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Match Infos
Distance traveled:14,72km
Map Time:00:18:51
Playdate:2015-03-31 17:06:29
Team Awards:
UltraMagnetic52103 2 0 0 00:18:51 3,49km
Horserus13199 5 0 0 00:18:51 5,05km
karkass151887 0 0 0 00:18:51 3,37km
GOLFIK_PL11721 2 0 0 00:07:47 2,18km
player41038 0 0 0 00:01:35 0,55km
Player50 0 0 0 00:00:18 0,08km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
UltraMagnetic 0 24/1 1 36 8 1 3 16 1 4 0 0 2 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 100
Horserus 1/1 9 0 17/1 1 1 0/1 4 0/1 1 0 0 3 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 41
karkass 20 23 2 23 10 4 2 24 1 31 0 0 16 99 0 0 0 0 0 255
GOLFIK_PL 0 1 0/1 21 13 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 39
player4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Player5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-03-31 16:49.11 John_Titor: well obviously i´ve heard it before somewhere right?
2015-03-31 16:49.20 Player5: your welcome kark
2015-03-31 16:49.21 Player5: :P
2015-03-31 16:49.34 Player5: !s
2015-03-31 16:50.23 Player5:john u new here?
2015-03-31 16:50.32 John_Titor: in this year yes
2015-03-31 16:50.40 Player5:ohh hey :d
2015-03-31 16:50.45 John_Titor: heya
2015-03-31 16:51.24 John_Titor: i´ve played here before, but been a while i guess
2015-03-31 16:51.36 Player5:so not a new player :D
2015-03-31 16:51.48 Player5:it´s first time i see u here thats why i ask :D
2015-03-31 16:52.32 John_Titor: who are you p;layer 5?
2015-03-31 16:52.36 Player5:ankea
2015-03-31 16:52.44 Player5:been a year playing here i guess
2015-03-31 16:52.47 Player5:or few months
2015-03-31 16:53.00 John_Titor: woops
2015-03-31 16:53.05 John_Titor: trying to talk
2015-03-31 16:53.11 Player5:i saw that :D
2015-03-31 16:53.21 Player5:i hate when that happens
2015-03-31 16:53.21 John_Titor: nice to meet u
2015-03-31 16:53.27 Player5:me too :D
2015-03-31 16:56.24 John_Titor: lol
2015-03-31 16:57.53 Player5: !s
2015-03-31 16:59.07 karkass: really u shouldn´t use rockets
2015-03-31 16:59.15 John_Titor: i was using minigun
2015-03-31 16:59.16 karkass: only exception is pupaes
2015-03-31 16:59.21 karkass: oh
2015-03-31 16:59.43 John_Titor: i didnt see any rockets
2015-03-31 17:06.42 John_Titor: gg
2015-03-31 17:07.04 John_Titor: ah thnx u2
2015-03-31 17:07.06 John_Titor: gg
2015-03-31 17:07.10 karkass: gg
2015-03-31 17:07.12 John_Titor: haha

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