04:30.02 tr0y: whouhooooo, ..."its not me"......
2013-01-13 04:30.05 tr0y: lol
2013-01-13 04:30.18 Wicca: yea, it´s the evil spirit
2013-01-13 04:30.32 tr0y: you cant have an evil spirit#
2013-01-13 04:30.33 dU.Commander_ITA: gosh how i understand you
2013-01-13 04:30.44 dU.Commander_ITA: today i watched bbob to a girl beside me
2013-01-13 04:30.44 tr0y: you neither commander
2013-01-13 04:30.49 dU.Commander_ITA: Was not me!
2013-01-13 04:30.52 tr0y: LOL
2013-01-13 04:30.58 dU.Commander_ITA: but a evil spirit inside
2013-01-13 04:31.04 dU.Commander_ITA: she didn´t trust me
2013-01-13 04:31.08 dU.Commander_ITA: i cannot get why
2013-01-13 04:31.16 tr0y: grils....
2013-01-13 04:31.17 Wicca: evil is evil
2013-01-13 04:31.20 tr0y: girls....
2013-01-13 04:31.24 dU.Commander_ITA: yeah....
2013-01-13 04:32.00 tr0y: after several years of different relationships, and my retrospective analysis
2013-01-13 04:32.09 Wicca: i say it´s better alone
2013-01-13 04:32.10 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:32.14 tr0y: how long i lived in relation and how long i was single
2013-01-13 04:32.25 tr0y: i am a convinced single now
2013-01-13 04:32.28 Wicca: relationships are too complicated
2013-01-13 04:32.32 tr0y: idd
2013-01-13 04:32.39 tr0y: but thats not the point
2013-01-13 04:32.43 dU.Commander_ITA: mmm i´m single too, but not so convinced
2013-01-13 04:32.57 Wicca: i am not single, but still convinced, lol
2013-01-13 04:32.58 dU.Commander_ITA: couple life can be nice
2013-01-13 04:33.05 dU.Commander_ITA: lol
2013-01-13 04:33.08 tr0y: i really discovered that i managed much more things i wanted to reach for myself outside a relationship
2013-01-13 04:33.24 dU.Commander_ITA: is possible is a phase?
2013-01-13 04:33.27 tr0y: so i am a convinced single now
2013-01-13 04:33.33 dU.Commander_ITA: and not definitive?
2013-01-13 04:33.33 tr0y: maybe
2013-01-13 04:33.38 tr0y: but atm
2013-01-13 04:33.47 tr0y: i am convince for some years already
2013-01-13 04:33.49 dU.Commander_ITA: my lasst neuron not drunk said that
2013-01-13 04:33.50 Wicca: when you are single, for sure u can do much more
2013-01-13 04:33.56 dU.Commander_ITA: but i didn´t get what it meant
2013-01-13 04:34.02 tr0y: lol COMMAndewr
2013-01-13 04:34.27 tr0y: the point is, i have many freinds
2013-01-13 04:34.32 tr0y: both gender
2013-01-13 04:34.43 tr0y: and its much more effective not to bind
2013-01-13 04:34.54 I´m_No_Fortunate_Son:
2013-01-13 04:34.55 tr0y: for the friendships and for the self
2013-01-13 04:35.11 dU.Commander_ITA: well i see good point in both ways
2013-01-13 04:35.17 tr0y: monogamy is a stupid myth by cowards
2013-01-13 04:35.27 dU.Commander_ITA: but romantic
2013-01-13 04:35.35 dU.Commander_ITA: omg, that´s alcohol, ok
2013-01-13 04:35.44 tr0y: rofl cpm
2013-01-13 04:36.02 tr0y: well,
2013-01-13 04:36.17 tr0y: did i start this topic?
2013-01-13 04:36.19 tr0y: LOL
2013-01-13 04:36.26 tr0y: hopefully not^^
2013-01-13 04:36.29 Wicca: yea, luckly my bf is not here to see this, lol
2013-01-13 04:36.31 dU.Commander_ITA: no, Emperor Did
2013-01-13 04:36.36 Emperor: what?
2013-01-13 04:36.39 Emperor: O.o
2013-01-13 04:36.44 dU.Commander_ITA: don´t look like innocent now
2013-01-13 04:36.47 tr0y: see what?
2013-01-13 04:36.52 Emperor: *shakes fist at screen*
2013-01-13 04:36.59 tr0y: your stripteas?
2013-01-13 04:37.01 Wicca: the conv
2013-01-13 04:37.02 dU.Commander_ITA: lol, just Kidding
2013-01-13 04:37.03 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:37.05 tr0y: ^^
2013-01-13 04:37.43 tr0y: so you are single with a boyfriedn?
2013-01-13 04:37.47 dU.Commander_ITA: Wicca fight with statues
2013-01-13 04:37.47 Wicca: haha
2013-01-13 04:37.49 tr0y: that sounds like a plan lol
2013-01-13 04:38.07 Wicca: not single, but still convinced that single is better :P
2013-01-13 04:38.12 tr0y: LOL
2013-01-13 04:38.23 dU.Commander_ITA: mmm what your BF should think about?
2013-01-13 04:38.29 tr0y: eraadicate all memory on your pc this eveneing^^
2013-01-13 04:38.35 Wicca: haha
2013-01-13 04:38.44 dU.Commander_ITA: no problem there are chat logs
2013-01-13 04:38.54 tr0y: lol
2013-01-13 04:38.54 Wicca: well, at least there is a good thing in this
2013-01-13 04:39.06 Wicca: i wouldnt played now if it wasnt him, lol
2013-01-13 04:39.11 tr0y: hahaha
2013-01-13 04:39.18 tr0y: omg thats nasty, wicca^^
2013-01-13 04:39.19 dU.Commander_ITA: ah yeah
2013-01-13 04:39.32 Wicca: sorry Nen
2013-01-13 04:39.32 dU.Commander_ITA: so we discovered you play UT only when you are not with him
2013-01-13 04:39.45 tr0y: not quite what she meant, com^^
2013-01-13 04:39.49 Wicca: ah, u understood wrong
2013-01-13 04:39.51 Wicca: Comm
2013-01-13 04:39.55 tr0y: ^^
2013-01-13 04:39.58 Wicca: i do play when he is home :)
2013-01-13 04:40.02 tr0y: LOL
2013-01-13 04:40.04 dU.Commander_ITA: no, but i try to let she talk more about it
2013-01-13 04:40.09 Wicca: but usually not at this hour, lol
2013-01-13 04:40.09 tr0y: ^^
2013-01-13 04:40.10 dU.Commander_ITA: that´s my secret plane
2013-01-13 04:40.25 Wicca: would be easier to just ask, lol
2013-01-13 04:40.46 tr0y: but only if its not: "its not me"
2013-01-13 04:40.46 dU.Commander_ITA: i´m a engenner, i don´t like easy stuffs
2013-01-13 04:40.55 Wicca: u´ll die younger
2013-01-13 04:40.59 Emperor: put dispenser here
2013-01-13 04:41.02 dU.Commander_ITA: me?
2013-01-13 04:41.05 Emperor: yup
2013-01-13 04:41.07 Emperor: lol
2013-01-13 04:41.12 tr0y: by directquestioning
2013-01-13 04:41.34 dU.Commander_ITA: i can´t direct questioning
2013-01-13 04:41.44 Emperor: is the boss here?
2013-01-13 04:41.45 dU.Commander_ITA: i´m from Sicily, here is dangerous
2013-01-13 04:42.16 Wicca: good to know where to find you
2013-01-13 04:42.21 tr0y: hahahaha
2013-01-13 04:42.28 dU.Commander_ITA: you always welcome My friend
2013-01-13 04:42.36 dU.Commander_ITA: we do wonderfull coffee
2013-01-13 04:42.45 Wicca: i drink instant coffe XD
2013-01-13 04:42.46 dU.Commander_ITA: for you and your BF of course
2013-01-13 04:42.54 tr0y: lol comm#
2013-01-13 04:43.01 Emperor: who touch my gun?
2013-01-13 04:43.09 Wicca: that sounds like u will poison one of us
2013-01-13 04:43.11 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:43.14 tr0y: i see the sicilain meeting arising^^
2013-01-13 04:43.22 tr0y: ^^
2013-01-13 04:43.23 dU.Commander_ITA: don´t worry, you are not the one who risk
2013-01-13 04:43.28 dU.Commander_ITA: LOL, kidding
2013-01-13 04:43.37 Emperor: all of you are babies!!!
2013-01-13 04:43.37 dU.Commander_ITA: you both welcome, Friends
2013-01-13 04:43.49 Wicca: the country needs him, lol
2013-01-13 04:44.02 tr0y: you are such a reindly person, its overwhelming sometimes, commander
2013-01-13 04:44.22 dU.Commander_ITA: mmm overhelming?
2013-01-13 04:44.32 tr0y: lol
2013-01-13 04:44.42 Heyporquemepatearon: ¬¬
2013-01-13 04:45.13 dU.Commander_ITA: naa, hospitality is sacre here
2013-01-13 04:45.15 Heyporquemepatearon: comanda
2013-01-13 04:45.26 tr0y: as i still have many mistypings still , but you cant avoid to recognize that i mproved to work with my new kb^^
2013-01-13 04:45.31 dU.Commander_ITA: i´m really glad you come here
2013-01-13 04:45.52 dU.Commander_ITA: ahh new KB?
2013-01-13 04:45.55 tr0y: yep
2013-01-13 04:46.00 tr0y: came with the pc
2013-01-13 04:46.09 tr0y: keyboard
2013-01-13 04:46.19 dU.Commander_ITA: today i got a mispell
2013-01-13 04:46.32 dU.Commander_ITA: and Reiyel and Unai teased me for 30 minutes
2013-01-13 04:46.37 Wicca: lol
2013-01-13 04:46.41 tr0y: u got a mispel in... your hair?
2013-01-13 04:46.47 tr0y: LOL
2013-01-13 04:46.53 dU.Commander_ITA: when they will do as well, i call New York time
2013-01-13 04:47.05 dU.Commander_ITA: mispell
2013-01-13 04:47.10 tr0y: ^^
2013-01-13 04:49.03 dU.Commander_ITA: giggi
2013-01-13 04:49.11 dU.Commander_ITA: WICCAAAAAAAAAAAA
2013-01-13 04:49.17 tr0y: no
2013-01-13 04:49.21 dU.Commander_ITA: do a magic
2013-01-13 04:49.26 tr0y: it "wasnt her"
2013-01-13 04:49.34 Wicca: ***magic*** puff
2013-01-13 04:49.37 tr0y: lol
2013-01-13 04:49.42 tr0y: hehe
2013-01-13 04:49.50 tr0y: sweet
2013-01-13 04:49.50 dU.Commander_ITA: jokes a part, i have a real wicca friend from UK
2013-01-13 04:49.57 Wicca: yea, u told me
2013-01-13 04:49.59 dU.Commander_ITA: she pratice it
2013-01-13 04:50.18 tr0y: i knew you all are a conspiracy
2013-01-13 04:50.20 tr0y: i knew it
2013-01-13 04:50.23 Wicca: lol

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