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Match Infos
Distance traveled:45,29km
Map Time:00:37:04
Playdate:2015-08-29 16:43:57
Team Awards:
Sette_BicchierI78078 3 0 0 00:37:04 6,53km
Andromeda125571 0 0 0 00:37:04 3,10km
karkass322960 1 0 0 00:37:04 6,06km
YojeekBobo34509 8 0 1 00:36:44 8,18km
Ankea242418 1 0 0 00:30:41 5,51km
A2e434111 2 0 0 00:13:32 3,64km
Dawid_POL67252 1 0 0 00:10:26 2,19km
Jerome19400 1 0 0 00:09:27 2,48km
Rott42947 0 0 0 00:09:03 1,05km
Hacpy_Bam34673 1 0 0 00:08:43 1,99km
FHJEF3203 1 0 0 00:06:19 1,84km
YaSkO0 0 0 0 00:04:58 1,46km
Tachibana7297 0 0 0 00:02:25 0,87km
Bloodsnake0 0 0 0 00:01:31 0,39km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Sette_BicchierI 0 6 3/1 23 6 1 1/1 2 0 0 3/1 0 6 19 6 0 0 0 5 81
Andromeda 1 9 2 9 9 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 2 15 2 0 0 0 11 66
karkass 3 21 6/1 21 23 6 10 2 0 0 6 0 23 21 10 0 0 0 34 186
YojeekBobo 0 5/1 0/1 13/2 12 0 0 9 1 0 2 0 1 12 0 0 0 0 0/3 55
Ankea 0 18 9 12 6 0 1/1 4 0 0 4 0 1 34 0 0 0 0 27 116
A2e4 3 0 0 9/1 3 4 3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
Dawid_POL 4 4 0 0 0/1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 13
Jerome 0 0 0 2/1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Rott 0 1 4 8 17 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
Hacpy_Bam 0 7 0 0 1/1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
FHJEF 0 0 0 6/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
YaSkO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tachibana 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Bloodsnake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-08-29 16:11.43 Jerome: hi
2015-08-29 16:11.53 .Zenobia.: hi
2015-08-29 16:14.35 Jerome: we are trapped ?
2015-08-29 16:14.48 karkass: go to the white dot it´s a lift
2015-08-29 16:14.50 A2e4: yes :/
2015-08-29 16:14.54 karkass: go to the white dot it´s a lift
2015-08-29 16:15.22 Jerome: here
2015-08-29 16:16.42 _=FHJEF=_: hi again
2015-08-29 16:16.45 karkass: wb
2015-08-29 16:16.47 Sette_BicchierI: hi
2015-08-29 16:18.09 Jerome: hey basilus please dont shoot my ass
2015-08-29 16:18.21 karkass: shoot his balls instead
2015-08-29 16:18.39 Jerome: we are not on cod or cqs
2015-08-29 16:21.11 Sette_BicchierI: D:
2015-08-29 16:21.42 Ankea: 3andy pl keteer 3aly lo
2015-08-29 16:21.45 _=FHJEF=_: lel
2015-08-29 16:22.01 Ankea: 70%
2015-08-29 16:25.11 Basileus: !TS
2015-08-29 16:25.26 Basileus: TNX
2015-08-29 16:25.55 Ankea: ty
2015-08-29 16:28.10 .Zenobia.: where to go ?
2015-08-29 16:28.14 karkass: u know it
2015-08-29 16:28.18 .Zenobia.: no
2015-08-29 16:28.20 karkass: always the last to the right
2015-08-29 16:28.21 Ankea: titans
2015-08-29 16:28.40 Ankea: mat we manzro kan keteer 7elw :P
2015-08-29 16:28.43 Ankea: enbsaat D:
2015-08-29 16:28.57 .Zenobia.: hehe ra7et 3layeh hal shaofy :D
2015-08-29 16:29.04 Schumi84: whre are you
2015-08-29 16:30.29 Sette_BicchierI: ty
2015-08-29 16:34.05 Ankea: lol
2015-08-29 16:38.00 Ankea: atkr shi bakroh fe hey l map this part
2015-08-29 16:38.26 .Zenobia.: la wloo :D , 2na b7bo lhal part l2nno 2shal shy
2015-08-29 16:38.31 Ankea: :D
2015-08-29 16:44.28 Acn0va: !p
2015-08-29 16:44.36 Acn0va: slt
2015-08-29 16:44.37 Acn0va: hi
2015-08-29 16:44.40 karkass: hi
2015-08-29 16:44.41 .Zenobia.: hi

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