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Match Infos
Distance traveled:75,31km
Map Time:01:22:37
Playdate:2014-09-25 21:12:37
Team Awards:
Mrs._Cat_29312 18 0 0 01:22:37 13,14km
Mr_Cat84865 16 0 0 01:22:37 15,41km
easylee362705 1 3 0 01:13:07 11,03km
SilenceOfTheSkaarj95513 23 17 0 01:05:06 11,45km
joss5516528 16 0 0 00:38:19 7,03km
Player84893 10 3 0 00:27:58 5,66km
DFB937 6 0 0 00:22:44 2,81km
Geks2496 3 0 0 00:16:03 3,09km
Goliath_Hardcore71993 2 0 0 00:15:32 2,88km
Dr._Prof.Anthrax2410 5 0 0 00:12:16 1,91km
Wave-6 3 0 0 00:05:23 0,77km
jej640 0 0 0 00:00:47 0,15km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Mrs._Cat_ 1/1 11/2 1/1 2 0 0 24/4 38 0 0 2/1 0 0/4 42 0 0 0 0 0/7 121
Mr_Cat 14 6/1 3 3/1 2 0 33/2 160/2 0 14 9/2 0 7/3 123 6 19 0 0 0/6 399
easylee 39 58 9 89/1 8 0 0 0 0 2/1 21 0 12 65 27 28 0 0 0/6 358
SilenceOfTheSkaarj 1/1 12/2 2 0 0 0 7/1 0 1 0 10/2 0 0 104 0 0 0 0 0/17 137
joss55 3/1 80/2 0 37/2 0 0 57/3 0 0 24 0 0 35/3 0 0 0 0 0 0/8 236
Player8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68/1 0 3 0 0 5/1 11 20/1 1 0 0 0/7 108
DFB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0/11 26
Geks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0/4 23
Goliath_Hardcore 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Dr._Prof.Anthrax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46/2 0 0 0 0 0 3/1 0 0 0 0 0/2 49
Wave 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 0
jej64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2014-09-25 19:56.55 easylee:lmao
2014-09-25 19:57.02 Dr.HannibalLecter: best map ever...
2014-09-25 19:57.09 swifty: cant tell if sarcastic
2014-09-25 19:57.13 swifty: probably sarcastic
2014-09-25 19:57.13 easylee:well, its a classic
2014-09-25 19:57.15 Mr_Cat: Alarm is nice map
2014-09-25 19:57.17 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol
2014-09-25 19:57.25 swifty: i use to love this map so much :D
2014-09-25 19:57.29 swifty: especially the parkour
2014-09-25 19:57.44 Dr.HannibalLecter: i feel that someone is gonna think dispersion pistol is powerful
2014-09-25 19:57.48 swifty: lol no
2014-09-25 19:57.55 swifty: since when
2014-09-25 19:57.58 easylee:hannibal is known for not being sarcastic,...EVER
2014-09-25 19:58.02 Mr_Cat: But it is!
2014-09-25 19:58.09 Dr.HannibalLecter: noobs see that its a diff weapon and use it
2014-09-25 19:58.15 swifty: oh
2014-09-25 19:58.19 swifty: i see what you mean now
2014-09-25 19:58.57 easylee:the "nailer" versino of it is quite powerful though^^
2014-09-25 19:59.28 easylee:like in "retarded" map
2014-09-25 19:59.36 easylee:red ammo
2014-09-25 20:00.04 Dr.HannibalLecter: noone opens weapons........
2014-09-25 20:00.05 easylee:if anyone was interested... lol
2014-09-25 20:00.06 Dr.HannibalLecter: only me
2014-09-25 20:00.18 easylee:i can help u
2014-09-25 20:00.25 easylee:after my cigarette^^
2014-09-25 20:00.35 swifty: when i used to play this
2014-09-25 20:00.37 easylee:u probably did all then^^
2014-09-25 20:00.40 swifty: we had 3 people on opening weapons
2014-09-25 20:00.48 swifty: and the others on killing monsters
2014-09-25 20:00.49 Dr.HannibalLecter: >:D
2014-09-25 20:00.56 easylee:lol swifty
2014-09-25 20:01.02 easylee:genius plan
2014-09-25 20:01.15 swifty: basically relaying better equipment to the people in the field
2014-09-25 20:01.20 easylee:..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:01.23 swifty: so they come back to better weapons ready for the stronger monsters
2014-09-25 20:01.34 easylee:isnt he cute:-)
2014-09-25 20:01.34 Geks: Hey peeps
2014-09-25 20:01.40 easylee:hey geks
2014-09-25 20:01.54 easylee:brb
2014-09-25 20:02.13 swifty: hey hannibal
2014-09-25 20:02.17 Dr.HannibalLecter: ye?
2014-09-25 20:02.21 swifty: did you play on here before the ip change
2014-09-25 20:02.23 swifty: i dont remember
2014-09-25 20:02.26 Dr.HannibalLecter: yes
2014-09-25 20:02.29 swifty: ah okay
2014-09-25 20:02.34 swifty: its been a while
2014-09-25 20:03.11 swifty: hatch is open
2014-09-25 20:03.11 Dr.HannibalLecter: k its enough
2014-09-25 20:03.13 swifty: les go
2014-09-25 20:03.28 Dr.HannibalLecter: i think main weapons are open
2014-09-25 20:03.34 Dr.HannibalLecter: and udamage as well
2014-09-25 20:03.42 Dr.HannibalLecter: minigun
2014-09-25 20:04.09 swifty: thanks hannibal
2014-09-25 20:04.31 swifty: at least thank the guy whos breaking his back jumping over lava acid and freezing water for us right
2014-09-25 20:04.39 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol
2014-09-25 20:05.49 swifty: LOL
2014-09-25 20:05.57 swifty: omfg i went in the tele and died almost instantly
2014-09-25 20:06.17 easylee: hm, using slim filter for tobacco is like inhaling electronic cigarettes...
2014-09-25 20:06.35 Dr.HannibalLecter: shit wall
2014-09-25 20:06.39 easylee: i feel betrayed^^
2014-09-25 20:06.50 easylee: whats left?
2014-09-25 20:06.53 swifty: betrayed by the cigarettes
2014-09-25 20:06.53 easylee: deemer?
2014-09-25 20:06.53 swifty: qq
2014-09-25 20:06.54 Dr.HannibalLecter: deemer
2014-09-25 20:06.56 easylee: yes
2014-09-25 20:06.57 Dr.HannibalLecter: belt
2014-09-25 20:07.09 swifty: deemer = boom boom boom
2014-09-25 20:07.19 swifty: ow
2014-09-25 20:07.38 swifty: looks like someones having a TK war
2014-09-25 20:07.49 easylee: open
2014-09-25 20:07.57 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:08.19 easylee: be nice and thankful.-)
2014-09-25 20:08.26 swifty: thank you sir
2014-09-25 20:08.28 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:08.29 Dr.HannibalLecter: where is minigun
2014-09-25 20:08.34 swifty: for you have given me the gun of teamkilling
2014-09-25 20:08.37 easylee: ripperway
2014-09-25 20:08.37 swifty: aka so much team damage it hurts
2014-09-25 20:08.53 easylee: mg is open already
2014-09-25 20:09.07 easylee: rest is useless anyway
2014-09-25 20:09.19 Dr.HannibalLecter: i meant utminigun
2014-09-25 20:09.23 easylee: except rocke launcher
2014-09-25 20:09.36 easylee: its not in this map
2014-09-25 20:09.52 Dr.HannibalLecter: well i usually quit this map cause i dont like it
2014-09-25 20:09.56 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:10.06 Dr.HannibalLecter: too boring
2014-09-25 20:10.14 swifty: didnt you use to be able to revote
2014-09-25 20:10.22 swifty: probably a diff server
2014-09-25 20:11.02 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:11.05 Dr.HannibalLecter: rofl
2014-09-25 20:11.07 swifty: lmao
2014-09-25 20:11.10 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:14.00 swifty: sweet
2014-09-25 20:14.50 swifty: derp
2014-09-25 20:14.53 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:15.02 Dr.HannibalLecter: eating pears
2014-09-25 20:15.03 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol
2014-09-25 20:15.04 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:15.09 swifty: i like pears
2014-09-25 20:15.20 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:15.28 easylee: wait
2014-09-25 20:15.33 easylee: i use deemers
2014-09-25 20:16.11 swifty: dafuk
2014-09-25 20:16.17 Dr.HannibalLecter: blocked
2014-09-25 20:16.17 swifty: glitched tele
2014-09-25 20:16.22 easylee: u can come in now
2014-09-25 20:17.13 easylee: gj?
2014-09-25 20:17.15 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:17.28 easylee: sexy
2014-09-25 20:17.29 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol
2014-09-25 20:17.51 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:18.06 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:18.13 easylee: square dance^^
2014-09-25 20:18.15 swifty: :D
2014-09-25 20:18.18 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol
2014-09-25 20:18.49 swifty: omfg
2014-09-25 20:19.08 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:19.15 easylee: swimming cat^^
2014-09-25 20:19.18 easylee: rare
2014-09-25 20:19.38 Dr.HannibalLecter: i can bounce here
2014-09-25 20:19.39 Mrs.Cat:
2014-09-25 20:19.50 Dr.HannibalLecter: mousewheel broken
2014-09-25 20:19.53 Dr.HannibalLecter: i cant
2014-09-25 20:20.01 easylee: damn
2014-09-25 20:21.36 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:21.48 easylee: need a drink?
2014-09-25 20:21.52 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol
2014-09-25 20:21.56 easylee: your voice sounds scrabled
2014-09-25 20:22.02 easylee: srambled*
2014-09-25 20:22.05 Dr.HannibalLecter: haha
2014-09-25 20:22.06 easylee: omg lol
2014-09-25 20:22.44 Dr.HannibalLecter: haha
2014-09-25 20:22.46 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:22.54 easylee: i kill it
2014-09-25 20:22.56 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:23.06 Dr.HannibalLecter: no weapons
2014-09-25 20:24.16 easylee: hm
2014-09-25 20:24.24 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:30.22 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:34.21 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:34.33 easylee: grrr
2014-09-25 20:39.42 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:40.08 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:47.02 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:49.48 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:51.02 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:51.05 joss55: bb
2014-09-25 20:51.07 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:51.10 easylee: bb.-)
2014-09-25 20:51.19 Dr.HannibalLecter: :(
2014-09-25 20:51.26 easylee: the all get demotivated so fast
2014-09-25 20:51.44 easylee: i wouldnt survive in real life a single day if i gave up that fast^^
2014-09-25 20:51.54 Dr.HannibalLecter: haha
2014-09-25 20:51.57 Dr.HannibalLecter: true
2014-09-25 20:53.19 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:53.28 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:53.33 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:55.37 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:56.51 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:57.03 easylee: grrr
2014-09-25 20:58.58 Mr_Cat: STAY BACK MADNESS!!..
2014-09-25 20:59.05 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 20:59.17 Dr.HannibalLecter: dont touch my enforcer
2014-09-25 20:59.18 Dr.HannibalLecter: ffs
2014-09-25 21:02.12 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:02.21 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:03.48 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:05.40 Mr_Cat: that shooty-pooty lover
2014-09-25 21:07.06 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:08.12 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:08.44 Mr_Cat: the bigger guy falls louder!
2014-09-25 21:09.02 easylee: he has antigrav nikes
2014-09-25 21:09.38 Dr.HannibalLecter: aww bullets are over
2014-09-25 21:09.58 Mr_Cat: BABUSHKA!
2014-09-25 21:10.07 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:10.56 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:11.08 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:11.34 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:11.41 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:11.46 easylee: hahaha
2014-09-25 21:11.55 easylee: looks soooo funny
2014-09-25 21:12.01 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:12.06 easylee: lmao
2014-09-25 21:12.51 easylee: ripperjump
2014-09-25 21:12.53 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol i used only enforcer and chainsaw
2014-09-25 21:12.55 easylee: hurts though
2014-09-25 21:13.01 Dr.HannibalLecter: 95k
2014-09-25 21:13.03 easylee: and
2014-09-25 21:13.09 easylee: u killed the queen
2014-09-25 21:13.11 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..
2014-09-25 21:13.12 Dr.HannibalLecter: haah
2014-09-25 21:13.20 easylee: and
2014-09-25 21:13.30 easylee: it was the most entertaining about this map^^
2014-09-25 21:13.36 Dr.HannibalLecter: lol
2014-09-25 21:13.47 Mrs.Cat: !v
2014-09-25 21:14.07 easylee: ..:::L0L:::..

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