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Match Infos
Distance traveled:55,65km
Map Time:00:40:17
Playdate:2016-10-10 01:08:45
Team Awards:
dU.Suz20501 6 0 1 00:40:17 6,72km
Neto41903 3 0 0 00:40:17 5,80km
Dark-Marko14947 13 0 0 00:40:17 9,79km
Balance`21833 6 0 0 00:40:17 6,68km
Mooriana29545 4 0 0 00:40:04 7,86km
eeder26924 6 0 1 00:32:58 9,11km
GoatCreatureLord11526 0 0 0 00:17:20 1,96km
Camper11830 3 0 0 00:13:11 2,58km
**Prince_Ko**4402 2 0 0 00:10:37 2,69km
eudder00 0 0 0 00:08:56 0,16km
XevBellringer2549 0 0 0 00:06:40 2,31km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
dU.Suz 6/1 12 1 7/2 0 18 13/1 5 0 31 0 0 9 13 3 14 0 0 0/2 132
Neto 15/2 14 0 48 0 20 12/1 38 0 31 0 0 10 12 0 1 0 1 0 202
Dark-Marko 9/2 7 0/1 45/2 22 12 6/3 13 0 56/1 0 0 5/1 11 0 14 0 0 0/3 200
Balance` 7/1 11/1 0 16/1 3 8 9/2 52 1 8 0 0 1 11 0 0 0 0 0/1 127
Mooriana 26 15/1 0 29/1 52 7 33/1 6 0 7/1 4 0 4 8 3 10 0 0 0 204
eeder 1 8 1 38/2 23 5/1 1/1 0 0 8 0 0 5 0 0 11 0 0 0/1 101
GoatCreatureLord 7 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 26
Camper 5/1 15 0 0 0 13/1 4 55 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0/1 114
**Prince_Ko** 3/1 10 0 0 0 0 0/1 13 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0/1 41
eudder0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
XevBellringer 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2016-10-10 00:31.42 Balance: ah ok, i don´t know
2016-10-10 00:31.47 Ariana: good for you
2016-10-10 00:31.51 dU.Suz:^^
2016-10-10 00:32.00 Balance: moonlight is the other weirdo
2016-10-10 00:32.17 Ariana: is he german?
2016-10-10 00:32.22 -=]UM[=-Marko: ahha
2016-10-10 00:32.22 Balance: nl
2016-10-10 00:32.32 Ariana: nvm then,I know another weird moonlight guy
2016-10-10 00:32.35 dU.Suz: isn´t that guy with the diff names
2016-10-10 00:32.44 Ariana: idk if you remember him suz
2016-10-10 00:32.54 Ariana: he kept asking me if Im a nurse
2016-10-10 00:32.57 dU.Suz: sai?
2016-10-10 00:33.00 -=]UM[=-Marko: lol
2016-10-10 00:33.03 Ariana: no,the moonlight guy
2016-10-10 00:33.12 dU.Suz: can´t remember
2016-10-10 00:33.13 dU.Suz: lol
2016-10-10 00:33.16 Ariana: and then he abused my PMs with his imagination
2016-10-10 00:33.20 Balance: oh well this one still has the urs tag in his name
2016-10-10 00:33.22 Camper: ...
2016-10-10 00:33.32 dU.Suz: haha
2016-10-10 00:33.48 Balance: the guy has abstinence, clearly
2016-10-10 00:34.20 -=]UM[=-Marko: i always wanted to understand mind of such individuals
2016-10-10 00:34.33 Ariana: I never wanted to understand them
2016-10-10 00:34.38 dU.Suz: lol
2016-10-10 00:35.13 Ariana: suz do you like golden girls xD
2016-10-10 00:35.15 Ariana: or is it just me
2016-10-10 00:35.29 dU.Suz: xD
2016-10-10 00:35.48 Ariana: so,no? xD
2016-10-10 00:35.49 dU.Suz: hello goatcreaturelord
2016-10-10 00:35.56 -=]UM[=-Marko: cool name
2016-10-10 00:36.03 dU.Suz: maybe Satan´s pet name
2016-10-10 00:36.45 -=]UM[=-Marko: makes me wonder if he´s creature lord of goats or lord of goat creatures...
2016-10-10 00:36.59 dU.Suz: maybe both
2016-10-10 00:37.38 Balance: ahah
2016-10-10 00:38.16 dU.Suz: haha
2016-10-10 00:38.19 Ariana: wait
2016-10-10 00:38.22 Ariana: how do I come in now
2016-10-10 00:38.24 Ariana: nvm
2016-10-10 00:38.26 Balance: es
2016-10-10 00:38.28 -=]UM[=-Marko: :)
2016-10-10 00:38.45 war: hello
2016-10-10 00:38.49 Ariana: hi
2016-10-10 00:38.50 dU.Suz: hello
2016-10-10 00:38.50 -=]UM[=-Marko: hello
2016-10-10 00:39.00 Prince**Ko**: privet
2016-10-10 00:39.08 moorpheus: cant play brb
2016-10-10 00:39.18 -=]UM[=-Marko: balance: you resolved your quarell with geo-dangerous already? :)
2016-10-10 00:39.24 Balance: nope
2016-10-10 00:39.45 Balance: the guy needs to back again to school
2016-10-10 00:40.17 -=]UM[=-Marko: eh he might still be there - i started playin here before i understood english ;)
2016-10-10 00:40.27 dU.Suz: xD
2016-10-10 00:40.40 Balance: he must understand he doesn´t live in urss anymore
2016-10-10 00:40.44 -=]UM[=-Marko: got banned for two weeks by baby-g too :D
2016-10-10 00:40.48 dU.Suz: haha
2016-10-10 00:40.51 dU.Suz: that guy... lol
2016-10-10 00:41.05 Prince**Ko**: balance = the transporter 3
2016-10-10 00:41.11 -=]UM[=-Marko: because i kept stealing his points by shooting shock combos for him :D
2016-10-10 00:41.14 Balance: i think everyone has been banned here
2016-10-10 00:41.21 Ariana: not me
2016-10-10 00:41.21 Balance: i love that movie
2016-10-10 00:41.22 dU.Suz: no, not true felicio
2016-10-10 00:41.30 dU.Suz: some deserving that never have
2016-10-10 00:41.44 Balance: yes, geo dangenoob , for example
2016-10-10 00:42.44 Balance: of course not you - girls keep a different behavior
2016-10-10 00:42.52 Ariana: not true
2016-10-10 00:43.05 Balance: or at least, not enough to get banned
2016-10-10 00:43.08 Balance: that´s what i mean
2016-10-10 00:43.10 Ariana: well maybe 18+ girls
2016-10-10 00:43.16 dU.Suz: haha xD
2016-10-10 00:43.32 Balance: you girls are not able to reach 18+
2016-10-10 00:43.36 Balance: only on your ID
2016-10-10 00:43.36 -=]UM[=-Marko: lol
2016-10-10 00:43.38 dU.Suz: are we not?
2016-10-10 00:43.39 Balance: :P
2016-10-10 00:43.53 Ariana: lol you dont wanna start me
2016-10-10 00:44.05 dU.Suz: lol
2016-10-10 00:44.05 Ariana: cause I missed throwing my sass all over here
2016-10-10 00:44.07 Balance: got enough time...
2016-10-10 00:44.21 -=]UM[=-Marko: we´re curious :)
2016-10-10 00:44.27 Balance: yes, a lot!
2016-10-10 00:45.03 Balance: throw stones then
2016-10-10 00:45.16 Ariana: Id throw heavier things at some people
2016-10-10 00:45.22 Ariana: but Im not that strong
2016-10-10 00:45.24 Balance: :P
2016-10-10 00:45.28 dU.Suz: like boulders
2016-10-10 00:45.36 Balance: you can.. pay someone else to do that
2016-10-10 00:45.41 Ariana: like the amount of their shit
2016-10-10 00:46.16 war: fuck, sry
2016-10-10 00:46.23 Balance: np, i had few hp
2016-10-10 00:46.35 war: they were all over you
2016-10-10 00:46.35 Balance: anyway - still.. you give too much importance to the bullshits
2016-10-10 00:46.39 Balance: yeah
2016-10-10 00:46.53 Ariana: I never liked children anyway
2016-10-10 00:47.03 dU.Suz: sometimes it´s not a question of giving a fck about the bullshit
2016-10-10 00:47.05 Balance: that´s why i said before.. you´re not yet 18+ as well :P
2016-10-10 00:47.12 dU.Suz: but people should be aware
2016-10-10 00:47.15 dU.Suz: of their places
2016-10-10 00:47.26 Ariana: lol okay
2016-10-10 00:47.27 Balance: you gave yourself the answer already
2016-10-10 00:47.32 Balance: if they´re stupid
2016-10-10 00:47.37 Balance: do their opinion matter?
2016-10-10 00:47.45 dU.Suz: no, not at all
2016-10-10 00:47.51 dU.Suz: but you know
2016-10-10 00:47.52 -=]UM[=-Marko: you´d have to cancel public elections with that logic :D
2016-10-10 00:47.57 dU.Suz: haha
2016-10-10 00:48.01 dU.Suz: or hire a hitman
2016-10-10 00:48.02 Ariana: we´re talking about their behavior not their opinions
2016-10-10 00:48.03 Balance: i wish
2016-10-10 00:48.13 Balance: it doesn´t matter yet
2016-10-10 00:48.21 dU.Suz: usually i have no problem with anyone
2016-10-10 00:48.30 Ariana: yes it does matter
2016-10-10 00:48.34 dU.Suz: but if they come at me, i´ll defend myself
2016-10-10 00:48.39 Balance: then you´re still young :P
2016-10-10 00:49.03 Ariana: if you let them grow up like that then they wont be any better later as well
2016-10-10 00:49.20 Balance: darwin said it a "pair" of years ago
2016-10-10 00:49.31 Balance: natural selection will put them off
2016-10-10 00:49.49 -=]UM[=-Marko: :((
2016-10-10 00:49.53 war: that was odd
2016-10-10 00:50.00 Ariana: I gotta say condoms are good in most cases
2016-10-10 00:50.03 war: how did i kill myself in a big explosion with a ripper :S
2016-10-10 00:50.04 Balance: yes
2016-10-10 00:50.04 -=]UM[=-Marko: micro brute behind you
2016-10-10 00:50.12 war: ahh
2016-10-10 00:50.19 -=]UM[=-Marko: assaulted your bare arse :D
2016-10-10 00:50.22 war: hahah
2016-10-10 00:50.24 war: what a fucker!
2016-10-10 00:50.46 Balance: learn about don´t give a shit, it´s hard but you can do
2016-10-10 00:50.50 dU.Suz: oooh
2016-10-10 00:51.03 Balance: is the force field bugged again ?
2016-10-10 00:51.12 dU.Suz: almost died
2016-10-10 00:51.15 dU.Suz: blocked by a cow
2016-10-10 00:51.18 -=]UM[=-Marko: lol
2016-10-10 00:51.27 Ariana: I guess
2016-10-10 00:51.30 dU.Suz: and mini brute wins
2016-10-10 00:51.53 -=]UM[=-Marko: i wanted to bomb them, but blocked myself with my idiocy :(
2016-10-10 00:52.01 dU.Suz: xD
2016-10-10 00:53.49 Ariana: what a waste
2016-10-10 00:54.32 Ariana: oh Im red
2016-10-10 00:54.48 Ariana: better
2016-10-10 00:54.52 war: red?
2016-10-10 00:54.58 -=]UM[=-Marko: women: they choose colors even in fps games
2016-10-10 00:55.00 Ariana: team color
2016-10-10 00:55.03 war: ah
2016-10-10 00:55.08 Ariana: ofc we do
2016-10-10 00:55.11 -=]UM[=-Marko: need to dress properly :D
2016-10-10 00:55.19 dU.Suz: always
2016-10-10 00:56.51 -=]UM[=-Marko: wrong way lol
2016-10-10 00:56.53 war: lol what, sg jumping?!
2016-10-10 00:57.05 -=]UM[=-Marko: dodge then quadshot alt file
2016-10-10 00:57.07 -=]UM[=-Marko: fire
2016-10-10 00:57.09 war: ahh
2016-10-10 00:57.10 -=]UM[=-Marko: when you´re in air
2016-10-10 00:57.16 war: haha nice
2016-10-10 00:57.21 -=]UM[=-Marko:
2016-10-10 00:57.26 -=]UM[=-Marko:
2016-10-10 00:57.31 -=]UM[=-Marko: yep
2016-10-10 00:58.05 war: thats the only thing im gonna do now coming from quake rjs
2016-10-10 00:58.45 -=]UM[=-Marko: works even better with speed relic :)
2016-10-10 00:58.52 war: :)
2016-10-10 00:59.05 war: i bet, speeeeed
2016-10-10 00:59.35 -=]UM[=-Marko: wow sorry
2016-10-10 00:59.35 dU.Suz: lol
2016-10-10 00:59.37 dU.Suz: sorry marko
2016-10-10 00:59.40 dU.Suz: xD
2016-10-10 00:59.52 -=]UM[=-Marko: i didnt notice it had rockets, wouldnt challenge it to meleee :D
2016-10-10 01:00.02 dU.Suz: ^^
2016-10-10 01:01.59 -=]UM[=-Marko: bloody hell
2016-10-10 01:03.39 -=]UM[=-Marko: yikes
2016-10-10 01:03.47 war: indeed
2016-10-10 01:04.40 Ariana: theres a cow
2016-10-10 01:05.00 Ariana: in the middle of a war zone..
2016-10-10 01:05.20 dU.Suz: haha
2016-10-10 01:05.23 Balance: oh yes spotted it
2016-10-10 01:05.45 war: will he survive
2016-10-10 01:05.50 Balance: Sure
2016-10-10 01:06.00 -=]UM[=-Marko: they cant harm it apparently
2016-10-10 01:06.08 Ariana: they better dont
2016-10-10 01:06.13 Ariana: not*
2016-10-10 01:06.15 war: :D
2016-10-10 01:06.29 -=]UM[=-Marko: well it was my meat shield before they shot it down :D
2016-10-10 01:06.38 Ariana: its dead?
2016-10-10 01:06.49 -=]UM[=-Marko: no but it wouldnt take damage from krall
2016-10-10 01:06.57 Ariana: ah good
2016-10-10 01:08.49 -=]UM[=-Marko: :(
2016-10-10 01:08.57 war: he survived i think
2016-10-10 01:09.03 Ariana: yeah he did
2016-10-10 01:09.16 Ariana: I can sleep peacefully tonight
2016-10-10 01:09.20 war: no need to club baby seels
2016-10-10 01:09.26 -=]UM[=-Marko: lol
2016-10-10 01:09.28 war: :D
2016-10-10 01:09.39 Balance: yes, the cow couldn´t receive any damage anyway
2016-10-10 01:10.18 -=]UM[=-Marko: :D

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