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Match Infos
Distance traveled:47,57km
Map Time:00:33:06
Playdate:2012-07-07 09:26:00
Team Awards:
Darkesis10757 22 0 1 00:33:05 6,48km
ColdFusion1259 19 0 2 00:33:05 6,80km
wh0re4 21 0 1 00:33:00 1,68km
Soph<3336 26 0 4 00:32:10 3,35km
[-.o]91061 9 0 0 00:31:57 8,15km
Knievel10114750 10 0 0 00:26:49 3,32km
say_!teams12176 14 0 1 00:24:17 4,00km
Mr._Deeds26569 6 0 0 00:22:35 2,73km
LazyAlbert11844 16 0 0 00:20:31 4,23km
Fabs18113 6 0 0 00:18:01 2,94km
somar15210 1 0 0 00:16:34 1,11km
Toxic10118 10 0 0 00:12:26 2,17km
Laserturken2132 2 0 0 00:02:12 0,61km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Darkesis 0 0 0/1 0 1 0 1/2 14/3 0 4/6 1/3 0 3 0 0/1 0 0 0 0/9 24
ColdFusion 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 14/2 0 2/3 0 0 0/1 0 3 0 0 0 0/14 20
wh0re 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3/1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0/31 6
Soph<3 0 0 0/1 0 1 0 0 6/2 0/1 0/1 0 0 0/1 0 2/2 0 0 0 0/15 9
[-.o] 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 19/1 0 7/4 2/3 0 0/1 0 9 0 0 0 0 42
Knievel101 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 10/3 2/1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0/6 22
say_!teams 0 0 0 0 10 0 3 12/1 0 7/3 2/2 0 0/1 0 6 0 0 0 0/6 40
Mr._Deeds 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 4/2 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0/8 23
LazyAlbert 0 0 0/1 0 8 0 1/2 8/3 1/1 1/1 3/3 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0/11 28
Fabs 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 6/3 0/1 0 3/1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0/1 29
somar 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 3 0 0 0 0 11
Toxic 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 1/1 0/1 3/1 1/4 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0/6 32
Laserturken 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0/2 13
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-07-07 08:55.01 zeba<3: AHH FUCK NO!!!
2012-07-07 08:55.04 ColdFusion: LOL
2012-07-07 08:55.14 ColdFusion: LP and fuckin jaz
2012-07-07 08:55.17 zeba<3: fucking annoying music!
2012-07-07 08:55.23 zeba<3: jay z*
2012-07-07 08:55.25 zeba<3: :p
2012-07-07 08:55.32 ColdFusion: fuck it i hate rap
2012-07-07 08:55.35 zeba<3: i´ve heard this too much :|
2012-07-07 08:55.37 zeba<3: i love rap
2012-07-07 08:55.41 Darkesis: yup ._.
2012-07-07 08:55.44 zeba<3: but i´ve heard this too much
2012-07-07 08:55.49 Darkesis: dats linkin park.
2012-07-07 08:55.51 zeba<3: i love eminem :)
2012-07-07 08:55.53 Darkesis: >_>
2012-07-07 08:55.58 Darkesis: fk em.
2012-07-07 08:56.04 ColdFusion: heavy metal and punk that´s it
2012-07-07 08:56.08 Darkesis: yup
2012-07-07 08:56.09 zeba<3: its linkin park and jay-z
2012-07-07 08:56.22 Darkesis: Metal lml
2012-07-07 08:57.10 zeba<3: looking good face ;)
2012-07-07 08:57.29 Darkesis: noob pupae
2012-07-07 08:57.30 [-.o]: what the? i forgot to change back
2012-07-07 08:57.43 zeba<3: no leave it as this!
2012-07-07 08:57.51 ColdFusion: lo
2012-07-07 08:57.53 zeba<3: its my fave and like no one ever has it :(
2012-07-07 08:57.58 [-.o]: ok
2012-07-07 08:58.22 Sophie: back brahs
2012-07-07 08:58.27 ColdFusion: today i´m going to get drunk
2012-07-07 08:58.36 Sophie: good for you
2012-07-07 08:58.40 ColdFusion: ty
2012-07-07 08:58.50 Sophie: you chnaged face! :p
2012-07-07 08:59.08 Darkesis: fuuuu
2012-07-07 08:59.11 [-.o]: wasnt intentional.. i was having a look at it but forgot to change back
2012-07-07 08:59.12 Darkesis: again dat song
2012-07-07 08:59.30 zeba<3: the songs gonna play the whole map :p
2012-07-07 08:59.32 Sophie: oh ok
2012-07-07 08:59.43 ColdFusion: GIVE THE MEGADETH
2012-07-07 08:59.46 [-.o]: but zeba wants me to stick to it..
2012-07-07 08:59.58 ColdFusion: hahahahahha
2012-07-07 09:00.00 zeba<3: or atleast a male commando :p
2012-07-07 09:00.02 Sophie: eww zeba
2012-07-07 09:00.12 zeba<3: wut?
2012-07-07 09:00.23 Sophie: oh nothing :p
2012-07-07 09:00.31 ColdFusion: fucking pervert =D
2012-07-07 09:00.38 Sophie: who
2012-07-07 09:00.43 ColdFusion: face :D
2012-07-07 09:00.52 Darkesis: o_o
2012-07-07 09:01.48 [-.o]: changing skin isnt a big deal... at least i didnt cross dress
2012-07-07 09:01.50 Sophie: give it to me
2012-07-07 09:02.18 ColdFusion: HALP
2012-07-07 09:02.24 zeba<3: naughty username ;)
2012-07-07 09:02.44 ColdFusion: and gay :D
2012-07-07 09:02.57 zeba<3: LOL yeah.
2012-07-07 09:03.47 zeba<3: why does everyone go across?
2012-07-07 09:04.55 Darkesis: D:
2012-07-07 09:05.49 [-.o]: cold fusion now i get it... u have a dirty mind
2012-07-07 09:05.58 zeba<3: get what?
2012-07-07 09:06.00 zeba<3: tell me!
2012-07-07 09:06.00 ColdFusion: yep
2012-07-07 09:06.14 ColdFusion: but sorry i have a gf :>
2012-07-07 09:06.17 [-.o]: when i mean stick to it. i meant keeping the skin
2012-07-07 09:06.30 zeba<3: wait wait
2012-07-07 09:06.34 Sophie: yer right
2012-07-07 09:06.40 zeba<3: oooh i get it now
2012-07-07 09:06.48 Sophie: about time
2012-07-07 09:07.37 Darkesis: D:
2012-07-07 09:07.39 zeba<3: why do you all go across when the portals just here?
2012-07-07 09:07.45 [-.o]: i forgot
2012-07-07 09:08.03 zeba<3: everyone does it and i never understand why
2012-07-07 09:08.12 [-.o]: they want to be leet
2012-07-07 09:08.48 ColdFusion: SLAYER KURWA!
2012-07-07 09:09.03 Darkesis: :D
2012-07-07 09:09.50 Octavian: hi
2012-07-07 09:09.56 Sophie: hey cow killer
2012-07-07 09:10.01 zeba<3: hey :)
2012-07-07 09:10.47 zeba<3: hey you ruined it
2012-07-07 09:10.55 Sophie: ewwwwww on the wall
2012-07-07 09:11.12 zeba<3: naughty!!!
2012-07-07 09:12.04 Darkesis: wut
2012-07-07 09:12.10 Sophie: i wrote soph
2012-07-07 09:12.24 zeba<3: ill write something
2012-07-07 09:12.47 Sophie: noo
2012-07-07 09:13.02 zeba<3: the lags fucking it up
2012-07-07 09:13.09 zeba<3: :(
2012-07-07 09:13.36 Sophie: yay
2012-07-07 09:13.48 Sophie: cute cow
2012-07-07 09:14.11 zeba<3: LOL!
2012-07-07 09:14.46 ColdFusion: are you learning in college or what?
2012-07-07 09:14.53 zeba<3: nah, year 10.
2012-07-07 09:15.02 Sophie: im in year 6
2012-07-07 09:15.10 ColdFusion: lol
2012-07-07 09:15.13 Toxic:
2012-07-07 09:15.28 Sophie: stop ya pedo freak
2012-07-07 09:15.40 zeba<3: ahahaha
2012-07-07 09:15.47 ColdFusion: I´ve just ended second school i´m going now to the third
2012-07-07 09:15.49 Toxic: what are we doing in here
2012-07-07 09:15.54 zeba<3: lucky ;)
2012-07-07 09:16.00 zeba<3: this is my last year in high school
2012-07-07 09:16.05 zeba<3: then i go to college
2012-07-07 09:16.27 Sophie: it´s my last year too
2012-07-07 09:16.32 ColdFusion: in polandcollege is called ´technikum´ or liceum
2012-07-07 09:16.49 zeba<3: oh nice :)
2012-07-07 09:16.56 ColdFusion: after liceum you can go study
2012-07-07 09:17.28 ColdFusion: after technikum jou can go study too but you can work also :)
2012-07-07 09:17.45 ColdFusion: i went to technikum
2012-07-07 09:17.48 Sophie: chainsaw time
2012-07-07 09:17.49 zeba<3: after college i´m gonna work and go to uni part time
2012-07-07 09:18.14 zeba<3: AHAHAHA SOPHIE
2012-07-07 09:18.24 Sophie: i wanted to kill him :(
2012-07-07 09:18.34 zeba<3: trust me, ive tried that on kark,
2012-07-07 09:18.41 Sophie: yeah i saw
2012-07-07 09:18.42 zeba<3: and ended up killing myself :(
2012-07-07 09:18.54 Darkesis: fffffff
2012-07-07 09:19.45 ColdFusion: I´m a guy but i have a long hair =D
2012-07-07 09:19.45 zeba<3: YEAH!
2012-07-07 09:19.50 Sophie: wheres the face?
2012-07-07 09:19.56 zeba<3: how long?
2012-07-07 09:20.01 zeba<3: he´s playing :)
2012-07-07 09:20.20 Sophie: i know your alive
2012-07-07 09:20.25 ColdFusion: behind the neck
2012-07-07 09:20.30 zeba<3: lool
2012-07-07 09:20.34 ColdFusion: and little little more
2012-07-07 09:20.38 zeba<3: oh nice ;)
2012-07-07 09:20.45 ColdFusion: im a metalhead
2012-07-07 09:20.48 ColdFusion: :>
2012-07-07 09:20.57 zeba<3: hahaha cool ;)
2012-07-07 09:21.07 Darkesis: c:
2012-07-07 09:21.09 ColdFusion: i have longer hair than my gf :D
2012-07-07 09:21.19 zeba<3: wow :o
2012-07-07 09:21.32 zeba<3: i have longer hair than my invisible bf :)
2012-07-07 09:21.51 Darkesis: lol wut
2012-07-07 09:22.00 zeba<3: woo the face is winning!
2012-07-07 09:22.33 zeba<3: urgh lag :(
2012-07-07 09:22.36 zeba<3: ahh wtf
2012-07-07 09:22.41 zeba<3: gotta change :p
2012-07-07 09:22.42 Sophie: i know rigjt
2012-07-07 09:22.53 zeba<3: actually i´ll stay a jej for a bit
2012-07-07 09:23.01 ColdFusion: do you have an invisible boyfriend? xD
2012-07-07 09:23.04 Sophie: you love him
2012-07-07 09:23.11 zeba<3: yeah of course ;)
2012-07-07 09:23.18 ColdFusion: loool
2012-07-07 09:23.34 ColdFusion: evrything is allright?
2012-07-07 09:23.41 Sophie: ooh head shot
2012-07-07 09:23.55 zeba<3: no i´m fucking lagging!
2012-07-07 09:24.03 Laserturken: Guten tag/Hallo/Hej/YO/Ni hao/Privjet!
2012-07-07 09:24.10 zeba<3: HEY!!!
2012-07-07 09:24.13 zeba<3: data! he is not!
2012-07-07 09:24.25 zeba<3: you´re gay ;)
2012-07-07 09:24.33 ColdFusion: who? ;3
2012-07-07 09:24.37 zeba<3: data :p
2012-07-07 09:24.54 zeba<3: he called my beautiful zayn gay :(
2012-07-07 09:25.03 Sophie: hes gay
2012-07-07 09:25.09 zeba<3: no one is, because he is an angel sent from heaven <3
2012-07-07 09:25.15 ColdFusion: by the way my name is Arthur lol
2012-07-07 09:25.22 zeba<3: aww cute! :)
2012-07-07 09:25.36 Darkesis: dafuq xd
2012-07-07 09:25.39 ColdFusion: thanks
2012-07-07 09:26.02 zeba<3: :)
2012-07-07 09:26.04 [-.o]: gg
2012-07-07 09:26.06 zeba<3: yay go face!
2012-07-07 09:26.11 [-.o]: thx
2012-07-07 09:26.26 zeba<3: HAHA HE IS ;)
2012-07-07 09:26.34 Darkesis: .l
2012-07-07 09:26.38 Darkesis: ...
2012-07-07 09:26.41 Darkesis: ...........
2012-07-07 09:26.41 ColdFusion: lol
2012-07-07 09:26.47 Sophie: what who is?
2012-07-07 09:26.48 ColdFusion: fuck the police
2012-07-07 09:26.49 Darkesis: !v
2012-07-07 09:26.54 ColdFusion: !v
2012-07-07 09:27.12 zeba<3: data you probably saw a bad pic of zayn,
2012-07-07 09:27.28 zeba<3: he is nowhere near ugly ;)
2012-07-07 09:27.28 zeba<3: yes :)
2012-07-07 09:27.35 zeba<3: show me what you saw then,

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