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Match Infos
Distance traveled:63,02km
Map Time:00:30:48
Playdate:2012-07-31 01:48:59
Team Awards:
Buttercup49485 2 0 0 00:30:48 8,36km
dU.Suz117993 1 0 0 00:30:48 5,85km
Piro217495 1 0 0 00:30:48 6,37km
monociglio_deluxe105306 2 0 0 00:30:26 7,13km
br00ze109807 0 0 0 00:29:49 6,50km
Fabs28508 3 0 0 00:29:47 7,23km
EEE_PC*81399 7 0 1 00:29:30 7,90km
Jetlagg47009 1 0 0 00:24:31 4,93km
Dae33211 2 0 0 00:17:33 3,55km
Tanya36380 3 0 0 00:16:00 5,22km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Buttercup 1 4/1 1 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 5/1 29
dU.Suz 1 3 2/1 9 7 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 32
Piro 5 20 3 13 15 10 7 2 0 0 3 0 0 18 11 0 0 0 23/2 130
monociglio_deluxe 0 14 8 12/1 3 5 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 9 60
br00ze 1 6 0 10 6 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 23 6 0 0 0 0 1 61
Fabs 0 4/1 1/1 7 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 2/1 29
EEE_PC* 7 12/1 6 26 15 0 0/1 15 0 0 4/1 0 5 7 0 0 0 0 19/1 116
Jetlagg 0 4 1 6 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 28 0 0 0 0 8/1 57
Dae 0 4 0 2 8 0 0 0 1 0 2/1 0 2 9 1 0 0 0 3 32
Tanya 0 7 2/2 13/1 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 1 0 0 0 7 56
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-07-31 01:21.57 Suz: wb incognita :P
2012-07-31 01:21.59 [S.A.S.]_Ady: hi all
2012-07-31 01:22.03 monociglio_deluxe: hi
2012-07-31 01:22.09 incognita:arigatou :P
2012-07-31 01:22.16 Suz: xD
2012-07-31 01:22.23 br00ze: suuuuzy
2012-07-31 01:22.23 Suz: br00zy :D
2012-07-31 01:22.41 monociglio_deluxe: this one looks new
2012-07-31 01:22.50 incognita:it is
2012-07-31 01:23.02 monociglio_deluxe: nice
2012-07-31 01:23.08 [S.A.S.]_Ady: NOT U LOLOLOL
2012-07-31 01:23.19 [S.A.S.]_Ady: I LIKE TO SAY DIE BITCH
2012-07-31 01:23.25 [S.A.S.]_Ady: FAIL
2012-07-31 01:24.29 monociglio_deluxe: stop killing the floors, they did nothing bad to you :/
2012-07-31 01:24.37 Suz: haha :P
2012-07-31 01:24.45 [S.A.S.]_Ady: floor say HI to mee
2012-07-31 01:24.50 monociglio_deluxe: lol
2012-07-31 01:25.01 br00ze: the machine gun sound now as 10 hour dvd
2012-07-31 01:25.16 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:25.37 br00ze: i guess u still no tried the spooooky maps
2012-07-31 01:25.46 Suz: i did
2012-07-31 01:25.47 Suz: a few
2012-07-31 01:25.49 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:25.52 br00ze: really?!
2012-07-31 01:25.58 Suz: yes
2012-07-31 01:26.03 br00ze: aaaand?
2012-07-31 01:26.19 br00ze: i know .. not really spooky
2012-07-31 01:26.22 Suz: it was nice and scary and i was all alone :P
2012-07-31 01:26.23 Suz: lolz
2012-07-31 01:26.24 br00ze: but the idea counts
2012-07-31 01:26.28 Suz: nah, it was ok :P
2012-07-31 01:26.36 br00ze: it had vampires in some
2012-07-31 01:26.42 Suz: :P
2012-07-31 01:27.08 br00ze: these boots make me scream like girl
2012-07-31 01:27.14 Suz: lolol
2012-07-31 01:27.15 Suz: yeah
2012-07-31 01:27.18 [S.A.S.]_Ady: hi jet
2012-07-31 01:27.24 Jetlagg: hey Ady !
2012-07-31 01:27.26 monociglio_deluxe: nukebag :S
2012-07-31 01:27.28 Suz: those boots are nice xD
2012-07-31 01:27.31 [S.A.S.]_Ady: what skin is that ?
2012-07-31 01:27.33 [S.A.S.]_Ady: jet
2012-07-31 01:27.41 Jetlagg: O.o
2012-07-31 01:27.48 [S.A.S.]_Ady: wtf
2012-07-31 01:27.50 Jetlagg: oh.. its a default skin
2012-07-31 01:27.55 br00ze: can we replace the weapon sounds with other sounds?
2012-07-31 01:27.57 Jetlagg: i forgot to change
2012-07-31 01:28.19 br00ze: perpahs the sound of a fan ?
2012-07-31 01:28.24 br00ze: instead of machine gun ?
2012-07-31 01:28.25 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:28.32 Jetlagg: I use a squirrel skin (SgtNutz) on a different server
2012-07-31 01:28.37 br00ze: how
2012-07-31 01:28.44 br00ze: i wonder in which texzture package that is
2012-07-31 01:28.51 br00ze: i saw a squrriel on a bt server
2012-07-31 01:29.01 Jetlagg: Sam´s bt??
2012-07-31 01:29.08 br00ze: fbt1,2,3
2012-07-31 01:29.12 Jetlagg: i use squirrel there too^^
2012-07-31 01:29.14 Jetlagg: oh
2012-07-31 01:29.18 br00ze: it that from that mh map
2012-07-31 01:29.26 br00ze: squirrel troopers inside .. and warcows
2012-07-31 01:29.39 monociglio_deluxe: ugh lag :s
2012-07-31 01:29.46 Suz: xD
2012-07-31 01:29.58 [S.A.S.]_Ady: jet what is skin name ?
2012-07-31 01:30.05 br00ze: cow abductions ... run my cow friends
2012-07-31 01:30.13 br00ze: its real
2012-07-31 01:30.19 Jetlagg: squirrel or this one??
2012-07-31 01:30.32 [S.A.S.]_Ady: this
2012-07-31 01:30.36 br00ze: u seem normal skin to me
2012-07-31 01:31.05 Suz: lol you even kill the statue xD
2012-07-31 01:31.06 Jetlagg: male soilder, marine, face: malcom
2012-07-31 01:31.15 br00ze: y
2012-07-31 01:31.18 [S.A.S.]_Ady: ty
2012-07-31 01:32.06 incognita:whoa, UT froze :/
2012-07-31 01:32.21 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:32.24 Jetlagg: still crashing Incognita?
2012-07-31 01:32.24 Suz: still having problems?
2012-07-31 01:32.30 incognita:not as much as before
2012-07-31 01:32.40 monociglio_deluxe: packet loss?
2012-07-31 01:32.40 incognita:looks like your hint has helped, jet
2012-07-31 01:32.44 incognita:nope
2012-07-31 01:32.47 incognita:crashes
2012-07-31 01:32.51 [S.A.S.]_Ady: LO I DANCE WITH H ON HIS DI*K
2012-07-31 01:32.52 monociglio_deluxe: hmm weird
2012-07-31 01:33.05 monociglio_deluxe: maybe a corrupted file in your cache?
2012-07-31 01:33.56 incognita:jet had advised me to clear my cache before, and that did help
2012-07-31 01:34.02 incognita:so maybe
2012-07-31 01:34.10 monociglio_deluxe: delete also all tmp files
2012-07-31 01:34.16 incognita:I always do
2012-07-31 01:34.18 monociglio_deluxe: those can give you troubles
2012-07-31 01:34.21 monociglio_deluxe: alright
2012-07-31 01:34.34 Jetlagg: I usually clear my cache folder once a week, but i visit a few servers... my ut folder is almost 9gb
2012-07-31 01:34.38 Tanya: hi a;;
2012-07-31 01:34.44 [S.A.S.]_Ady: hi
2012-07-31 01:34.45 br00ze: <ESC> -> Options -> Advanced Options -> Advanced -> PurgeCacheDays 0 <-
2012-07-31 01:34.45 Tanya: all*
2012-07-31 01:34.47 Suz: hello
2012-07-31 01:34.48 incognita:hi
2012-07-31 01:34.51 monociglio_deluxe: hi
2012-07-31 01:34.55 EEE_PC_901*: hii
2012-07-31 01:35.17 incognita:well, my whole UT folder is
2012-07-31 01:35.20 incognita:15 GB xD
2012-07-31 01:35.24 Jetlagg: omg
2012-07-31 01:35.34 Jetlagg: dm, ctf, bt, mh??
2012-07-31 01:35.34 monociglio_deluxe: lol my cache was 8 GB or so, but reinstalled UT recently
2012-07-31 01:35.44 incognita:roger
2012-07-31 01:35.56 [S.A.S.]_Ady: what ?
2012-07-31 01:36.01 Suz: purr purr :P
2012-07-31 01:36.04 Jetlagg: just ctf, bt, and mh for me
2012-07-31 01:36.05 [S.A.S.]_Ady: WTF
2012-07-31 01:36.07 incognita:lol suz
2012-07-31 01:36.22 br00ze: meoooow
2012-07-31 01:36.30 Suz: :P
2012-07-31 01:36.31 monociglio_deluxe: first deemer i use in the whole map, and teamkill
2012-07-31 01:36.32 monociglio_deluxe: -.-
2012-07-31 01:36.40 [S.A.S.]_Ady: opfklefnewj
2012-07-31 01:36.43 incognita:happens
2012-07-31 01:37.26 EEE_PC_901*: aaarf
2012-07-31 01:37.29 monociglio_deluxe: like that
2012-07-31 01:38.27 monociglio_deluxe: ?
2012-07-31 01:38.34 [S.A.S.]_Ady: is not home
2012-07-31 01:39.20 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:39.27 Suz: ^^
2012-07-31 01:39.32 monociglio_deluxe: vandora :o
2012-07-31 01:39.40 Suz: haha
2012-07-31 01:39.45 [S.A.S.]_Ady: LOL
2012-07-31 01:39.47 br00ze: ouch
2012-07-31 01:40.05 [S.A.S.]_Ady: LOOL ZOMBIES
2012-07-31 01:40.11 incognita::s
2012-07-31 01:40.23 [S.A.S.]_Ady: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2012-07-31 01:40.31 br00ze: they just want to hug you
2012-07-31 01:40.36 incognita:lol
2012-07-31 01:40.37 br00ze: dont me so mean
2012-07-31 01:40.54 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:40.59 Suz: all they want is love xD
2012-07-31 01:41.15 br00ze: rotten zombie xxx...
2012-07-31 01:41.23 [S.A.S.]_Ady: WTF
2012-07-31 01:41.23 monociglio_deluxe: holy
2012-07-31 01:41.25 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:41.46 br00ze: the fish does not look vey fresh
2012-07-31 01:41.51 Suz: eww
2012-07-31 01:42.01 br00ze: pls cover my nose suz .. i cant smell it
2012-07-31 01:42.10 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:42.19 Suz: hienaaa :P
2012-07-31 01:42.23 O_Hiena:oi
2012-07-31 01:42.32 br00ze: ah .. that cow hater
2012-07-31 01:42.32 monociglio_deluxe: lol a cow hater
2012-07-31 01:42.43 EEE_PC_901*: :)
2012-07-31 01:42.44 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:42.53 O_Hiena:a problem cow?
2012-07-31 01:43.08 br00ze: cows and problems .. thats impossible
2012-07-31 01:43.11 Suz: don´t go to the middle
2012-07-31 01:43.15 Suz: or the map will end xD
2012-07-31 01:43.17 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:43.21 monociglio_deluxe: omfg
2012-07-31 01:43.23 monociglio_deluxe: firequeen
2012-07-31 01:43.25 monociglio_deluxe: :s
2012-07-31 01:43.25 [S.A.S.]_Ady: ALL GO TO MIDDEL
2012-07-31 01:43.28 br00ze: u mean the map ends if someone goes mid ?
2012-07-31 01:43.28 Suz: haha
2012-07-31 01:43.29 O_Hiena:cows = problems
2012-07-31 01:43.45 br00ze: cows != problems
2012-07-31 01:43.47 [S.A.S.]_Ady: wtf
2012-07-31 01:43.49 monociglio_deluxe: cows raise the CO2 levels in the atmosphere
2012-07-31 01:43.56 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:43.56 EEE_PC_901*: lol
2012-07-31 01:43.57 br00ze: bs
2012-07-31 01:44.09 br00ze: its the 7 billion who fart every day
2012-07-31 01:44.09 monociglio_deluxe: they should put filters in their butts
2012-07-31 01:44.17 monociglio_deluxe: lol
2012-07-31 01:44.50 O_Hiena:i hate cows and cows hate me :)
2012-07-31 01:44.58 br00ze: cows dump methan .. not co2
2012-07-31 01:45.32 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:46.47 [S.A.S.]_Ady: LOL
2012-07-31 01:47.14 Jetlagg: fk
2012-07-31 01:48.42 [S.A.S.]_Ady: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2012-07-31 01:49.00 [S.A.S.]_Ady: my rocket ball
2012-07-31 01:49.03 EEE_PC_901*: gg
2012-07-31 01:49.06 Piro: gg all
2012-07-31 01:49.08 EEE_PC_901*: nice map
2012-07-31 01:49.09 [S.A.S.]_Ady: is me i win
2012-07-31 01:49.21 [S.A.S.]_Ady: DANCE AND ENJOIN
2012-07-31 01:49.22 Suz: meow xD
2012-07-31 01:49.27 <[MHA]>Dae: dont know why the map doesnt have the good weapons
2012-07-31 01:49.31 [S.A.S.]_Ady: see my dance and enjoi
2012-07-31 01:49.33 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:49.35 br00ze: some more spoooky map?
2012-07-31 01:49.36 monociglio_deluxe: what good weapons?
2012-07-31 01:49.37 [S.A.S.]_Ady: yeah suck it
2012-07-31 01:49.42 [S.A.S.]_Ady: monsters
2012-07-31 01:49.58 [S.A.S.]_Ady: XD
2012-07-31 01:50.01 <[MHA]>Dae: the original map has super weapons
2012-07-31 01:50.04 monociglio_deluxe: oh
2012-07-31 01:50.10 Rafas:
2012-07-31 01:50.12 Suz: but that´s just on the crazy server xD
2012-07-31 01:50.13 Suz: lol
2012-07-31 01:50.13 monociglio_deluxe: well not suitable for this server I suppose
2012-07-31 01:50.17 Rafas: rrrrr
2012-07-31 01:50.22 <[MHA]>Dae: oki
2012-07-31 01:50.26 Rafas:
2012-07-31 01:50.31 Rafas: ok

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