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Match Infos
Distance traveled:25,81km
Map Time:00:27:26
Playdate:2014-08-11 13:48:49
Team Awards:
Haeg179584 6 2 0 00:27:26 4,33km
Ego_Mano84541 6 0 0 00:27:26 3,55km
dU.Villagemeeting14197 1 0 0 00:27:26 5,17km
karkass283316 0 0 0 00:27:26 2,81km
SilenceOfTheSkaarj56454 3 0 0 00:20:32 4,37km
_lady_boo_PL30184 2 0 0 00:16:20 3,43km
eudder031814 2 0 0 00:08:36 1,37km
Marcel001223 9 0 0 00:07:23 0,78km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Haeg 34 39 0 5 22/1 17 0 106 0 38 4 0 4 256 0 0 0 0 0/6 525
Ego_Mano 5 7 1/1 22 29/1 2 0 102/1 0 8 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 177
dU.Villagemeeting 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 2 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 0/1 98
karkass 0 45 6 79 39 12 0 194 1 42 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 420
SilenceOfTheSkaarj 0 29/1 0/1 20 30 0 0 0 0 22 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 111
_lady_boo_PL 0 2 1/2 5 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 234 0 0 0 0 0 309
eudder0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 8
Marcel00 1 11 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0/8 12
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2014-08-11 13:23.24 dU.Villagemeeting: lets revote
2014-08-11 13:23.25 TheSlimmy: oh thats a map
2014-08-11 13:23.42 DoDo: lol
2014-08-11 13:23.42 TheSlimmy: lol
2014-08-11 13:23.47 dU.Villagemeeting: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2014-08-11 13:24.01 dU.Villagemeeting: mahal kita Hanni
2014-08-11 13:24.06 Dr.HannibalLecter: wha?
2014-08-11 13:24.10 dU.Villagemeeting: maha kita
2014-08-11 13:24.14 dU.Villagemeeting: = i love you
2014-08-11 13:24.24 Dr.HannibalLecter: what language
2014-08-11 13:24.34 dU.Villagemeeting: i dont know JC_SE told us
2014-08-11 13:24.40 dU.Villagemeeting: i forgot again...
2014-08-11 13:24.44 dU.Villagemeeting: hm...
2014-08-11 13:24.59 dU.Villagemeeting: i dont remember now
2014-08-11 13:25.05 dU.Villagemeeting: !Summon_JC_SE
2014-08-11 13:25.07 Dr.HannibalLecter: indian..
2014-08-11 13:25.09 Dr.HannibalLecter: ?
2014-08-11 13:25.15 dU.Villagemeeting: lol
2014-08-11 13:25.17 dU.Villagemeeting: no, tablet
2014-08-11 13:25.42 DoDo: suicide commandop
2014-08-11 13:26.01 DoDo: ~ LoL ~
2014-08-11 13:27.50 Dr.HannibalLecter: :D
2014-08-11 13:28.04 Dr.HannibalLecter: jump
2014-08-11 13:29.12 Marcel00: nie ogarniam ;p
2014-08-11 13:29.36 _Lady_boob_PL: to proste-poprostu strzelasz do potworkow :P
2014-08-11 13:30.06 dU.Villagemeeting: cya Hanni:D
2014-08-11 13:36.31 dU.Villagemeeting: welcome back Hanna:D
2014-08-11 13:36.36 Dr.HannibalLecter: ty
2014-08-11 13:36.39 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol
2014-08-11 13:36.41 dU.Villagemeeting: :D
2014-08-11 13:37.11 dU.Villagemeeting: who wants a fly?
2014-08-11 13:37.17 dU.Villagemeeting: a rocket-x
2014-08-11 13:37.28 Karlosha:LOL
2014-08-11 13:37.30 Karlosha:here ?
2014-08-11 13:37.34 dU.Villagemeeting: uh, the slith almost used it:P
2014-08-11 13:38.51 _Lady_boob_PL: CYa later ! have fun
2014-08-11 13:38.56 dU.Villagemeeting: thanks, cya
2014-08-11 13:39.01 _Lady_boob_PL: !exit
2014-08-11 13:39.16 DoDo: jea
2014-08-11 13:39.25 DoDo: nice corner rape from mantas
2014-08-11 13:43.33 pumping_udder: karkass is rushing
2014-08-11 13:43.42 dU.Villagemeeting: and?
2014-08-11 13:43.44 karkass: like u xwanted to do
2014-08-11 13:43.51 karkass: easylee scvhool
2014-08-11 13:43.53 pumping_udder: points to 70%
2014-08-11 13:43.55 dU.Villagemeeting: you are saying moo...
2014-08-11 13:45.54 dU.Villagemeeting: Karkass, please dont rush, you are disturbing monsters!
2014-08-11 13:46.04 Karlosha:lol
2014-08-11 13:46.07 karkass: cows are not monsters :P
2014-08-11 13:46.33 karkass: or maybe some
2014-08-11 13:46.36 dU.Villagemeeting: if you rush again, i have to kick Dodo, and Hanni...so please dont do that:D
2014-08-11 13:46.40 pumping_udder: rushing probably ok now
2014-08-11 13:46.57 karkass: u just wanted to do it but u fail
2014-08-11 13:47.02 pumping_udder: cow must learn
2014-08-11 13:47.34 Dr.HannibalLecter: ty
2014-08-11 13:47.36 Dr.HannibalLecter: ...........
2014-08-11 13:47.40 DoDo: ~ LoL ~
2014-08-11 13:47.42 Karlosha:lol
2014-08-11 13:47.44 TheSlimmy: lol
2014-08-11 13:47.45 dU.Villagemeeting: sorry
2014-08-11 13:47.49 pumping_udder: lol
2014-08-11 13:48.00 Karlosha:np :P
2014-08-11 13:48.46 pumping_udder: they are rushing unless there fire queen
2014-08-11 13:48.52 dU.Villagemeeting: gg
2014-08-11 13:48.53 DoDo: lol
2014-08-11 13:48.55 TheSlimmy: gg
2014-08-11 13:48.59 dU.Villagemeeting: P
2014-08-11 13:49.08 dU.Villagemeeting: afk a bit
2014-08-11 13:49.10 karkass: u seem to know a lot about rushing
2014-08-11 13:49.15 karkass: i wonder why
2014-08-11 13:49.38 pumping_udder: watching kark?
2014-08-11 13:49.43 DoDo: only people who have no home are rushing ..
2014-08-11 13:49.44 dU.Villagemeeting: !v
2014-08-11 13:49.45 Dr.HannibalLecter: rushing without killing on the way is noob
2014-08-11 13:50.05 karkass: so u´re not sure
2014-08-11 13:50.14 Dr.HannibalLecter: you dont compare to me
2014-08-11 13:50.16 karkass: easylee school
2014-08-11 13:50.25 dU.Villagemeeting: BruceLee you mean

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