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Overall MHT:2,708,051
Overall Deaths:1688
Overall Suicides:21
Overall TeamKills:5
Overall Distance traveled:769km
Overall Time Spend on Server: 02days 19h 54m 27s
Maps Played:82
Firstgame:2011-08-06 03:37:33
LastGame:2012-09-20 04:30:14
Player Ranking Place:2212
Used Playernames:
Monster Kill Statistic
928 770 110 1266 664 477 1184 2573 36 374 79 202 674 1432 164 250 3 3 873
183 68 131 110 13 62 349 23 84 16 44 6 102 34 12 8 0 0 546
Monster killed         Killed by Monster

Forum Code:

Last 50 Maps from Cable
MH-RuinsofHarobed][+2012-09-20 04:30:14119,174 137054372120,68km01:45:13
MH-USSR_Volkov-SectorAlpha2012-09-15 05:53:3813,485 1459310004,69km00:21:40
MH-(dU)XmasAdventure2012-09-03 06:31:06152,314 977022006,75km00:34:50
MH-(Rvsd)-TheGauntlet12012-09-03 05:55:2114,283 39147113001,05km00:06:55
MH-Sunken_Ship+2012-09-03 03:59:2579,210 508633150010,29km01:05:36
MH-TempleOfTheGods+Fix+22012-09-03 00:49:26259,092 717271250013,00km01:09:55
MH-(OMG)-AlitaBattleAngel-NormalGuns2012-09-01 04:47:0257,139 208725271019,59km02:16:08
MH-deephallways2012-09-01 02:38:487,605 544920000,69km00:03:24
MH-(dU)LostParadiseV52012-08-27 06:47:3839,148 101881270014,81km01:16:56
MH-purgatorium[final]2012-08-26 09:19:2932,368 13501130020,18km01:23:41
MH-HaveFunBuddyFinalX2012-08-26 00:20:4462,261 43075390021,30km01:58:11
MH-Barrier2012-08-17 05:34:2410,656 806056004,85km00:26:02
MH-subway2012-08-15 08:35:515,890 7774810007,31km00:47:11
MH-HiSpeed2012-03-16 04:13:521,278 16911241008,22km00:40:47
MH-Doom][Courtyard-fix32012-03-13 05:42:408,215 36561230011,72km00:51:52
MH-Brute2012-02-29 05:07:0033 130942004,88km00:21:38
MH-(dU)Pharaoh2011VFinal2012-02-15 07:43:12100,875 176394140016,92km01:17:57
MH-Egyptica2012-02-10 06:15:4054,660 2147722009,44km00:47:33
MH-NightMare_Canyon-HTD+2012-02-07 08:08:1410,660 140012380026,25km02:19:34
MH-Unreal+2012-02-04 06:03:5135,628 2139083005,90km00:34:02
MH-CrystalMine2-20112012-02-03 09:00:0348,813 25014100010,54km00:53:24
MH-SpaceExterminator-HTD+2012-02-03 07:49:4862,484 2155913018,48km00:50:04
MH-HiSpeed-Train-HTD2012-02-01 06:21:4943,613 175442516007,72km00:34:03
revote2012-01-31 20:05:0111,031 604742711001,46km00:05:08
MH-Glider2012-01-31 19:16:415,265 235016003,51km00:13:13
MH-RistvakBaen+fix22012-01-31 07:04:0016,047 12854690017,16km01:22:33
MH-Way_up_to_egypt2012-01-31 05:46:2827,409 7768214001,52km00:07:47
MH-deephallways2012-01-31 05:32:555,968 1901112010,91km00:06:48
MH-theobserve2012-01-28 05:41:1611,664 6441112000,75km00:04:51
MH-EgyptianTemplar-Gods-HTD2012-01-28 05:32:4679,825 2885043111012,24km00:53:53
MH-Cryptic22012-01-26 19:11:5614,163 39091250001,01km00:37:59
MH-temple2012-01-26 18:34:2217,834 518256001,78km00:08:56
MH-City2012-01-19 01:22:0011,542 3952114008,96km00:52:24
MH-(dU)Pharaoh2011VFinal2012-01-17 05:33:4553,180 172544140014,43km01:06:35
MH-brutality2012-01-16 17:09:267,455 429497001,86km00:08:49
MH-Ages(v2)+Fix12012-01-16 06:08:177,355 167451016004,19km00:28:41
MH-Treasure2DXfixed2012-01-14 04:20:4915,548 7603481007,52km00:55:33
MH-Doom][Courtyard-fix32012-01-14 03:28:3321,193 133501016008,06km00:33:15
MH-Marbas-[b]2012-01-13 06:09:035,132 174091614000,79km00:09:15
MH-Forever-Fix-22012-01-03 08:19:5488,353 110604140018,67km01:35:55
MH-Morose_UTJ2011-12-31 05:23:356,028 253169009,74km01:02:21
MH-HotFootV4+Fix12011-12-26 01:49:4516,971 9036134006,18km00:48:02
MH-(dU)XmasAdventure2011-12-26 01:03:1944,499 5332211008,74km00:33:45
MH-December24th2011-12-24 04:07:2228,617 1563154005,09km00:27:54
MH-AfterDark[final]2011-12-24 03:35:5628,160 58611260014,68km01:15:37
MH-Reality2011-12-17 05:52:587,072 229828003,11km00:13:50
MH-Alarm_fixV52011-12-07 03:41:3334,054 704916861027,49km02:52:23
MH-QueenSisters-v3+Fix2011-12-04 05:59:1412,520 4522501012,06km01:11:01
MH-Slime2011-12-04 04:52:0611,303 392112001,13km00:06:15
MH-GloryRoadHotel+2011-12-01 21:18:2351,026 1512210193015,79km01:16:02
Got Teamscore       0 Monster Left

Top 10 Favorite Maps from Cable
1 MH-(dU)XmasAdventure 2
2 MH-theobserve 2
3 MH-deephallways 2
4 MH-Doom][Courtyard-fix3 2
5 MH-SpaceExterminator-HTD+ 2
6 MH-(dU)Pharaoh2011VFinal 2
7 MH-AF-WTC-106 1
8 MH-TempleOfTheGods+Fix+2 1
9 MH-CloseEncounter][ 1
10 MH-temple 1

Top 10 score from Cable
1 MH-TempleOfTheGods+Fix+2 259092
2 MH-(dU)XmasAdventure 152314
3 MH-RuinsofHarobed][+ 119174
4 MH-Adventure-Night[Final] 111631
5 MH-(dU)Pharaoh2011VFinal 100875
6 MH-Forever-Fix-2 88353
7 MH-EgyptianTemplar-Gods-HTD 79825
8 MH-Sunken_Ship+ 79210
9 MH-Canyon++Fix1 68992
10 MH-ExPeriMental-Facilty-HTD+ 67277

Challenges from Cable
1 MH-RuinsofHarobed][+ 13705
2 MH-USSR_Volkov-SectorAlpha 14593
3 MH-(dU)XmasAdventure 97702
4 MH-(Rvsd)-TheGauntlet1 39147
5 MH-Sunken_Ship+ 50863
6 MH-TempleOfTheGods+Fix+2 71727
7 MH-(OMG)-AlitaBattleAngel-NormalGuns 20872
8 MH-deephallways 54492
9 MH-(dU)LostParadiseV5 10188
10 MH-purgatorium[final] 13501
11 MH-HaveFunBuddyFinalX 43075
12 MH-Barrier 8060
13 MH-subway 7774
14 MH-HiSpeed 1691
15 MH-Doom][Courtyard-fix3 3656
16 MH-Brute 1309
17 MH-(dU)Pharaoh2011VFinal 17639
18 MH-Egyptica 21477
19 MH-NightMare_Canyon-HTD+ 1400
20 MH-Unreal+ 21390
21 MH-CrystalMine2-2011 25014
22 MH-SpaceExterminator-HTD+ 21559
23 MH-HiSpeed-Train-HTD 17544
24 revote 60474
25 MH-Glider 23501
26 MH-RistvakBaen+fix2 12854
27 MH-Way_up_to_egypt 77682
28 MH-deephallways 19011
29 MH-theobserve 64411
30 MH-EgyptianTemplar-Gods-HTD 28850
31 MH-Cryptic2 39091
32 MH-temple 51825
33 MH-City 3952
34 MH-(dU)Pharaoh2011VFinal 17254
35 MH-brutality 42949
36 MH-Ages(v2)+Fix1 16745
37 MH-Treasure2DXfixed 7603
38 MH-Doom][Courtyard-fix3 13350
39 MH-Marbas-[b] 17409
40 MH-Forever-Fix-2 11060
41 MH-Morose_UTJ 2531
42 MH-HotFootV4+Fix1 9036
43 MH-(dU)XmasAdventure 53322
44 MH-December24th 15631
45 MH-AfterDark[final] 5861
46 MH-Reality 22982
47 MH-Alarm_fixV5 7049
48 MH-QueenSisters-v3+Fix 4522
49 MH-Slime 39211
50 MH-GloryRoadHotel+ 15122
51 MH-theobserve 51297
52 MH-ExPeriMental-Facilty-HTD+ 33715
53 MH-Backhome-[WEO] 33343
54 MH-Forbidden+ 25950
55 MH-DinoPlanet2011[THUNDERBOLT]FIX02 15711
56 MH-Armed_Assault_Fix(C) 5629
57 MH-Frigate 22919
58 MH-Arden+Fix1 35377
59 MH-DeathcourseV2 31021
60 MH-(dU)-Serenity 2804
61 MH-LastVoyage-Alpha1 1870
62 MH-FirstEncounter(v110) 9495
63 MH-KG_HighSchool 7823
64 MH-CloseEncounter][ 28443
65 MH-FreeCapitalCity2o0 15847
66 MH-AS_ColdSteel 6636
67 MH-Zker_Outpost 13672
68 MH-Winter-Fixed 2940
69 MH-AlienX 79467
70 MH-Canyon++Fix1 38316
71 MH-SkyBlueFound+ 8726
72 MH-Gekokujou 8883
73 MH-GreatCastle 16708
74 MH-Miam 1572
75 MH-AF-WTC-106 20928
76 MH-WarshipSuperNova 2699
77 MH-SpaceExterminator-HTD+ 34125
78 MH-Sinister 75376
79 MH-GiantBoss2 12773
80 MH-BackhomeReloaded+ 6447
81 MH-Adventure-Night[Final] 28283
82 MH-AnewHope_(AMLP)-MM 18969

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